Kelly Kelly has been released.

If they're releasing someone like Kelly Kelly, they clearly don't. :shrug:

Kelly Kelly was one of the best things the WWE Diva division had going.

In that she was an untalented hack who, in the course of several years with the WWE, had learned how to do approximately four moves and didn't even know what the word "psychology" meant? Sure. She was useless. Literally a dime a dozen. You can find a million Kelly Kellys and have them up to her talent level in two weeks.

Just wait till SDR hits the scene. Shit will hit fans. She would make a list of my top ten wrestlers in the entire world, maybe top five.
In that she was an untalented hack who, in the course of several years with the WWE, had learned how to do approximately four moves and didn't even know what the word "psychology" meant? Sure. She was useless. Literally a dime a dozen. You can find a million Kelly Kellys and have them up to her talent level in two weeks.

Just wait till SDR hits the scene. Shit will hit fans. She would make a list of my top ten wrestlers in the entire world, maybe top five.

And given the way she looks, she'll be lucky to get five minutes of TV time a week.q
In that she was an untalented hack who, in the course of several years with the WWE, had learned how to do approximately four moves and didn't even know what the word "psychology" meant? Sure. She was useless. Literally a dime a dozen. You can find a million Kelly Kellys and have them up to her talent level in two weeks.

If you made a list of current divas who were over, the list started at Kelly and ended at AJ. That's what made her special and kept her around for so damn long.

Just wait till SDR hits the scene. Shit will hit fans. She would make a list of my top ten wrestlers in the entire world, maybe top five.

Remind me, how did being talented work out for Serena?
In that she was an untalented hack who, in the course of several years with the WWE, had learned how to do approximately four moves and didn't even know what the word "psychology" meant? Sure. She was useless. Literally a dime a dozen. You can find a million Kelly Kellys and have them up to her talent level in two weeks.
Oh Harthan, when are you going to understand that pro wrestling is not about some artificially assigned quality level, but rather about the quality of making people care about you? Kelly Kelly was easily the most marketable of all their Divas, and to say otherwise is foolish. She was a real life Barbie, someone people cared about more than any other Diva since Trish and Lita left. Pro wrestling is about making people care, and she did.

And your assessment of her in-ring abilities is off as well. I know you see a pretty blonde girl and automatically assume she was terrible, but she wasn't nearly as bad as you're making her seem.

Just wait till SDR hits the scene. Shit will hit fans. She would make a list of my top ten wrestlers in the entire world, maybe top five.

Okay then, if you say so.
In that she was an untalented hack who, in the course of several years with the WWE, had learned how to do approximately four moves and didn't even know what the word "psychology" meant?

How is giving a good portion of your audience a hard-on not "psychology"? And she knew more than four moves, it just became difficult for the masterbating audience to keep up.
If they're releasing someone like Kelly Kelly, they clearly don't. :shrug:

Kelly Kelly was one of the best things the WWE Diva division had going.

Commercially I agree, she was good for business, but from a product standpoint she was horrible. Six years and she still had difficultly running the ropes. That's not to say she didn't improve as time ticked on, she did, but just not enough.
As a fan who cares more about competent wrestling technicians, I found her to be pretty bad. But she was over, sooo....

I'm not at a loss here. Barring the stinkface, she never did anything for me.
It never came into the equation. Her dedication to a product she loved got her on TV since she was willing to shave her head. Her constant boozing got her fired.

Her being willing to shave her head was secondary. I'd be shocked if Punk didn't specifically ask for her to be part of the SES.

Also, her "constant boozing" was her being an alcoholic who declined rehab.
Oh Harthan, when are you going to understand that pro wrestling is not about some artificially assigned quality level, but rather about the quality of making people care about you?

Did you seriously just make up an artificially assigned quality level to tell Harthan that what he cares about is bullshit, because it's an artificially assigned quality level?

That statement makes zero sense. Seriously, think about what you just said.

Yes it did. You know just as well as I do what he's saying. She was good for the WWE; she made them some money and got better pops than most of the Divas. But as far as an entertainment value - aka the "product" from OUR end of the viewing screen - she sucked. An entertainer can make a shit ton of money and be good for an industry, and still be absolutely awful. Case in point: most of the people WWE uses for theme songs. Especially Nickelback.
Did you seriously just make up an artificially assigned quality level to tell Harthan that what he cares about is bullshit, because it's an artificially assigned quality level?

Yes it did. You know just as well as I do what he's saying. She was good for the WWE; she made them some money and got better pops than most of the Divas. But as far as an entertainment value - aka the "product" from OUR end of the viewing screen - she sucked. An entertainer can make a shit ton of money and be good for an industry, and still be absolutely awful. Case in point: most of the people WWE uses for theme songs. Especially Nickelback.

Measure the circiumference of the head of your penis before and during her screen time and then tell us again about how awful she was.

Because we care so much about women's wrestling.

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