Killam, You're Getting A Break

Con T.

Yaz ain't enough, I need Fluttershy
You're not the biggest bellend on the main site; that belongs to Martyn Nolan, after this article:

Bryan is now basically the PG Austin. He has a massive support and in storyline he isn’t what the company wants. He is however on a wave of popularity and Triple H is now the PG Mr. McMahon character which should now be putting barriers up for Bryan to come running through (I hope that all makes sense!).

1. Wasn't that CM Punk that was allegedly the PG Austin? Hell, we just spent an entire year basically saying that.

2. Austin ruined a coronation with a beer truck/zamboni

Kurt Angle ruined Stone Cold Steve Austin night with a milk truck

Daniel Bryan got his ass kicked.

I know it's been two shows, but I would bet this keeps up.
I understand where he's coming from, it's very similar obviously aside from the fact that Bryan isn't a badass driving trucks. The CM Punk reference is a proof that wrestling fans are sheep, they have little in common. CM Punk was legitimately pissed at the WWE way of doing things, Austin was all a work and he didn't showed hate for the WWE, only for Vince McMahon's character.
I understand where he's coming from, it's very similar obviously aside from the fact that Bryan isn't a badass driving trucks. The CM Punk reference is a proof that wrestling fans are sheep, they have little in common. CM Punk was legitimately pissed at the WWE way of doing things, Austin was all a work and he didn't showed hate for the WWE, only for Vince McMahon's character.

The sad thing is, he could be if booked like one. I just doubt that's happening
He's more like Mankind, really. Awkward, odd looking, somewhat different from the other wrestlers, got stabbed by the corporate heads and got his big moment taken from him from a major face turning heel.
He's more like Mankind, really. Awkward, odd looking, somewhat different from the other wrestlers, got stabbed by the corporate heads and got his big moment taken from him from a major face turning heel.

True.... But Triple H was allegedly never that high on Mick Foley...

See where this is all going?
I don't know, but for now Bryan is #1 babyface in the company and I'm enjoying it for a change. Let's see if they make him or break him.
Bryan is like no character we have seen in wrestling before. I am no literary expert but I fail to see anything comparable in this story to anything seen in books, television, movies, or ancient cave drawings. One thing is clear, this story and it's characters will stick in the lore of human kind as long as we exist.

And I know this from a few segments on Raw earlier this week.
I see a lot of rehash and parallels with the attitude era here. They did the corporate makeover angle like they did with Foley before. So he basically played the Foley role. If you look back Foley got a huge pop when he wone the title just like DB. Both only held it a short while before one of the bosses screwed them and helped the baby face win it and turn heel. In the attitude era it was The Rock.

See how it's very parellel? We have VKM kinda like a Vince and Shane with Orton as the Rock and DB was Mankind. He went on to feud with the Rock for a while after this.

So we have a corporation team and the underdog role and the corporate champ fulfilled. We also have the Wyatts acting like a new Ministry. Bray is the evil one dispelling his gospel while he has his 2 big henchmen beating people up just like the acolytes did. Then they abducted Kane just like the Acolytes abducted people for Taker. I'm sure Kane will join as well as some other lower card talent.

We have 3mb as the job squad.

We have PTP like a new D-lo and Mark Henry. Ok I'm probably reaching there, but we do have a stronger tag division like during the attitude era.

I think Ziggler will eventually side with corporation. When Foley feuded with the corporate champ dx backed him and I think that is the sort of role that Big Show and Ziggler play before Ziggler turns heel.
I understand where he's coming from, it's very similar obviously aside from the fact that Bryan isn't a badass driving trucks. The CM Punk reference is a proof that wrestling fans are sheep, they have little in common. CM Punk was legitimately pissed at the WWE way of doing things, Austin was all a work and he didn't showed hate for the WWE, only for Vince McMahon's character.

Your article was shit.
So Bryan has been compared to Benoit, Angle, Foley, and now Austin.

He'll be back to being compared to Benoit if he wins the 2014 Royal Rumble. 10 years from when Benoit won the Rumble.
Macho Machismo said:
He'll be back to being compared to Benoit if he wins the 2014 Royal Rumble. 10 years from when Benoit won the Rumble.
Or Batista if he teams with Rey.
Or Bret if he ever wears sunglasses.
Or Punk if he has any singles title for more than three months.

I love Bryan, though :)
Frankly, I don't see much of a parallel between Daniel Bryan and either Austin or Foley.


It's more because of the storyline than anything else.

And I guess because he and Foley look like wild-men with the beard and hair.

Really I think they nailed it on the head; Bryan isn't Cena, he's not Rock (and he's not Angle, Punk or Benoit either for that matter), but he is the first Daniel Bryan.
Really I think they nailed it on the head; Bryan isn't Cena, he's not Rock (and he's not Angle, Punk or Benoit either for that matter), but he is the first Daniel Bryan.

Thanks! I try.

I think that there will never be another Shawn Michaels. There will never be another Hulk Hogan. There will never be another Ric Flair, The Rock, Undertaker, Bobby Heenan, Jim Ross, Curt Hennig, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, etc. etc.

Daniel Bryan is and will be the first and only Daniel Bryan.
I used to say that about Orton 4 years ago, "hes not the next Stone Cold, hes the first Randy Orton." Thought I was really clever as well.

You're not the biggest bellend on the main site; that belongs to Martyn Nolan, after this article:

1. Wasn't that CM Punk that was allegedly the PG Austin? Hell, we just spent an entire year basically saying that.

2. Austin ruined a coronation with a beer truck/zamboni

Kurt Angle ruined Stone Cold Steve Austin night with a milk truck

Daniel Bryan got his ass kicked.

I know it's been two shows, but I would bet this keeps up.

Fuck CM Punk. Sorry.

True.... But Triple H was allegedly never that high on Mick Foley...

See where this is all going?

Thats because Foley was more popular than him.

Far, far more like Mankind. None of these guys are Austin.

Insanely popular, better chaser than Champion. Goes against the grain. HHH must be having nightmares back to the attitude era where he didnt break the top 5 most important people on the roster.

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