Kerwin White: Chavo's Other Personality

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Before the death of Eddie Guerrero (R.I.P), Chavo Guerrero was traded from SmackDown to RAW with a new gimmick change. He dropped his hispanic heritage and became the middle-class, Anglo-American stereotype calling himself Kerwin White. His stint on RAW did not last that long as he changed back to plain Chavo Guerrero after the death of Eddie out of respect. During this time, he did acquire some heat & did his job in playing the heel character adequately. This was Chavo's chance to be pushed into the midcard area & possibly high than that. It was also during this time, Kerwin White gained the expertise of a Caddy played by Nick Nemeth [Nicky from Spirit Squad & Dolph Ziggler on the SmackDown brand].

My question is, if Eddie did not pass on... would the Kerwin White roll for Chavo Guerrero have been a success for him in making it into the big time & finally moving on from the midcard area without the help of another huge star? As a side question, would this have been a good introduction to the career of Nick Nemeth in the WWE?
eventually i think he would have gone back the chavo name, because that kerwin white thing would have gotten played out after a couple months a personally did not like it but you do what have to do to make it anywhere
I personally don't think it would have lasted. I mean those types of gimmicks can only go so long before eveyone is sick of it. Chavo would have eventually changed back to the Guerrero name and would be the Chavo we see today, either that or he would have been released but I doubt it.

With Nemeth it would have never gotten over. He wouldn't be anywhere near as good as he is now as Ziggler.
I actually liked the character because it made me laugh my ass off because it was Chavo not being Chavo. As someone who has always loved his work (I still say Helms/Chavo WCW Sin 2001 best match of both careers)... this was something different.

Unfortunately, Eddie left us and they scrapped the character. I don't think it would have made him into more than a mid-card character, and I do think it would have only lasted about 9 months at most... but I think it was good. Would have loved to see where they were headed with it.

And no, Nick shouldn't have been brought in like that. It was stupid, much like "Deacon" Batista... though at least most people don't remember that... and probably not his stint in the Spirit Squad either... surprised he didn't get Future Endeavored after they dropped the gimmick, but glad he didn't.
Man i thought that gimmick was purely horrible to be honest, it was just like...he had too much history as chavo guerrero (a hispanic lie cheat steal) to make a sudden change to kerwin white.

Also the name kerwin sounds stupid.

If eddie had lived on i imagine chavo would have been re-traded to smackdown the year after, following an unsuccessful kerwin white gimmick.
I thought the gimmick was a good idea, i just think they gave it to the wrong person. Chavo already had set himself as Chavo Guerrero and everyone knew him as that. I don't think it's a good idea to take a well known star and turn his gimmick completely around. Definetely not rebuild them. If with some up and comer it would have been interesting and may have lasted a while. With Chavo it would only be temperary.
Im my opinion, if the Kerwin White gimmick would have stayed, Chavo would have been fired shortly after.

I just put in my Unforgiven 2005 dvd, and he got not a good reaction at all.

Some people liked him, some didnt, but I found him boring to say the least.
I was actually a fan of the Kerwin White character. It was a hilarious gimmick and got quite a bit of heat from the Hispanic audience. However, there was no way that was going to be a long term character. I think they could have gotten a year or two out of it though, had Eddie not passed away.

Ironic, that they revert White back to Chavo Guerrero to preserve the Guerrero name ... and now they completely throw the Guerrero name in the garbage can by having him jobbed out to a midget. It's a shame.
I feel any character whose catchpharse is " if it's not white it's not allright" has no place on WWE television. I hated this character.It was basically a mouthpeice for VKM's racasist views. He never would have got above lower mid card IMO. Although maybe he wouldn't have been jobbing to hornswoggle now!
I don't think White the character would of been around long. This idea was almost as bad as Puke. Chavo went on to be a mid carder and ECW Champion. Chavo was actually pushed a pretty big mid carder until Vickie left. Chavo went from being the number 2 heel with Edge to wearing a cow costume. When I think about it, Kerwin White wasn't a bad idea after all.
Kerwin White would have been the best gimmick this decade, It had a hispanic guy, Trying to be a white guy. It was funny hell. Anyone remember the line "If it ain't white, It aint all right."? I laughed for days after that.

As for Nicky, I think he would all ready have the World Title across his shoulder. It would have been the platform for his huge career to bounce off. He would be headlining Breaking Point against CM Punk right now if it wasn't for Eddie, And his damn heart...
Kerwin White was brilliant. It was stereotypical, hilarious, and completely ridiculous.

Was it bad? Absolutely, but it was bad in the best way possible.

If they had given it to another person, it could have been a heat magnet. There's no way it could have been main event, but for an interesting and amusing midcard heel, it could have been great.
The themesong, the catchphrase, everything about it was brilliant, and terrible.
When I first saw Kerwin White, I just gave him a "what the hell is this?" and then changed the channel to something else.

If Chavo went back to this gimmick, he'd get some heat for a little while and then go back to redundancy
Kerwin maybe would have lasted a few more weeks. Hell, it may had even lasted a month or two. But the thing is, eventually the fans would get bored of the character and If the WWE didnt change him back to Chavo, we would have seen him on the "Future Endeavors" list a long time ago. I personally like the Kerwin White character. I liked the gimmick of a "family man" type for thing. I liked how he would come out on a golf cart. It made you feel like even the "average joe" living in a country club, Could become a superstar. Even though he had 2?3? matches with Shelton Benjamin, he could have really elevated Shelton if the gimmick kept up
It was a funny but gimmicky gimmick. It would never have broken him out of the midcard. I don't think it'd have lasted for more than a year, Chavo would likely not be in WWE today without Eddie's death. As for Nemeth, it really delayed his career. Although being a caddy for a Latin white supremacist is a stupid gimmick, he could've face turned and really got over a long time ago. I think he would've really got over, as he's so talented he can break out with even the worst gimmick. Look how bad the Dolph Ziggler gimmick is, it's a ridiculous name and he went around introducing himself, but he got over as a heel despite all that.
If Chavo Guerrero had stuck with the Kerwin White Persona, then he would have eventually gotten future endeavored by the WWE- Had Eddie Guerrero not died. Of course Eddie would have fought with the WWE to get him back into the WWE but lets face it, Chavo would have been released.
WWE cut the Kerwin White gimmick because Eddie had died and The Guerrero name would have died in the WWE as well. Even hiring Vickie Doesn't bring back The Guerrero name. Hell, with the storyline she was in, the name was defiled and spit on.
Anyways, it makes no sense for someone of Hispanic descent to be in such a persona when he was well known as Chavo Guerrero along with Eddie, Lying, Cheating, and Stealing. And it came out kind of racist too. But of course now he is embarrassing himself in the WWE with Hornswoggle winning over him when it should be the other way around to maintain the 2nd Place Heel. Speaking of Heel, when Edge comes back after his painstaking rehab for his Achilles heel, they should make a faction and rule over smackdown!!! I would love to see that.
Nobody really cared for the Kerwin White persona and it was only going to be a matter of time anyway before he was going to go back to Chavo Guerrero. It's just a shame it came sooner because Eddie had passed.

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