Kenny Cox

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Real Name: Kenny Cox
Wrestlers Name: Kenny Cox (Just call him Kenny)
Wrestlers Nickname: The Rocker
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 240 lbs.
Hometown: Washoe Valley, Nevada
Billed From: Washoe Valley, (or Reno), Nevada
-----------Hair color/length: mid length blonde hair
-----------Eye color: blue
-----------Facial Hair: The Rock sideburns
-----------Ring Attire: Black cargo pants with glow in the dark green barbed wire design on them
-----------Backstage Attire: his attire with a T-Shirt of his band, Insult2Injury
-----------Physical Features: he has pretty big arms, and is pretty strong, tapes his wrists like Matt Hardy, to protect his arms
-----------Tattoos:He has I2I on his arm,
Gimmick: a rockstar, very sure of his abilities,
  • He is very strong
  • He can fly like Jeff Hardy
  • A very accomplished submission wrestler
  • Very Cocksure of himself, can become over-confident
  • He requires a knee brace on his right knee
  • Can become red with rage and just plain blackout, becoming hazardous to himself, as well as his opponent
Alignment: I guess tweener (he is better as a heel, but can be a good face)
Trained By: Himself, Adam Copeland, Y2J
Sample Pic of Wrestler: Picture a mixture of Edge and Chris Jericho (i'll post a pic once i take one :)
Brief History: He started out in his Backyard Fed, the WVWF, wrestling with Gus, Joe, and more of his friends, he went to ROH, where he became the Pure Wrestling Champion twice, when Gus came to ROH, they were tag team champions, after Gus left for OVW, Kenny became the ROH world champion, after that, he went to WZCW, but got released, he started a rock band, with Joe on drums, Gus on bass and vocals, and him as guitar, he know is coming back to WZCW, better than ever!!!
Title History:
  • ROH Pure Wrestling Champion (2)
  • ROH Tag Team Champion (with Gus)
  • ROH World Champion
Entrance Music: "Suck my Kiss" by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Entrance description: The arena goes black, Kenny walks out, you can see the barbed wire on his pants and the insult2injury tshirt glowing in the dark on him, the lights turn on, he has his guitar, and is playing along to the music, he stops playing, walks down to the ramp, where he stops, looks around, and continues into the ring, he slides into the ring, Efge style, and goes onto the turnbuckles, holding up the devils horns rock sign
Finishers: The Last Ride
Extreme Triangle Choke (Really torqued in Triangle Choke)


15 Most used moves:
  • Spear
  • Tornado DDT
  • Diving Headscissors of turnbuckle
  • Boston Crab
  • Torqueshooter (Sharpshooter around the ring post)
  • Diving Clothesline (Kane style)
  • Insult2Injury (Slap to face, into the Stroke)
  • Springboard Moonsault Reverse DDT
  • Face Melter (Reverse DDT off of the turnbuckle)
  • Power Chord (Piledriver)
  • Stalling Brainbuster DDT
  • Fame-Ass-Er
  • (With a ladder whenever there is one) The Dxtreminator (Climb the ladder, and ride it onto the opponent)
  • German Suplex
  • Belly to Belly
  • Jacknife
Sample RP:
(The screen fades in to Kenny, who is back at the old WVWF Arena)
Kenny: Wow, it's been awhile, since The WVWF days,
(A clip of Kenny winning the title is shown)
Kenny: I wrestle for passion, i'm set for life, i'm not in it for the money, no body has as much passion for this business as i do,
(some clips of geat wrestling moments are shown)
Kenny: It;s time... again, I was in WZCW once, but it didnt work out, so i decided to leave, gain my composure, and come back, better than ever!!!

Kenny: I've had a chance to reasses my life, I went to prison, got hardened up, and now, everyone in WZCW had better watch out, because i'm here to melt some faces, destroy dreams, and win some championships!!
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