Muhammad Hassan. Even though I was an emerging smark then, I would still get angry at him, all like "We don't hate you because you're Arab; we hate you because you accuse us of racism and you whine and bitch all the time"
The Oddities. That was the greatest thing I ever saw. It was the highlight of that ghastly event "Rock Bottom 1998". And seeing Kurrgan dance during the match was tops.
Gobbledygooker. I thought that was hilarious. Not in a good way, but more "This is so bad, I love it because it's horrifyingly bad".
Kevin Thorn and Ariel. They were great and sold the vampire thing great.
Someone mentioned it already: DOINK! I have an interview with him favorited on my Youtubes with him introducing himself. "Do you have a name?" "Yeah! Doink! HEEHEEHEE!" I see him as what Jack Nicholson should have been when playing the Joker in 1989.
Katie Vick. The single greatest "wrestlecrap-worthy" trash ever. I love this. I love it. It was so awesome. Awesome in the way that seeing a Corporate CEO get caught on tape saying he's going to kill his wife and steal all the company money, then confirms his identity by giving his social security number and his full name and date of birth while on the phone. That kind of awesome. And even as a mark-child back when I first saw it, I laughed hysterically at Triple Kane's pun, holding that mushy spaghetti in his hands and saying "I guess I really screwed your brains out!"