Kimbo Slice on The Ultimate Fighter ?


Getting Noticed By Management
So apparently in a press conference after UFC 90 , UFC president Dana White said that if he wanted to , Kimbo Slice was welcome to be on The Ultimate Fighter in a coming season. He went on to say that his stance on Kimbo hasnt changed. Just because he had 10,000,000 Youtube hits doesnt mean that you're a real fighter. White said that he doesnt think that Kimbo would win the show but he's welcome to try.

I laughed my ass off when i first read that Kimbo could be on TUF. I personaly think Kimbo's ego is too huge for him to go on the show. I personaly would love to see him go on the show and get knocked out by some guy 20 pounds smaller than him. Could you imagine if he was to be on the rumored season featuring Dan Henderson and Michael Bisping as the head coaches ? I gurantee Slice doesnt have a good work ethic in the gym because it looks like he's gassed 1 minute into a fight. I would find it very entertaining to see Kimbo be on Michael Bispings team. I could see Kimbo quiting because Bisping was working him too hard. But i realy dont see Kimbo actualy joining TUF. He's headed for TNA wrestling in my opinion.

Your thoughts ?
This would be great. I wonder if he'll take the bait? He might have to. Either way UFC can't lose. One name fighter in a bunch of nobodies could make the series one of the most popular yet. It's losing legs, but having the whole series centered, unofficiallythat is, around one fighter could be very intresting. And if he get's eliminated early, then point proven.
I can't see anyone going from making 500,000 in one night to living in a reality show house. Also, if he agreed to do TUF he would hopefully be smart enough to know every guy in that house would most likely hate him, go after him hard(training and fight) or both. With that said I would watch if it happened.
I actually met Kimbo before his first pro fight. He was one of the nicest guys I ever met. Someone in his crew was getting out of line with a girl, and he checked him immediately.

I think he would do all right on TUF. How many of those guys have been trained by Bas Ruten. His problem is his age. He got started late, so he got thrown into some fights. If you took someone of his build, attitude, and athletic ability at 19 and trained him, he would be one of the top heavyweights in the game today.
Kimbo and Bas are too smart to put him on TUF. Kimbo's best chance is to try and avenge his loss to Seth and then milk a couple of big money appearances in Japan for Dream or Sengoku where the audience over there eats up freakshow fights with heavyweights like Slice for breakfast. If he goes into that house, he'll likely be squashed in his first fight. And if by some divine miracle he wins the thing? He's climbing into a division that has recently become a rat's nest with fighters that are exponentially superior to him in every single aspect of the game. Kimbo only got the money and exposure he did with Pro-Elite because the company was run by complete fucktards and now they're paying to price for banking their fiscal future on a complete lemon instead of keying their fight cards around their actual talent. Age is the key factor here, and Kimbo has a very short shelf-life with which to try and snare some big paydays like he was getting from Elite. Don't take this as a personal knock on Kimbo. I've seen him on Inside MMA several times and he understands his place in the MMA pecking order. I actually commend him for getting the paydays he is with the miniscule talent he has.

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