
Occasional Pre-Show
Last night, while me an' my bestfriend were on XBL, I decided I would DL some matches I heard alot about but never really saw, then watch them on the 360 through the PC. Some of the matches I saw were Joe VS Kobashi, Punk VS Danielson (awesome match btw), Danielson VS McGuinness (awesome match V2), and a few others that slip my mind.

But 2 matches that stick out and make me wanna see more of one of its participants is Bryan Danielson (who I've really REALLY gotten into lately) VS KENTA. The man KENTA... is just a phenomenal wrestler, and I was amazed by these 2 matches.

I've always heard talk of KENTA but y'know, never really went an' caught his stuff. If there are any other matches he's had that are better then those 2 with Danielson, I'd love to see them.

So, for anyone who has seen alot of KENTA matches, please, share your thoughts on what you think his best matches are so A. You can share your opinion. B. So I can go DL them and watch them. See works out for everyone.
Last night, while me an' my bestfriend were on XBL, I decided I would DL some matches I heard alot about but never really saw, then watch them on the 360 through the PC. Some of the matches I saw were Joe VS Kobashi, Punk VS Danielson (awesome match btw), Danielson VS McGuinness (awesome match V2), and a few others that slip my mind.

But 2 matches that stick out and make me wanna see more of one of its participants is Bryan Danielson (who I've really REALLY gotten into lately) VS KENTA. The man KENTA... is just a phenomenal wrestler, and I was amazed by these 2 matches.

I've always heard talk of KENTA but y'know, never really went an' caught his stuff. If there are any other matches he's had that are better then those 2 with Danielson, I'd love to see them.

So, for anyone who has seen alot of KENTA matches, please, share your thoughts on what you think his best matches are so A. You can share your opinion. B. So I can go DL them and watch them. See works out for everyone.

ive been a longtime puro fan and have watched noah from the begining.... kenta is simply AMAZING....incredibly stiff, his matchs with marufuji are simply amazing........ also check out his match from the farewell misawa show when it was him and go shiosaki vs kensuke sasaki and Katsuhiko Nakajima it should be on youtube....5 star tag match......kenta gets legit knocked out out from a headkick the ref had to check him

dont ever expect kenta to be in wwe, cm punk stole a couple of his moves....most noteable....he stole the strike combo and he stole gts from kenta... ooo also kenta vs kenta kobashi is another amazing match...also look up the reverse gts from kenta

if your new to the puro world i also recommend researching marufuji,hayabusa, kawanda, kenta kobashi, misawa, akiyama

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