Kid Hurt By Security At House Show


Call it quits, or get a grip.
Although details are sketchy, reports coming out of this weekend's WWE house show from Las Cruces, NM are noting that an overexcited 9 year old child jumped the rail to hug CM Punk.

The controversy stems from security yanking him by the leg out of the ring so he face planted the mat.

His family were ejected.

Judging by the direction of the company one would think they'd be a little more kid friendly.



Poor kid. I'm laughing at the last line, not the face plant...

...or am I? Seriously though, that's pretty bad. They could have been a little more cautious with the kid. The whole situation seems overly harsh. Did they really think the kid was a threat to Punk? Or any grown man for that matter?
With the new pg thing i am surprised they yanked him and let him face plant. I agree with you what the hell will a little kid do to a man 3 times his size, pull a knife a stab him... no. If i were security i would have told him you cant do that blah blah blah. They did not handle this well if he had serious injury they could sue the wwe. (highly unlikely). Maybe if he knew what the good wrestling is he would sue to change the pg bullsh*t.:smashfreakB:
That's brutal. That seems very harsh, especially when its a 9 year old kid going into the ring. What was he going to do, headbutt punk in the balls as he ran in for a hug? I'm sure Punk could have taken the kid back to the barricade and sent him on his merry way. If it was a twenty something year old guy, then by all means feel free to smash his face on the mat all you want. "Kid friendly", what a joke.
Okay. Sorry for that moment. But I agree. He's a kid who just wants to see his idol, he didn't want to get in his face smashed into the mats by security. But if it was like some drunk 40 year old, then go ahead. Smash his face into the mat and get it on video.
Ha ha. Stay behind the barricade stupid! This is a world of no discrimination, so whether it's a kid, a 74 year old woman, or a 26 year old man, you're gonna roughed up for going onto the "field of play". Betcha he won't do that again, lesson learned.:thumbsup:
First, I don't believe the kids family has a case against the WWE. The security that is at their events is actually hired, maintained and managed by the venue that they're in (I believe). I do know that at all the sporting events I cover, the house covers the security costs (it's contractually built in to the agreements promotors sign, i.e. Vince for WWE).

As for the kid jumping the railing, yes, it was a 9-year-old kid, but he still had no business being there. His parents should have been ejected !! Learn how to control your child or learn how to use a condom.

I take my 9-year-old son to dozens of events that I cover, whether it's baseball, football, soccer, etc... and he knows that he can't run on the field during the game.

Should security have been a little more gentle ?? Definitely, but when something like that happens, they don't take the time to stand back and say "oh, it's only a kid, let him go".

To add a bit of humor to the post, if they had grabbed a "little person" and he did a faceplant, would anyone care ??
I find it amusing that people are "surprised" that the security took out someone who tried to violate the rules, and go on stage with the performer. Has no one ever been to a concert before?

There's no case here. If the kid didn't want to meet the ring with his face, he should have stayed where he was.
First, I don't believe the kids family has a case against the WWE. The security that is at their events is actually hired, maintained and managed by the venue that they're in (I believe). I do know that at all the sporting events I cover, the house covers the security costs (it's contractually built in to the agreements promotors sign, i.e. Vince for WWE).
the wwe has there own security guards, but any ways i think they could have been nicer to him , I mean its not like he was running out there to hug HHH or HBk one of there untouchable guys lol

Does he look dangerous? No. I understand that security was just doing their job, but I expect better judgment. There is no need to slam his face on the mat. Regardless, the kid had no business being in the ring.
the wwe has there own security guards, but any ways i think they could have been nicer to him , I mean its not like he was running out there to hug HHH or HBk one of there untouchable guys lol

UUUMMMM, hate to tell you this, but you are wrong. My buddy is security coordinator at our venue. His guys work ring side and the crowd. The only WWE security guard the back. The guys who took the kid down are venue security.

I think the kid deserved it. You don't rush the stage at a concert, you don't rush the field at a game, and you don't rush the ring at a wrestling show.

I don't think his parents should sue, I think they should have all kids taken from them. If I would have jumped the rail, my mom would have beat my ass in that very ring before security even got there.
The guards were doing their job. The kid could of been a little man with a knife. Barriers were made for a reason. Cross them and expect to be dealt with however the security sees fit. I don't think the family has a case if they sue. Keep your fucking brat on a leash.
That's fucked up. Security guards are assholes. Sure, they have to do their job but they also need to have some sense. A wrestler is not in any danger from a 9 year old boy, there's no need to rough him up. Scum of the earth.
I don't think the parents should sue either. It's kind of their fault that they weren't paying attention to their child and just let him jump the barricade. Or maybe they told him to jump the barricade, hmm.

Anyways, if the kid was old enough he should have understood that you just don't jump a barricade because security will attack you no matter who you are. They have to act quick and my guess is that they weren't aiming at slamming his face into the mat, they were just trying to get him out quickly.

So the kid has learned his lesson and if he ever does go to another show he will know not to jump the barricade.

If it was me that jumped the barricade then my mom would be cursing at me all of the way home and probably give me an ass whooping if the tickets were expensive.
It's obviously the kids fault, and I think it's a reasonable idea that they didn't mean to hurt him. I doubt they were like "Hey man, let's f*ck this kid up!". Obviously the grabed him and he slipped/tripped and fell. On a side note, I once saw a drunk dude rush the ring at a house show, and it was hilarious. Mark Henry tried to boot the dude in the face, but he missed by about half a foot, and then like 10 security guys jumped him and threw him down while the whole crowd laughed at him. Good times.
Regardless of the new "direction" and PG-oriented content in the WWE as of late, I'm sure that hasn't significantly changed the way a hired and trained WWE security guard thinks. In the heat of the moment of that job, when they see any human being jump that barricade; getting them the fuck out is their primal instinct. They want to look like they're doing their job, not take the possible embarrassment of not taking charge over a 9 year old and also taking the risk of possibly getting chewed out by whoever is in charge. I'm sure the faceplant was not meant to be intentional.
Pff a face plant shoulda been a cheeky little chokeslam :) no seriously but imagine they just said no go and sit back down? EVERY 9 year old there woulda rushed over the barrier, so they saw little Franky (lets call him that) take a cheeky little face plant no more want to jump over the barrier now :D

And anyway the silly lil' s.o.b probly took a few more face plants on his bed when mummy and daddy got him home tickets ain't cheap lol :)
For one, the security are NOT WWE employees. They are usually locally employed by the arena where the WWE is holding its event. Second, the parents should have been watching the kid. It's not the kid's fault. They said he was like 9 years old right. The parents should have been paying attention. The security should not have let him faceplant, but the parents are ultimately at fault for not paying attention to their kid.
While I think the security were probably a bit rough with the kid. The kid knew he was doing something wrong, no matter how excited, so he should've known there was consequences.
But he is 9 and didn't pose any real threat. And Punk is known for being really nice to his fans so I don't think Punk would've actually minded. The security shouldn't have just tried to grab anything to pull the kid away from Punk, that's how accidents happen. Accidents like this one.
And as it's already been said, it was venue security not WWE security, so WWE should be safe.
the kid was nine not two, so he knew the difference between right and wrong, simple fact, If a two year old steals sweets your gonna tell that little on off regardless, if a nine year old does it, he will get his butt whooped and punished accordingly, you cant say that it wasn't the little guys fault.

Security where just doing there job that was stopping the intruder, if they beat him senseless afterwards then his parents would have a case, but the fact is hes his parents responsibility so if he did something stupid then his parents will pay the price and thats what happened, they all got chucked the hell out.

The parents need to accept that this is their fault and move on, if they see a penny from the WWE or the Arena i would be surpirsed seriously.
Yo, this is my opinion dawg. Kid jumped the rails went for the ring, as I hear it, secruity tried to drag him out again. I don't think that really anyone is at fault here. Parents? Not many people know what they have to go through, being that the kid is nine (I think), he's very capable of escaping his parents eyes for a minute whist he jacks the rails. He could just say "I'm going for a wee", then go all commando as his parents are none-the wiser.
Yes, I believe that secruity had handled the situation badly, but things happening that fast, I'm sure that they just made a quick reaction to anyone jacking the security rails. If they had time to think about it, and relise it was a kid and not just a short guy, I'm sure they would have made a more wiser move. Like I said, no one is at fault here, and that the kid should get his butt whipped by his parents just like a younger Stone Cold did, LOL.
In my opinion, it would have been better if security had just approached the kid quickly and calmly if he entered the ring and take him out and escort him and his parents out the areana. I know that they try to maintain kayfabe, but if you drag out someone by their feet, the odds are, it will hurt. Even if he reached Punk, he would of handled it. Punk is so cool he could just go "Hey kid, you know, you're not supposed to come over here!" and laugh casually with the audience and move on... Like I said, that's what I believe should of happened.
I'm with the security on this. If they didn't get him out as quickly as possible there is a risk of him getting more seriously hurt. Kid got what he deserved.
Nine year olds should know better than to jump a barrier, heck a five year would know better. If he can't handle the rules he needs to stay at home. Brats like him think they are special and can do whatever they want.
I think the security was right on. I worked security for multiple events in NYC. (Parades/Concerts/US Open Tennis) You are trained to react first...then assess the situation.

They saw someone jump the barrier and make a go for the ring. Since the PERSON got in the ring before they did, they did the only thing they can do.

There is no time to decide "Well is it a kid, a little person?" "What is his intent? Good? Bad" "Let's observe first..."

So what the kid got faceplanted. Odds are his parents either wasn;t watching him or could've encouraged it. Let's see if he ends up on YouTube...

*Sidebar- 9 year olds aren't innocent, what if he had some malicious intent? Even if that intent was to get attention?
Well that's unfortunate, but the kid got what was coming to him. Should they have been more gentle with him? Sure, but as some have stated already, security gaurds are trained to react to problems immediately and not wait and observe them. A nine year old may be no threat, but he should know better than to jump the barricade.

I don't know exactly when the kid jumped the barricade, but for arguements sake lets say it was during the match. Now this kid could have gotten hurt far worse if he were to be accidently hit with a move or any thing else you can think of.

I know if that kid were me, my parents would have given me hell and said I got what I desreved.

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