Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
So this is something I do every year around this time. Simply put, I'm going to look at this list of everyone who has posted even occasionally in the last year or so and list something I'm thankful for about them. Now, as is always the case, this is likely going to turn into a bunch of lame jokes about most people because I don't remember much about you. If you're not on this list, it's due to one of these reasons:
1. Dagger forgot to put you on.
2. I forgot you.
3. You kind of suck.
Also there's a good chance these will be repeats as I hardly know most of you but I'll do what I can.
@DW For reminding me to check Twitter.
#tamale For another Twitter reminder.
Alex For making me think of Jeopardy. And an old buddy named Alex.
Allah Loves PaperGhost For always being PG.
Awesome_Miz For being a good Mizfit.
BaconBits For staying away from my salads. Which I dont eat.
Bad News BK For sounding like Burger King, which I havent had in years.
Bagpipes For having a great set of pipes.
Baller For being one part of a good Rock show.
Барбоса For bringing up our collective intelligence.
BestSportsEntertainer For starting to get wrestling.
Big Nick Dudley For sticking around here for a long time.
Big Sexy For being a giant killer.
Black Anaconda Vice For sounding like that movie from 1997.
Blade For sounding like a better movie from a year later.
Blue Chipper For being something that sounds like poker.
Boozinjedi For whatever Star Wars reference you want to make this year.
Buffaloed For mainly leaving us alone and letting us do our thing. And for fixing us when were broken.
CassaNova For sounding like a 1980s jobber.
Cereal Killer For keeping me from eating the live cereal.
CH David For letting me practice on you when I started being admin. I think that was you at least.
Chrome For some funny memes on occasion.
CyberPunk For what sounds like a character from a bad 90s cartoon.
D-Man For that time I sent you a fake infraction and had a good laugh as you got annoyed over it.
Da Prophet For giving me some MMA stuff to read.
Daniel For ..who the heck is Daniel?
Dave For being a guy who doesnt get as much attention as he deserves around here.
Davi323 For making me laugh. Or was that a Chris Rock special?
Dagger Dias For letting me do a lot less work.
Danger Burger For being a fast food place that needs to exist.
DetectiveZelix For sounding like a character on a detective show.
Deoxyribonucleic Acid For some kind of a science joke.
Dmbfantomas For me finally figuring out what DMB stood for earlier this year.
Diet Soda For staying away from my mouth. And refrigerator.
Dirk For sounding German. You know the Germans always make good stuff.
DirtyJosé For being a litle less clean.
Doug Crashin For whatever my best joke about you was.
Dowds For being downright spiffy.
Dynamite For doing a BANG up job.
Echelon For always being involved in the WZT.
enterkey For always being by my right hand.
enviousdominous For sounding like a disease.
Eternal Dragon For being the second best looking woman around here.
FalKon For understanding that I can never remember who you are in WZCW.
Fallout For ..something about something called Fallout.
Ferbian For having the same birthday as Kerry Von Erich.
Finder Woo'er Ryder For having a catchy name.
Fire Marshall Bill For being a better All-Star than I was expecting.
FitFinlay4Life For being a fan of a rather talented guy.
Fizzy For being a good kind of drink.
FTS For calming down a bit with the political nonsense.
FunKay For being the other guy who I can remember in WZCW.
Galvatron For sounding like an arcade game that was never made.
Gelgarin For teaching me a thing or two.
George Steele's Barber For being another name I beat in the posters tournament.
GD For being funny once in awhile if I remember properly.
GuyCompton For whatever youve done that is positive as I have no idea.
Haiku Hogan For being one of the only people who
Hamler For coming back simply for this.
Harthan For being loyal to OCW.
Hard Hit Prince For that one time we talked. I think it was Monday.
Hatehabsforever For popping into my head when I finally found out what habs were.
HBK-aholic For everything. Always.
HBsam31 For sounding like Sam, but less Uncleish.
Headman For laughing at me right now.
HeenanGorilla For being a pair of good commentators.
Hollywood Naitch For not going Hol .never mind.
Hugh G. Rection For not going crazy like your namesake.
Hulk Hogan's Brother (The Rattlesnake) For being another good name based on Hogan.
It's Damn Real! For actually sticking around in the TNA section. I get lonely.
IrishCanadian25 For being one of the best ever around here. Not as good as me of course but still good.
INDYjon22 For being from/in Alaska .I think.
J-Dogg For being a fine Australian. You are Australian arent you?
JAM For being a heck of an NBA game series.
Jane Make up your own backhanded compliment this year.
Jack-Hammer For actually posting in the All-Star section and on my site. Another good mind is always helpful.
Jeff Deliverer of Mail For being less talkative than Cliff Clavin.
Jglass For always having something interesting to say.
JJYanks121 For being the first person to make me feel important as a wrestling reviewer.
Jmt225 For letting us know youre not dead.
Justinsayne For telling me I wouldnt be able to review every pay per view ever. Here I am today.
JWGunslinger For being good while youre around.
Khalifa For having a name that is hard to spell. Oh and you ask me questions sometimes.
klunderbunker For that snazzy beard and the autographed book.
Killjoy For allowing me to say that I was the inspiration for someone rather good.
King Patrick For that random thread, which I used to read.
Kermit For the key to all comedy: timing!
Killam For sticking around as long as you did.
Kodo Sawaki For sounding like a low budget Japanese wrestler.
Kurt Angle's Black Son For no longer asking me to update your Book This posts.
K Web V3 For sounding like a cheap operating system.
Lariat For doing Kentucky proud.
LARISANO For being one of the few people around here with a capitalized name.
Lee For turning down the flames.
Little Jerry Lawler For being the only tolerable thing about Mississippi.
LSN80 For all the memories. Make more of them.
LODemolition For being a match that should have happened.
Luther_Hull For old times sake.
M For being the 13th best letter around.
Mac-Ios For chilling a bit.
Mantaur Rodeo Clown For still having a great name.
Mark Henrys Sandwich For being a better sandwich user than the SFAC.
Matty~! For making me learn how to type a ~
MCMG For something other than the Motor City Machine Guns. For once.
Miko For sounding like the raccoon from Pocahontas.
Milenko For your WZCW stuff.
Mighty NorCal For that .I think it was called a podcast? Its been so long.
Milkyway! For sticking around for a good while.
Mitch Henessey For being the mod that we never remember. Thats a good thing actually.
Moon Knight For being an upcoming TV series I believe.
Mr. Artistic guy For a good Shinsuke Nakamura reminder.
Muffin Top Merkley For reminding me that I need to come up with something other than a Mick Foley reference.
Nate For normally getting straight to the point.
Navi For representing Canada rather proudly. Im sure theres an Alexa Bliss joke in there somewhere.
Nightmare For staying out of my head.
NSL For sticking around for a change.
Numbers For sticking with a nickname I believe I coined.
OYDK For being quite the opening line for the Outlaws.
Pancake For being a tasty breakfast.
Papa Pillman For something about Buffy.
Pedigree1 For whatever joke I make about a Pedigree.
. (Sound Of Madness) For being the only person on here with two names.
Phoenix For being quite a WZCW heel.
Pika For .achoo.
Prince Vee For ...yeah Ive got nothing.
Rayne For making sense about TNA.
Rbv13 For being as standard of a message board name as you could have.
RomanfreakinReigns For winning the Intercontinental Title on Monday.
Red Skull For not making me put you back in Prison.
Reflection For having a music video where Christina Aguliera looked great.
Remix For not making me listen to those audio RPs. Seriously what was up with those?
Sai The Pizza Guy For not being the kind of delivery guy that I feel the need to hit with a frozen halibut.
Sean Valjean For sounding like a pirate. Pirates are cool.
ScreaminNormanSmiley For being funny on occasion.
SD619 For booyaka booyaka.
Serious Mozzarella For not being the goofy cheese. Always fear the goofy cheese.
Sexcellence of Sexecution For sounding like a combination of Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels, which is as good a combination as youre going to get.
Shadowmancer For getting me started around here. I mention it every year because it bears repeating.
shattered dreams For being so wrong for defending TNA all that time.
Shooter_mcgavin For being in one of the only tolerable Adam Sandler movies.
Shafe_41 For being slightly worse than Shafe_42.
ShinChan For never being quiet, on anything.
Shotaro For being in that WarGames (it was the Elimination Chamber) match.
Shocky For being a good former King of Old School.
Showtime For Dexter.
Slyfox696 For being the best #3 around.
Slash-LN For my regular TMNT reference.
smizzy For having a snazzy name.
Smooth Sexual Chocolate For being so smooth.
Spidey For being one of my favorites around here.
SSJPhenom For something about Winchester.
Starkist For sounding like Starburst, which I actually got the wife for her birthday.
Stew N' Brew For sounding like Steak N Shake, which sounds good right now.
Stingray11214 For a marine based name, which is always cool.
Stone Cold Tea For inspiring a better name than Fang McFrost.
Stormtrooper For putting the Star Wars theme in my head.
Tastycles For our annual WZT arguments.
Thriller For trying to explain Chikara to me.
THTRobtaylor For being from the main page (Right?).
The Dragon Saga For whatever you did around here that I cant remember.
The Doctor For that rather good promo.
The Boss For giving me images of Sasha Banks.
The Crock For doing .something I cant think of as I dont think weve ever talked that much.
The Brain For being one of the best weve ever had around here.
The Life Of Pablo Ren For sounding like a good indy movie.
The Perfect Max For being better than Pepsi Max.
The Phenomenal Matrix For my regular Matrix reference.
The_Reptile_ For making me think of TMNT.
TheOneBigWill For that whole marrying Becca idea. Best thing I ever did.
Therockiswwf For being WWF and now E. The best still works.
Trendkiller For killing anything related to Twitter.
TBK For sounding like a serial killer, which oddly fascinates me.
Tdmoon For sounding like TD Moon, which is a football reference. Yeah Im stretching at this point.
Ty Burna For being one of the best all around posters weve ever had around here.
Theo For giving me beard inspiration.
Uncle Phatso For ..are you still here?
Undying For not being annoyed that I havent changed your name yet.
Uncle Sam For the good idea of the pay per view club.
Via Armbar For showing up every now and then.
Vanilla Midget For something about Malenko and Benoit.
Whap Me Jungles For what sounds like an Irish drinking song.
Wildcat66 For what better be a Kentucky Wildcat.
Wrestlingmaster55 For having a good number at the end of your name.
xfearbefore For something about indy wrestling.
Xemmy For having a name that sounds like it belongs in Kingdom Hearts.
Yaz For entertaining me in WZCW.
Y 2 Jake For keeping this place going in the early days.
Zeven_Zion For some of your rather amusing TNA posts.
1. Dagger forgot to put you on.
2. I forgot you.
3. You kind of suck.
Also there's a good chance these will be repeats as I hardly know most of you but I'll do what I can.
@DW For reminding me to check Twitter.
#tamale For another Twitter reminder.
Alex For making me think of Jeopardy. And an old buddy named Alex.
Allah Loves PaperGhost For always being PG.
Awesome_Miz For being a good Mizfit.
BaconBits For staying away from my salads. Which I dont eat.
Bad News BK For sounding like Burger King, which I havent had in years.
Bagpipes For having a great set of pipes.
Baller For being one part of a good Rock show.
Барбоса For bringing up our collective intelligence.
BestSportsEntertainer For starting to get wrestling.
Big Nick Dudley For sticking around here for a long time.
Big Sexy For being a giant killer.
Black Anaconda Vice For sounding like that movie from 1997.
Blade For sounding like a better movie from a year later.
Blue Chipper For being something that sounds like poker.
Boozinjedi For whatever Star Wars reference you want to make this year.
Buffaloed For mainly leaving us alone and letting us do our thing. And for fixing us when were broken.
CassaNova For sounding like a 1980s jobber.
Cereal Killer For keeping me from eating the live cereal.
CH David For letting me practice on you when I started being admin. I think that was you at least.
Chrome For some funny memes on occasion.
CyberPunk For what sounds like a character from a bad 90s cartoon.
D-Man For that time I sent you a fake infraction and had a good laugh as you got annoyed over it.
Da Prophet For giving me some MMA stuff to read.
Daniel For ..who the heck is Daniel?
Dave For being a guy who doesnt get as much attention as he deserves around here.
Davi323 For making me laugh. Or was that a Chris Rock special?
Dagger Dias For letting me do a lot less work.
Danger Burger For being a fast food place that needs to exist.
DetectiveZelix For sounding like a character on a detective show.
Deoxyribonucleic Acid For some kind of a science joke.
Dmbfantomas For me finally figuring out what DMB stood for earlier this year.
Diet Soda For staying away from my mouth. And refrigerator.
Dirk For sounding German. You know the Germans always make good stuff.
DirtyJosé For being a litle less clean.
Doug Crashin For whatever my best joke about you was.
Dowds For being downright spiffy.
Dynamite For doing a BANG up job.
Echelon For always being involved in the WZT.
enterkey For always being by my right hand.
enviousdominous For sounding like a disease.
Eternal Dragon For being the second best looking woman around here.
FalKon For understanding that I can never remember who you are in WZCW.
Fallout For ..something about something called Fallout.
Ferbian For having the same birthday as Kerry Von Erich.
Finder Woo'er Ryder For having a catchy name.
Fire Marshall Bill For being a better All-Star than I was expecting.
FitFinlay4Life For being a fan of a rather talented guy.
Fizzy For being a good kind of drink.
FTS For calming down a bit with the political nonsense.
FunKay For being the other guy who I can remember in WZCW.
Galvatron For sounding like an arcade game that was never made.
Gelgarin For teaching me a thing or two.
George Steele's Barber For being another name I beat in the posters tournament.
GD For being funny once in awhile if I remember properly.
GuyCompton For whatever youve done that is positive as I have no idea.
Haiku Hogan For being one of the only people who
Hamler For coming back simply for this.
Harthan For being loyal to OCW.
Hard Hit Prince For that one time we talked. I think it was Monday.
Hatehabsforever For popping into my head when I finally found out what habs were.
HBK-aholic For everything. Always.
HBsam31 For sounding like Sam, but less Uncleish.
Headman For laughing at me right now.
HeenanGorilla For being a pair of good commentators.
Hollywood Naitch For not going Hol .never mind.
Hugh G. Rection For not going crazy like your namesake.
Hulk Hogan's Brother (The Rattlesnake) For being another good name based on Hogan.
It's Damn Real! For actually sticking around in the TNA section. I get lonely.
IrishCanadian25 For being one of the best ever around here. Not as good as me of course but still good.
INDYjon22 For being from/in Alaska .I think.
J-Dogg For being a fine Australian. You are Australian arent you?
JAM For being a heck of an NBA game series.
Jane Make up your own backhanded compliment this year.
Jack-Hammer For actually posting in the All-Star section and on my site. Another good mind is always helpful.
Jeff Deliverer of Mail For being less talkative than Cliff Clavin.
Jglass For always having something interesting to say.
JJYanks121 For being the first person to make me feel important as a wrestling reviewer.
Jmt225 For letting us know youre not dead.
Justinsayne For telling me I wouldnt be able to review every pay per view ever. Here I am today.
JWGunslinger For being good while youre around.
Khalifa For having a name that is hard to spell. Oh and you ask me questions sometimes.
klunderbunker For that snazzy beard and the autographed book.
Killjoy For allowing me to say that I was the inspiration for someone rather good.
King Patrick For that random thread, which I used to read.
Kermit For the key to all comedy: timing!
Killam For sticking around as long as you did.
Kodo Sawaki For sounding like a low budget Japanese wrestler.
Kurt Angle's Black Son For no longer asking me to update your Book This posts.
K Web V3 For sounding like a cheap operating system.
Lariat For doing Kentucky proud.
LARISANO For being one of the few people around here with a capitalized name.
Lee For turning down the flames.
Little Jerry Lawler For being the only tolerable thing about Mississippi.
LSN80 For all the memories. Make more of them.
LODemolition For being a match that should have happened.
Luther_Hull For old times sake.
M For being the 13th best letter around.
Mac-Ios For chilling a bit.
Mantaur Rodeo Clown For still having a great name.
Mark Henrys Sandwich For being a better sandwich user than the SFAC.
Matty~! For making me learn how to type a ~
MCMG For something other than the Motor City Machine Guns. For once.
Miko For sounding like the raccoon from Pocahontas.
Milenko For your WZCW stuff.
Mighty NorCal For that .I think it was called a podcast? Its been so long.
Milkyway! For sticking around for a good while.
Mitch Henessey For being the mod that we never remember. Thats a good thing actually.
Moon Knight For being an upcoming TV series I believe.
Mr. Artistic guy For a good Shinsuke Nakamura reminder.
Muffin Top Merkley For reminding me that I need to come up with something other than a Mick Foley reference.
Nate For normally getting straight to the point.
Navi For representing Canada rather proudly. Im sure theres an Alexa Bliss joke in there somewhere.
Nightmare For staying out of my head.
NSL For sticking around for a change.
Numbers For sticking with a nickname I believe I coined.
OYDK For being quite the opening line for the Outlaws.
Pancake For being a tasty breakfast.
Papa Pillman For something about Buffy.
Pedigree1 For whatever joke I make about a Pedigree.
. (Sound Of Madness) For being the only person on here with two names.
Phoenix For being quite a WZCW heel.
Pika For .achoo.
Prince Vee For ...yeah Ive got nothing.
Rayne For making sense about TNA.
Rbv13 For being as standard of a message board name as you could have.
RomanfreakinReigns For winning the Intercontinental Title on Monday.
Red Skull For not making me put you back in Prison.
Reflection For having a music video where Christina Aguliera looked great.
Remix For not making me listen to those audio RPs. Seriously what was up with those?
Sai The Pizza Guy For not being the kind of delivery guy that I feel the need to hit with a frozen halibut.
Sean Valjean For sounding like a pirate. Pirates are cool.
ScreaminNormanSmiley For being funny on occasion.
SD619 For booyaka booyaka.
Serious Mozzarella For not being the goofy cheese. Always fear the goofy cheese.
Sexcellence of Sexecution For sounding like a combination of Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels, which is as good a combination as youre going to get.
Shadowmancer For getting me started around here. I mention it every year because it bears repeating.
shattered dreams For being so wrong for defending TNA all that time.
Shooter_mcgavin For being in one of the only tolerable Adam Sandler movies.
Shafe_41 For being slightly worse than Shafe_42.
ShinChan For never being quiet, on anything.
Shotaro For being in that WarGames (it was the Elimination Chamber) match.
Shocky For being a good former King of Old School.
Showtime For Dexter.
Slyfox696 For being the best #3 around.
Slash-LN For my regular TMNT reference.
smizzy For having a snazzy name.
Smooth Sexual Chocolate For being so smooth.
Spidey For being one of my favorites around here.
SSJPhenom For something about Winchester.
Starkist For sounding like Starburst, which I actually got the wife for her birthday.
Stew N' Brew For sounding like Steak N Shake, which sounds good right now.
Stingray11214 For a marine based name, which is always cool.
Stone Cold Tea For inspiring a better name than Fang McFrost.
Stormtrooper For putting the Star Wars theme in my head.
Tastycles For our annual WZT arguments.
Thriller For trying to explain Chikara to me.
THTRobtaylor For being from the main page (Right?).
The Dragon Saga For whatever you did around here that I cant remember.
The Doctor For that rather good promo.
The Boss For giving me images of Sasha Banks.
The Crock For doing .something I cant think of as I dont think weve ever talked that much.
The Brain For being one of the best weve ever had around here.
The Life Of Pablo Ren For sounding like a good indy movie.
The Perfect Max For being better than Pepsi Max.
The Phenomenal Matrix For my regular Matrix reference.
The_Reptile_ For making me think of TMNT.
TheOneBigWill For that whole marrying Becca idea. Best thing I ever did.
Therockiswwf For being WWF and now E. The best still works.
Trendkiller For killing anything related to Twitter.
TBK For sounding like a serial killer, which oddly fascinates me.
Tdmoon For sounding like TD Moon, which is a football reference. Yeah Im stretching at this point.
Ty Burna For being one of the best all around posters weve ever had around here.
Theo For giving me beard inspiration.
Uncle Phatso For ..are you still here?
Undying For not being annoyed that I havent changed your name yet.
Uncle Sam For the good idea of the pay per view club.
Via Armbar For showing up every now and then.
Vanilla Midget For something about Malenko and Benoit.
Whap Me Jungles For what sounds like an Irish drinking song.
Wildcat66 For what better be a Kentucky Wildcat.
Wrestlingmaster55 For having a good number at the end of your name.
xfearbefore For something about indy wrestling.
Xemmy For having a name that sounds like it belongs in Kingdom Hearts.
Yaz For entertaining me in WZCW.
Y 2 Jake For keeping this place going in the early days.
Zeven_Zion For some of your rather amusing TNA posts.