Kendrick and EV2...?


JC CooL 420
Did anyone else think it was kind of weird to have Kendrick offer his services to EV2?

He had no connection to ECW in the past... I know him and Tommy may have become friends in WWE, but it just seemed weird to me...

Why not bring in one of the ECW guys that can still go, like Kid Kash or Justin Credible?

My questions are...

Do you think they are trying to use EV2 to get Kendrick over more as a face?

Is their a swerve coming with Kendrick turning on EV2?

And Would anyone have liked to see Kid Kash or Justin Credible as the guy who stepped up? Or even would you like to see them involved in EV2?

and What about Raven? lol
It was right out of left-field, for sure, but so many of TNA's booking decisions these days are. I mean it's not like they don't have guys like Al Snow backstage who just wrestled on a PPV for them and has a connection to ECW, unlike Kendrick. I'm not actually upset by the illogical booking though, because any chance that I can see for Kendrick to get a push in TNA is good by me, as I'm a huge fan of the guy and think he could be a main event player in a company like TNA, especially if they use him as a heel which is what he's best at. Atleast he's actually appearing on Impact now unlike a few months ago where he just disappeared from TV for the most part before a brief feud with Doug Williams.

I have no idea where this is headed, hopefully though they have Kendrick turn on the EV 2.0 guys and join Fourtune, that could really help elevate him in the company.
I thought about him joining Fourtune too... But, they already have too many members...

They shouldn't get watered down like the old now...

It already is weird that they hold up four fingers and have 6 members...
My thinking is that since a lot of the talent is upset that the ECW guys are being used prominently instead of some of the younger talent, Hogan and Bischoff decided to put one of the younger guys with EV2 as a way to save face in the locker room. Total theory from my own head.
no! sandman quit on tna so ev2 was left short anded. they thought kendrick fit the description of ecw better than most on the roster and brian actually likes ev unlike most of the tna roster.
They showed a backstage segment with him saying he is friends with Rhino and Dreamer I guess from the WWE days? Another way Kendrick could tie in with EV2 is because his last feud was with Doug Williams who is in Fortune now.
Not sure where this is going but i like it ! I don't see him joing fortune just yet considering they already have a shitload of people. Besides when EV2.0 is gone fortune is going to need someone to fued with. Brian Kendrick can be what dusty rhodes was to the 4 horsemen.

SIDE NOTE: Brian Pillman was one of my favorites growing up and Brian Kendrick reminds me alot of him.
It was weird, but it succeeded in getting me interested in where they are going. I like Kendrick, and am glad he's getting a shot to have a more prominent role...I've liked what I've seen in this stint with TNA, hopefully he can take the ball and run with it, working against Kaz or Styles, or maybe Stevie Richards or Sabu would do him some good!
I dont really get this he dosent have a connection to ECW and they have guys like Raven and Al Snow sitting around both of which were in the original ECW and just wrestled on a PPV so from a storyline perspective it dosent really make that much sense however from a Non Kayfabe sense this is a really good thing, the main complaint of EV2.0 is that they are a bunch of old guys stealing the spotlight, well now that Kendrick is a part of them that isn't completely the case, being a part of EV2 could give Kendrick a huge rub and could help get him over as a face and if done right could push him into the Upper Midcard/ME scene.
Personally, after watching TNA for several years and seeing how they are handling their storylines it is not surprising they just stick someone in there with no history on either side really except for Doug Williams.....I just dont see it how TNA can really expect us to be serious about they product when they are not even serious enough about it....didnt they just complete and entire PPV with talent and yet several weeks later they cant even fill a 4 man team? (they dont even have to hiring anyone else they still have people working for them) But on a good note glad to see Kendrick on TV at least he has something to do i guess.......oh yea for those expecting some type of swerve here...seriously TNA is not that smart.....
Did anyone else think it was kind of weird to have Kendrick offer his services to EV2?

He had no connection to ECW in the past... I know him and Tommy may have become friends in WWE, but it just seemed weird to me...

Why not bring in one of the ECW guys that can still go, like Kid Kash or Justin Credible?

My questions are...

Do you think they are trying to use EV2 to get Kendrick over more as a face?

Is their a swerve coming with Kendrick turning on EV2?

And Would anyone have liked to see Kid Kash or Justin Credible as the guy who stepped up? Or even would you like to see them involved in EV2?

and What about Raven? lol

Well, I think ur right it was kind of out of left field. However if it was somebody connected to ECW I would think of it as just another ECW guy trying to relive the glory days of when people cared about them. dont get me wrong I respect what they did but thats the past.

Seeing them puttin Brian Kendrick along with these guys gives me hope they are trying to push younger talent, whether originals or not, they are younger.
I'm jus happy BK is getting some air time.... and I love the fact he kicked the ref... can see big things for him if they handle him right... as far as being with ev2, I think they covered it jus enough to make it work, obviously he and williams going after each other, and explaining friends with tommy n all, and mick basically calling him a psycho then saying you'll fit right in
Obvious is Obvious.. he is not in EV2, he is friends with them. He wanted in the match because of Douglas Williams and Kazarian those are his X-Division rivals. He can't take them out himself so he is looking for help. Its pretty obvious to me.

So how is this out on left field?

Kazarian, Doug Willaims are in fortune and those are the guys that Kendrick fueds with.
I dont really get this he dosent have a connection to ECW and they have guys like Raven and Al Snow sitting around both of which were in the original ECW and just wrestled on a PPV so from a storyline perspective it dosent really make that much sense however from a Non Kayfabe sense this is a really good thing, the main complaint of EV2.0 is that they are a bunch of old guys stealing the spotlight, well now that Kendrick is a part of them that isn't completely the case, being a part of EV2 could give Kendrick a huge rub and could help get him over as a face and if done right could push him into the Upper Midcard/ME scene.

Well of course they can't use Al Snow or Raven because they are to old and everyone would shit their pants and cry a river because young guys are getting held down by the old guys of EV2.

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