Kevin Smith Is Calling It Quits; Clerks III Will Be His Last Film

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Kevin Smith's final film as a director is going to take him back to the start. Smith announced on Twitter that "Clerks 3" will be his last feature, just as long as original star Jeff Anderson signs a deal to co-star.

Smith had originally planned to retire from directing with the two-part hockey epic "Hit Somebody," but earlier this week he revealed that film would become a miniseries. (As yet, no network has signed As Slashfilm noted, Smith has been talking about a potential "Clerks 3" (or "Clerks III" if you're feeling roman numeral-y) since 2010. In an interview with the Boston Phoenix, Smith teased the plot of "Clerks 3":

“'Red State' is done. Next step is the hockey movie, 'Hit Somebody.' Then I’m done. There’s possibly a 'Clerks 3.; If I have something to say in my late 40s about being in my late 40s, I’ll think of ['Clerks'] Dante and Randal. Shy of that, I don’t have any more movies I want to make.”

Of course, whether Anderson signs on remains to be seen. During press rounds for "Clerks II," Anderson expressed doubt about ever wanting return to the iconic character he made famous.

'I don't think I want to see these guys back in a live action; 'Clerks II' is a nice book-end to 'Clerks.' It's a movie that stands on its own, I love the way it ends, back where they were. And it ends with Kevin's mom, doing the exact same part that she did. It ends with a Soul Asylum song; they were on the original soundtrack and the song fits so well," he said to Movieweb. "I don't think you go back to it and mess with it again. I'm a fan of this and I like the way this turned out; it's just time for me to turn away."

Kevin Smith is one of my favorite writer/directors, but somehow, I think he'll be back someday. I dunno. Smith just doesn't seem like the type of guy to retire, and casually walk away so soon. After all, he's only 42, so he's got plenty of time left. Red State rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, and the buddy cop comedy with Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan (I forget the title) was mediocre at best. But every writer/director runs into a few bumps in the road during their career, nobody's perfect.

As far as Clerks III goes, I'm looking forward to it. I honestly don't understand the hate for Clerks II sometimes. Yeah, it wasn't as good as the original, but Clerks II had its moments, and the Lord Of The Rings VS Star Wars argument was hilarious, easily my favorite moment from any Kevin Smith film.

Thoughts on this?
and the buddy cop comedy with Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan (I forget the title) was mediocre at best.

Cop Out, I believe, as I'm going off of memory alone since it looked alwful and I didn't bother watching it.

That said, I've usually enjoyed Kevin Smith as both an actor and director. Some of his movies are not my style, but in general they're usually pretty fun. It'll be a shame to lose such a unique individual in the movie world, but as you said, I'm not entirely sure he's done either. He's got enough credibility that he'll still get scripts thrown at him even when he's retired and all it'll take is one that really piques his interest. I wouldn't be surprised if he just took a leave of absence for a few years before getting back into it.
I don't really mind too much.

Smith will always have his fanbase that will keep track of whatever other projects he attaches himself too; I assume that he will carry on writing/producing bits and pieces in the years to come as it just seems to be directing he is moving away from? For a guy who made an impact with a low-budget film, I would imagine that he may try and help out younger directors either get funding or get onto movie studios' respective radars. He seems like that kind of guy.

I find myself agreeing with Anderson though as the end of Clerks II was a nice way to finish things off and it makes me a bit apprehensive to think of what Smith will do to voice his 40 something year old thoughts through Randal and Dante.
Cop Out, I believe, as I'm going off of memory alone since it looked alwful and I didn't bother watching it.

Yep, that's the one. But if I remember correctly, Smith was only the director for that film. He didn't write the screenplay, so he doesn't deserve all of the blame.

I don't really mind too much.

Smith will always have his fanbase that will keep track of whatever other projects he attaches himself too; I assume that he will carry on writing/producing bits and pieces in the years to come as it just seems to be directing he is moving away from? For a guy who made an impact with a low-budget film, I would imagine that he may try and help out younger directors either get funding or get onto movie studios' respective radars. He seems like that kind of guy.

I find myself agreeing with Anderson though as the end of Clerks II was a nice way to finish things off and it makes me a bit apprehensive to think of what Smith will do to voice his 40 something year old thoughts through Randal and Dante.

According to his twitter, Smith is stepping away from writing and directing (I think the tweet is in the link to the article I posted). But yeah, Smith could be a mentor for young filmmakers, who are looking to break into the business. Smith can still offer some great advice, and I could see him stepping in the role of a producer as the years go by.
One of my favorite directors because of Clercks, Mallrats, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob etc.

I am sorry to hear that but he didnt really "shined" with his recent work so thats probably one of the reasons...

Really excited about Clercks 3 if they film it. :)
With all the new Clerks 3 info, I think it's sounding fantastic. A more hardcore Christian Elias, the original 4 back, Becky, and even VERONICA! Plus a bunch of little snippets for fans of the Askewniverse.

He said himself he might do more stuff in the future but what he's really getting away from is the whole Hollywood model of doing things, which I agree with him, is garbage. But all in all I'm not worried, there's the podcast empire and I'm sure he'll do some other stuff in the future. Plus I'm sure I'll like Clerks 3. He's had countless hours of podcasting and stuff to riff on some unbelievably funny ideas, so I wonder what he'll come up with.

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