Kevin Rudd


Master of the Aussie kiss
Well this really only Affects my fellow Australians, Unlees your up to date with your news and politics. but anyway, Has Kevin Rudd so far proven to be Better Then John Howard? So far he has
Apologised to the Aborignes, Something that John Howard refused to do. Pulled Most of the Australian Troops out of the war in Iraq, yet another thing that John Howard Didnt see the point in doing. He has also been Working non stop since the Very fist day he got voted to be the Prime Minister of Australia. I think that Kevin Rudd has already in less then a year proven to be Way better then John Howard. If ony we had of elected him in sooner. We wouldnt have GST, The new work place standard laws etc. So far he has been the complete opisite of john Howard When John Howard was PM he Broke all of his Initial Promises, I really cant see how John howard lasted so long. What is your Opinion Is Kevin Rudd better Then John Howard?
Well this really only Affects my fellow Australians, Unlees your up to date with your news and politics. but anyway, Has Kevin Rudd so far proven to be Better Then John Howard? So far he has
Apologised to the Aborignes, Something that John Howard refused to do. Pulled Most of the Australian Troops out of the war in Iraq, yet another thing that John Howard Didnt see the point in doing. He has also been Working non stop since the Very fist day he got voted to be the Prime Minister of Australia. I think that Kevin Rudd has already in less then a year proven to be Way better then John Howard. If ony we had of elected him in sooner. We wouldnt have GST, The new work place standard laws etc. So far he has been the complete opisite of john Howard When John Howard was PM he Broke all of his Initial Promises, I really cant see how John howard lasted so long. What is your Opinion Is Kevin Rudd better Then John Howard?

Well I have always been a John Howard supporter. In fact I always wanted him to win, that was until Kevin Rudd came along though. For the first time ever I wanted Howard to loose and let Rudd have a chance. Anyway Rudd won so I was as enthisiastic as you can get when it comes to politics, aleit that isn't really saying that much because you can't get too enthusiastic with politics. But anyway...

Kevin Rudd has done alot for us already, although Howard has alwys been seen as a good economist. Rudd apologised to the Aboriginals, which definately helped to 'mend the bridge' so to speak. Pulling troops out of Iraq was everyone was looking for and I really don't think Howard would have done that. To be fair Howard worked as hard as Rudd, but he didn't do as good of a job. At the moment, my opinion is that Rudd is doing a better job.
Apologising leads to hand outs which leads to bigger hand outs. it is a Problem in New Zealand really. Some Tribe of Maori makes a claim on Land saying that it is theirs. Therefore they should get so much in compensation. I expect that is what some callous and shrewed (sp?) Aborigine to actually work on this in Australia. and that is where Kevin Rudd opened the door for big problems in the future. GST isn't so bad really. New Zealand has to pay GST on top of Rates and Tax. So it is Tax on Tax.
In all honesty, I was never truly high on John Howard. I just didn't think he did enough good for the country. I especially began to dislike him in regards to bringing in the GST. I also didn't agree with him in sending troops to Iraq to help George Bush and the Americans. Australia has no right being in that war. When Rudd got elected, I was over the moon but I knew he would get elected as Howards time was up.

However, while I do agree with Kevin Rudd pulling our troops from Iraq, there is something I strongly disagree with. That is, apologizing to the Aboriginals. I think there is simply no need to apologize to them. They think we disrespected their land and that "we took it away from them". I personally think thats just plain bullshit. Look what we did with their land, we basicly turned nothing into a good functioning country.

I know that Aboriginals do have a right to be angry, but why at us? This generation wasn't the one that stole their land so it literally has nothing to do with us. Yet, the PM made a public apology to them? It has nothing to do with Rudd either as he didn't "take their land". I strongly disagree with this but however, Rudd has done a better job than Howard so far.
Hey Kevin, I know you are a member of these forums :), read this - STOP TAXING SHIT, first grog and now fuel for your new climate change carbon credit crap.

Seriously I liked you, and I would have voted for you if I was enrolled to vote

Rusty said:
That is, apologizing to the Aboriginals. I think there is simply no need to apologize to them. They think we disrespected their land and that "we took it away from them". I personally think thats just plain bullshit. Look what we did with their land, we basicly turned nothing into a good functioning country.

Hey mate, that isnt what he apologised for. He apologised to the stolen generation and all that resulted with that. I still dont think it needed to be done but it is done now so hopefully we can all move on.

Anyway on to Howard and more specifically Workchoices. I actually liked them, for me personally it gave me more power to barter and negotiate in regards to pay and conditions. I have only worked for smaller organisations and I feel that it worked for me. I know that there were alot of people complaining and I can understand why, but at the end of the day you will always find employers who are trying to 'screw' their employees in regards to conditions and pays regardless if work choices existed or if they are on an award. Howard wasnt all bad and he did put this country in a great position, helped of course by the global economy and the commodities boom.

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