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Kevin Thorn's Potential


Occasional Pre-Show
I am probably in the minority here but I saw an enormous amount of potential in the Kevin Thorn character. I saw him as having the potential of a new age Undertaker. While no one will ever replace the Undertaker,he will forever go down as one of the greatest of all time, but the character could have followed a similar path & possibly been built up to be the new supernatural/undead kind of character that Taker is.

When Thorn had Ariel with him it was perfect, having the big dark monster barely speaking, giving him a mouth piece was a good touch it kept alot of his mystique. Very similar to Paul Bearer & Taker

As rumored, the original plan was to have Kevin Thorn start up a vampire or dark stable, similar to the ministry which would have been good after Thorn was established.

Also, similar to Undertaker, the options for storylines could be practically limitless, not to mention the fact that Thorn could have the First Blood match, similar to how the Undertaker has the Casket & Buried Alive matches, heck, maybe Thorn could have used the casket match to, seeing as they go hand in hand with Vampires as well as Undertakers.

He has since been released by the WWE, but not before they took the character & made it into a pretty generic kind of gimmick. I saw alot of wasted potential in the character.

Just like the Mordecai gimmick, a gimmick with so much potential has been flushed down the toilet.
Yeah I still don't know why he was released. I think WWE sometimes has an ego about their ability to make stars. When you have someone like Thorn who had two gimmicks that could have been really good, not to mention it was decent in the ring, how do you just release him like guys with his size and potential are all around. The Pope is a good example of how they just throw away talent.

What is Kevin Thorn doing right now? Mordecai lasted about a day I think, and most crap on the gimmick when they never really got to see what could be done with it (imagine if Mordecai was somehow involved in Taker/HBK's fued last year O_O).
New age Undertaker? Not a chance, dude. His vampire gimmick didn't even get one fifth
the reaction The Undertaker got during his first months in WWE as The Western Funeral Director who didn't feel pain.

The Undertaker is eternally >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin Thorn
I don't think they misused Thorn. His character had potential, he didn't. To be frank, I wasn't really impressed with his wrestling, and he didn't have the look either. The only thing he had going for him was Ariel.

You know who I think would've had a way better run with that character and I'll probably get some heat in here for saying it, but Wade Barrett would've been perfect for the role. Think about it, Wade has the look, the ability, the mic skills, and the size. You slip a supernatural gimmick to him like that, and he'd be an unstoppable force (until Cena hulks up and beats him overcoming all odds yet again).
I saw him earlier this month at a local event. He still looked good. He still had the same outfit but he played himself. He was talking on the mic and having a fun time. He made the fat slob he was wrestling look almost good. So he had potential. I wish he would return.
he was good...like damn good. but after ariel 'crossed the line, and he was on his own a lot of people stopped caring. peopl watched his intro just to see ariel bend over the ropes and show her cleavage...now she is doing campaigning to get weed legalized and he is doing indy shows. i personally wish he was still around but he needed better mic skills to make it in wwe on his own.
New age Undertaker? Not a chance, dude. His vampire gimmick didn't even get one fifth
the reaction The Undertaker got during his first months in WWE as The Western Funeral Director who didn't feel pain.

The Undertaker is eternally >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin Thorn

I understand this, I never meant that he would be able to replace The Undertaker as he is one of the all time greats, but you have to admit that Thorn was never really given a significant push. Taker came in and dominated everyone, even the main eventers. Thorn debuted on ECW (their least watched show) & defeated jobbers for the first few weeks/months. They never gave him a chance to get the characters over.

Taker (Well.. Brother Love & Bearer), were given significant mic time & put into feuds that actually meant something. Thorn was put into the New Breed Vs Originals feud that lasted maybe 2-3 months & was way to rushed. There was no real character development & before you knew it, he lost the gimmick and became just another generic wrestler before being shown the door.

And granted he isn't the greatest wrestler in the world, but he was pretty good & was constantly improving. He was definatley better in the ring then he was during the Mordecai days
From what I understand Thorn's character was going to be put into a stable with a returning Gangrel as either manager or elder wrestler, possibly plus one other wrestler in a vampirish gimmick, I'm not sure.

However due to complications with Gangrel returning, which was needed to give it that recognisability i guess, it never came to fruition which left Thorn with not much to do, especially after Ariel left.

However I did like his character, it was just interesting to see someone with an actual gimmick as opposed to lots of boring wrestlers currently just being themselves.
The title of the thread should have been Kevin Thorn's Lack of Potential. In the vampire gimmick I never saw him as anything more than a midcard jobber. It had very short legs and would have been ran into the ground very quickly. He had a decent look about him but something that gimmicky isn't going to work for very long unless your Undertaker. From what I saw he was at least decent in the ring but nothing to get yourself all wet over.

The only real potential I saw from him was when he was Mordecai, and even that was limited potential. A feud with Taker would have been pretty cool and nostalgiac of the awesome good vs evil storylines of the past. Other than that one feud, anything else he would have done would have been average at best.
I, personally, Like Thorn as a character a lot. And I always did when he was in his ''Thorn'' character.

The whole situation with comparing to the Undertaker, which makes NO SENSE at all. The idea of other ''Dark'' characters is NOT constricted to just him. That is so unfair its ridiculous.

The vampire thing wasn't touched until Gangrel to be very honest, Not the Undertaker. So the comparisons to Gangrel is fair, not with Taker.


Ariel (Shelly Martinez, Gorgeous), was a great manager for him, The look, the music, pretty much all of it was great entertainment, and great for the time of trying to re-invent Ecw.

His in-ring ability was getting better and I feel that he never truly got a fair shake. I don't think he should of been in the New Blood. A faction within ECW, of Thorn and characters similar to him would have worked better.

He himself was improving and he just got a bad shake.

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