Kelly Kelly moved to Alumni Section


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The WWE actually went through the trouble of moving he page to the alumni section. I sincerely doubt Kelly was legitimately let go as it would seem pointless to make her last WWE match a win, so this is obviously part of the storyline. How long do you think she'll be gone for. Do you think she'll be gone for a few weeks? A month? More? Or do you think she'll pull a Cena and be in the front row next week to take out Vickie during the Edge vs. Ziggler rematch with Vickie as a special guest ref?
Jericho is in the Alumni section and we know he will be back at some point too. They gotta keep as much Kayfabe as they can. Its funny how you can have hundreds of threads of if Sting is coming to WWE or if Lawler is gona get a WM27 match but no one cares if the Kelly Kelly firing is legit. Oh the woes of being a diva. There is always another piece of eye candy for guys to drool over.
Well... she was fired so I guess it makes sense to move her profile over there. She'll be back though, to build an angle between Dolph Ziggler/Vickie Guerrero and Drew McIntyre (with Kelly being alongside him) at WrestleMania. At least, that's what I'm projecting/hoping for anyway.
JicKie "FalKon" Mames;2814091 said:
Well... she was fired so I guess it makes sense to move her profile over there. She'll be back though, to build an angle between Dolph Ziggler/Vickie Guerrero and Drew McIntyre (with Kelly being alongside him) at WrestleMania. At least, that's what I'm projecting/hoping for anyway.

If they do Money in the Bank at Mania this year (which the jury is out on, I hope they do it though), I can't imagine Dolph NOT being in it and being one of the three guys with a legit chance of winning.

And do you think Drew is really ready to have a match at Wrestlemania? He came out to silence last night, the fans don't give a crap about him. I suppose putting him at odds with Vickie and Dolph will give him some popularity by comparison, but I just don't see him garnering enough interest on a card where every match is meant to excite the PPV buyer.
Kelly will be back. Vince loves his T&A. I personally think she might turn heel and this is a way to keep her off TV for a while to repackage.

I mean why would they start an angle with her and McIntyre? There's no way they're gonna turn McIntyre because he plays a really good sly and calculating heel. To go along with that, outside of LayCool, how many heel Divas does Smackdown have?

I think McIntyre somehow worms his way into the Ziggler/Edge fiasco and brings Kelly with him, putting Edge in a no-win scenario.
I'd like to stay on the positive and hope that somehow this match with Edge/Ziggle & Vickie will have a wrench thrown in it by the anonymous GM, because Vickie is only 'acting' GM, I would say that either Vince could step in, or the lap top may come through and throw a wrench into her plans and ruin her nefarious plans for Edge.
I'd be up for Drew dropping his EC spot to get Kelly her job back if it gets Gabriel into the cage. It's missing an exciting sonamagun, and Gabriel's the best guy on SD for the job. Also it would bring in a Corre member to bring a storyline into the chamber.

I doubt it'll happen though. Gabriel and Slater seem destined to face Santino anf Kozlov for the tag titles again.

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