Kevin Owens Taunting Michael Cole: Where Is It Going?


Dark Match Jobber
Every week on Raw, we see Kevin Owens in action. Win or lose, there always seems to be one noticeable thing that takes place:

He taunts Michael Cole.

Whether it's holding the IC Title in Cole's face or screaming at him from inside the ring, Owens always seems to make a point to yell at Cole.

Which brings us to the point of this thread: why is it happening?

I understand Cole is supposed to be a face and Owens a heel, but these actions aren't exactly getting Owens heat (most of the crowd either doesn't like Cole or doesn't care about him). And please don't tell me this leads to any sort of interaction inside the ropes.

I never really noticed to tell you the truth. He does a lot of trash talking and I always assumed it was directed at fans. Will watch in future, but I doubt it will ever lead to a match with Cole. Cole isn't even a wrestler and Owens has Ryback to worry about right now.
If I may segway, I'd like to state that I was never a fan of the Jim Ross abuse segments. They were long, drawn out, and ultimately uninteresting to me. It was never as if JR was going to get his heat back.

That being said, I can recognize the merit in the segments which JR was abused, assaulted or burned (literal/figurative), because people genuinely liked JR, and a heel could generate some heat out of those segments. There's many complaints about Cole, but the fact that he cannot generate any sympathy in segments like this is why he can't measure up to Ross. And like most issues in WWE, I don't think it's the talent's fault.

If these segments are meant to generate heat on Owens, then they are failing miserably. Why should we boo Owens for the same reason we cheered Lesnar on the Raw matter WrestleMania?

And finally, I haven't noticed this either. Maybe OP has overanalyzed, or WWE has failed to produce logical, captivating television once again. The latter would certainly not surprise me.

Fuck you, Dunn.
Most good heels shot their mouths off at announcers before: Schiavone, Solie, Pedicino, Styles, even Vince got an earful once in a while. Problem is that if someone took a gun and shot Michael Cole at point blank range while he was hosting RAW, after a gasp, that shooter would get the pop of the century, never mind a ton of money for his legal defense fund. Owens does it because he is a heel. That is what heels do. And, he is a very good one. Nobody gives a bird fornicating about Cole.
Cole's going to kick his ass, have you seen the work Cole has done on beefing up lately? I wouldn't be surprised if he snapped, ripped his shirt off and beat the crap out of Owens on night.
I don't think it's really meant to lead anywhere. I don't even think it's planned out in advance or anything, just seems to be a part of Owens' gimmick. He did the same thing in NXT with Byron and Brennan. The thing is, Cole is supposed to be a face. You don't see Owens bashing JBL or anything and there's a reason for that. Guy's gimmick is a cowardly, arrogant, bully so how do you make yourself look like an asshole? Always pick on the small guy.

In reality, this may not work with Cole, but in theory it's a pretty good idea.
I hate cold but anyway

I think it's more part of his "I've been doing this for 15 years and I'm better than everybody" gimmick, he's proving himself to Cole who sometimes criticises him for his heel actions
Who says it has to go anywhere? Wrestlers taunting, threatening or insulting commentators and backstage interviewers is something that's been going on for decades. It's usually a means of getting heat but it's damn near impossible to get nuclear heat these days for taunting, threatening or insulting a commentator. One of the last real times I can think of a heel getting real heat was just after Taz came to WWE and he insulted/made fun of Jim Ross and his condition of Bells' Palsy; Jim Ross was and is beloved by fans for his knowledge, passion, humor and his unpretentious nature, so Taz insulting him only for Jerry Lawler to come to his defense by popping Taz generated huge heat for Taz and a huge face pop for Jerry.

In Michael Cole's case, a lot of people hate the guy. Personally, I think a lot of that hate stems from the fact that he's the guy who ultimately took Jim Ross' spot; he does just as well as anyone can with Vince coaching him on what he has to say. Nevertheless, a lotta people cheer whenever Cole gets taunted or assaulted and while Owens is definitely more heel than tweener, insulting Cole is the proper thing to do since Cole is the babyface commentator. I think it'd be all the more effective if Owens insulted everybody, including JBL, as Owens' character is more interesting when he doesn't give a crap that nobody "likes" him; he's a cunning, conniving, greedy sociopath and praise from anyone shouldn't mean anything to him.
I doubt it's leading anywhere significant. People remember Michael Cole 'fighting' Jerry Lawler, but those days are gone and a 60-year-old Lawler isn't Kevin Owens.

If this mini-angle is to be taken anywhere, KO will probably conclude his taunting campaign by laying Cole out in an interview segment.....and that will be it.

Remember: Lawler was no longer an active wrestler but the company wanted to give him a segment, so they used Cole as an 'opponent'....... but Owens needs no such program; he has plenty of active wrestlers to bully.

Cole will be one quick noggin-knocker.......and the KO-Cole interraction will be finished.

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If WWE wants to keep him heel they can't let fight Cole, if he Pop Up Powerbombed Cole he would become the most liked superstar in the company
I thought it was humorous to be honest, last night on Raw after Owens hit some move he asks if Cole saw that, and Michael all nervously says yes. After the match Kevin holds the belt up right in front of Cole and he replies with "You are Intercontinental champion." I just lost it. One of those moments that's humorous for all the wrong reasons.

That being said, I did find it odd. My guess is they're just doing it to get some heat on KO but in modern WWE way, they don't realize the overlap here. You want heel heat on Owens, the people predominantly cheering for him are the more serious wrestling fans who understand his road to the WWE. So if you want them to turn on KO you want him to insult the announcer that the more serious wrestling fans have been hating on for how long now? A decade? Just stupid on their part!

But I think we should just appreciate it for now, maybe it's just a humorous skit thing.
I'm more interested in seeing what happens when Cena is gone from the WWE until December 26. Would they consider turning Owens face for he's half way there now.
Kevin Owens has had a darn good what almost 6 months on the roster? He's feuded with John Cena, Cesaro, Y2J, and now Ryback. He's fought for the US title. He's won the IC title. I expect him to have a significant reign here. When he loses probably at WM 32 that will make the guy that beats him. Not to mention KO has won over the "MARKS"/"IWC" including myself bigtime. It's difficult to forecast 2016, but he's definitely got to be a FRONTRUNNER to win the MITB briefcase. Feuds with Reigns and Rollins are definitely in his future.
As long as it doesn't lead to Owens and Cole turning into Brock and Paul part two. Although? What if it did? Would any of us really be shocked if creative fed us some sort of story about how Cole brought Owens in all along? I'm drawing at straws here but I wouldn't put it past them to turn Cole heel again. Align him with Owens just for some bs heel heat.
Just part of his character.... it "goes" nowhere.

Though I will say, while I normally hate the overly-arrogant heel, I find myself loving Owens.

He plays the part to perfection and is actually kind of funny. The stuff he says and how he rips on his opponents make me laugh cause they sound like stuff people on social media would say.

Truth be told, if he got a big push soon I'd be ok with it... I know his promos aren't 100% clean, he is prone for a slip of the tongue but who isn't?
It's all part of a Wrestlemania set up. A month before Mania, Owens pushes Cole too far. Cole has been vigorously working out in private this whole time and rips his shirt off to reveal that he's super ripped and in great shape. The match is a gimmick type match as its the super ripper Cole against the Out of Shape Kevin Owens for the Intercontinental Championship.

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