KB's Annual Thanksgiving Post


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
So this is something I do every year around this time. Simply put, I'm going to look at this list of everyone who has posted even occasionally in the last year or so and list something I'm thankful for about them. Now, as is always the case, this is likely going to turn into a bunch of lame jokes about most people because I don't remember much about you. If you're not on this list, it's due to one of these reasons:

1. Dagger forgot to put you on.

2. I forgot you.

3. You kind of suck.

Also there's a good chance these will be repeats as I hardly know most of you but I'll do what I can.

@DW – For.....wait a minute that sounds Twitterish. I hate Twitter.

#tamale – For.....wait a minute. That sounds Mexican foodish. I love Mexican food so it cancels out the Twitterness.

Alex – For being the name of a good college buddy and my cousin's dog.

Allah Loves PaperGhost – For somehow keeping your name the same after all these years.

Awesome_Miz – For.......I can never remember who you are. Sorry about that.

BaconBits – For being somewhere between smart and a schnook.

Bagpipes – For being someone I've liked. I can't remember why but I do.

Baller – For something about your head in a joke I never understood.

Барбоса – For bringing old school intelligence around here.

BestSportsEntertainer – For growing up a good bit.

Big Nick Dudley

Big Sexy – For your spots stuff if I remember right.

Blade – For being around WZCW. See? You thought I was going to make that sharp joke didn't you?

Blue Chipper – For making me think of that Nick Nolte movie that I mention every year.

boozinjedi – For something about Member Berries.

Buffaloed – For being a really good tech guy who actually listens to us.

CassaNova – For making me think of Big Cass and therefore Carmella.

Cereal Killer – For......yeah I've got nothing here.

CH David – For being someone who should be around here more often.

Chrome – For.....didn't I not like you?

CyberPunk – For having a cool name.

D-Man – For being the other poster with stuffed animals at his wedding.

Da Prophet – For winning the Lethal Lottery.

Dave – For being good all around.

Davi323 – For.....I think I yelled at you a lot one day.

Dagger Dias – For proving a lot of people wrong about you.

Danger Burger – For making me hungrier since I'm already waiting on Thanksgiving dinner.

Deanerandterry – For leaving and therefore making this place slightly less despicable.

DetectiveZelix – For sounding like a good comic book character.

Diet Soda – For fighting diabetes.

Dirk – For being rather talented.

DirtyJosé – For having a snappy accent mark.

Doug Crashin – For those conspiracy theories. They're always good for a chuckle.

Dowds – For.......hey look over there!

Dynamite – For making me think of Good Times.

Echelon – For something about hoss fights and old wrestling.

enterkey – For being something I can easily reach.

Enviousdominous – For being someone I like on occasion.

Eternal Dragon – For being awesome and rather fetching.


Fallout – For some of your Brexit stuff.

Ferbian – For allowing me to have my birthday to myself

Finder Woo'er Ryder – For being someone in WZCW. I can't remember who but I can't even remember who Ty Burna is in there.

Fire Marshall Bill – For surprising me in the All-Star section as I barely knew who you were before then.

FitFinlay4Life – For being an awesome heel and someone I played as in Revenge a lot.

Fizzy – For tasting good in soda.

FTS – For chilling out a bit.

FunKay – For.....I still can't remember the difference between you and Falkon. Are you Lacey Von Erich?

Galvatron – For making me want to go to an arcade.

Gelgarin – For bringing intelligence to this place.

George Steele's Barber – For that time in the Posters Tournament.

GD – For.....are you still here?

GuyCompton – For.....uh......being a guy from Compton?

Haiku Hogan – For being one of the few who can actually make me laugh on a regular basis.

Harthan – For being one of the few people who actually know how the Indians work.

Hatehabsforever – For being loyal to your hatred of the Habs. That's the Canadiens right?

HBK-aholic – For marrying me twice. Seriously how did I pull that off?

HBsam31 – For being someone I remember being good.

Headman – For sticking with Al Snow.

Hollywood Naitch – For.....when did you get 5,000 posts?

Hugh G. Rection – For managing to get a reference at Survivor Series.

Hulk Hogan's Brother (The Rattlesnake) – For.....have we ever talked?

It's Damn Real – For Actually sticking with the quagmire that is TNA.

IrishCanadian25 – For being the Boss, boss.

INDYjon22 – For always being entertaining.

J-Dogg – For apparently knowing every wrestler ever.

JAM – For being good on toast and putting up with me always using the same line.

Jane – For nothing actually. I've never liked you and I find you to be almost everything bad about this place in one poster.

Jack-Hammer – For slowing down a bit and not touching my posting record. Yet.

Jeff Deliverer of Mail – For being my only opponent in WZCW and my only victory.

Jglass – For chilling out a bit.

JJYanks121 – For all those times on your show. I always have a good time.

Jmt225 – For everything you've done. Please come back.

Justinsayne – For always posting in my Ask A Question thread.

JWGunslinger – For.....where are you anyway?

Kapu – For finally sticking with a name.

klunderbunker – For having a ridiculously amazing collection of Gatorade bottle caps.

Killjoy – For being someone I consider my protege and proving my faith in you right.

King Patrick – For that random thread, which I read occasionally.

Kermit – For always being green. I hear it's not easy.

Killam – For being one of the staff writers who haven't plagarized me.

Kodo Sawaki – For having a cool name.

K Web V3 – For something about WZCW, whatever it is you do there.

Lariat – For not reading the All-Star post about Cena being better than Flair.

LARISANO – For not shouting in your name anymore.

Lee – For that join date.

Little Jerry Lawler – For showing me that I was right about Mississippi.

LSN80 – For that brief comeback, which should be longer.

Luther_Hull – For something other than admin because I'm sick of that joke.

M – For being lucky #13.

Mac-Ios – For being one of the better prisoners. Take that how you will.

Mantaur Rodeo Clown – For still having a name I like.

Mark Henrys Sandwich – For not having lettuce. It's evil.

Matty~! – For proper tilde use.

MCMG – For having a name from a team with a good theme song.

Miko – For sticking with a name.

Milenko – For not sucking as much as you used to. I believe they call that moving up the card.

Mighty NorCal – For a lot of things, like letting me be on the podcast so often.

Milkyway! – For.....didn't you used to live in Lexington?

Mitch Henessey – For being one of the best Movie mods we've ever had.

Moon Knight – For not being Wes.

Mr. Artistic guy – For being talented in art and such.

Muffin Top Merkley – For the day when I can come up with something other than a Fourth Face of Foley reference.

Mustang Sally – For everything. Rest in peace to one of the nicest, sweetest posters ever on here.

Nate – For being a longstanding regular around here.

Navi – For always being around in the LD's. So few good ones are anymore.

Nightmare – For staying out of my head.

NSL – For always commenting on the site.

Numbers – For bringing back Austin Reynolds, who I remember. I can't tell you anything about him but I remember him.

OYDK – For being a snappy acronym.

Pancake – For being my favorite breakfast. Well second favorite assuming you don't have blueberries included.

Papa Pillman – For that Alicia Silverstone post. I was always a big fan.

Pedigree1 – For being better than the second verison.

. (Sound Of Madness) – For sounding mad instead of angry.

Phoenix – For hosting Shawn Michaels' last match.

Prince Vee – For being in WZCW and trying hard in there.

Rayne – For shutting down TNA simpletons.

Red Skull – For managing to not insult my wife for awhile.

Reflection – For being a good Christina Aguliera song, which I think I've used before.

Remix – For being only slightly less good than the original.

ScreaminNormanSmiley – For black magic.

SD619 – For probably being better at the move than Cesaro

Serious Mozzarella – For being good and full of cholesterol.

Sexcellence of Sexecution – For.....something about Canada.

Shadowmancer – For giving me my start here.

shattered dreams – For proving me right about how bad it was going to get for TNA when I was always told to sit down, shut up and stop complaining for the sake of complaining.

Shotaro – For......doing something in WZCW under a name I can't remember.

Shocky – For a nice chat at NXT.

Showtime – For.....*insert your own joke here* FOLKS!

Slyfox696 – For letting me be the face of the forums like I should be.

smizzy – For sounding snazzy.

Smooth Sexual Chocolate – For being the easiest firing I've ever had to do on staff.

Spidey – For becoming one of my favorites around here.

SSJPhenom – For keeping the NAMBLA dream alive.

Starkist – For being the best tuna I've ever had this side of an aquarium.

Stew N' Brew – For sounding like an interesting recipe.

stingray11214 – For.....uh......some stingingly good posts?

Stormtrooper – For freaking out over the Hogan pictures in the tournament, which are always going to be humorous in your honor.

Tastycles – For....you're in Dubai right? I never can remember as you never bring it up or anything.

Thriller – For explaining Chikara to me. I might need a refresher if I go to the Wrestlemania weekend show.

THTRobtaylor – For coming down from the main page to the place where people are actually allowed to think.

The Dragon Saga – For being around a lot. At least I think you are.

The Doctor – For making me chuckle in WZCW more than once.

The Boss – For....who are you again?

The Crock – For not being Crocker, which is as big a compliment as I can give you.

The Brain – For not killing me in New Orleans, which I thought you were going to do at first.

The Phenomenal Matrix – For.....I think you put in a new WZCW app recently.

The_Reptile_ – For being awesome on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. That's who you are right?

TheOneBigWill – For sticking with the WZPC.

Therockiswwf – For not calling it WWE all the time like so many people do.

trendkiller – For hurting anything to do with Twitter. More people need to do that.

TBK – For.....yeah I've got nothing here. Uh.....something about Burger King I guess.

TWJC: The Beginning – For always posting a lot. Like a lot a lot. He has more for Luther.

Ty Burna – For being one of the best around here who doesn't get the praise he deserves.

Theo – For one heck of a beard.

Uncle Phatso – For continuing the Uncle joke WAY beyond its usefulness.

Uncle Sam – For explaining parts of British politics to me.

Via Armbar – For....wait where have you been?

Whap Me Jungles – For.....something about jungles. Tarzan maybe?

Xfearbefore – For only making cameoes.

Xemmy – For......I think it was something about the guy with the bathrooms thing.

Yaz – For giving me a target for the jokes. And for running the e-fed as well as anyone I can remember.

Y 2 Jake – For keeping this place going back in the day.

Zeven_Zion – For making me laugh at how wrong you can be about TNA.

If I forgot you, let me know and I'll throw you on here too.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody. Thank you for making and keeping this place awesome.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and other WZFians.

I feel dumb since I got to know about it today and saw that I was mentioned last year too and I knew nothing about it until today.

And yes, I am actually sticking with this name.
Another thanksgiving, another identical insult. Why do you continue to do this every year? Like 95% of those people don't post anymore. We all know you've killed this forum during your time as admin.
Another thanksgiving, another identical insult. Why do you continue to do this every year? Like 95% of those people don't post anymore. We all know you've killed this forum during your time as admin.


I guess I'm just too fantastic for words. Thank you.

I could have sworn you were on there.

For saying Fantastic, which is good because we're seeing Fantastic Beasts tomorrow.
Every year more citizens of Mexico celebrate Thanksgiving. The appetizers of course are tamales. Lots of tamales.


Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to you KB and your wife. Also to all of the US members of the board. Hope you all survive your food coma's.
While we don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Britain, I've always been a fan of the holiday. Figured I do a little list of my own (if you're not on it, you're probably cool too unless I've said otherwise somewhere else):

@DW: Underrated poster that usually offers an interesting point of view.

Baconbits: Great poster that isn't afraid to speak his mind, even if your opinion is unpopular. That, and you can make me laugh when you're shitting on noobs.

Barbosa: Very intelligent guy who I always enjoy having exchanges with, they often help me assess a situation with greater detail.

Big Nick: Honestly, I agree with a lot of the stuff you say about the Republicans. That, and I loved your old signature.

Dave: Like KB said, good all round. If I come back to WZCW, I need to get a win over you.

Dagger: Really nice guy who has matured a lot from your early days here, and well deserving of your current rank.

Ech: Good debater, I enjoy your arguments in the WZT every year, even if I disagree with a few of them.

Envious: If there's a most improved award this year, I'm definitely voting you for that.

Falkon: A man of wealth and taste.

Fire Marshall Bill: Flies under the radar a little, always been a solid poster here.

Gelgarin: Genuinely someone who has influenced my style of posting. I have a lot of respect for you.

GSB: Always makes me laugh, even if the joke is at my expense.

Haiku: Miss you, buddy. Maybe one day, the Pale Riders will ride again.

Hollywood Naitch: Persistently been a strong poster, and a breath of fresh air in the non-spam sections. Very nice guy also.

JAM: Always been a nice guy to talk to and work with. I remember our Skype conversations back in the day.

Jack-Hammer: For being a monster in terms of contribution.

JGlass: Even if I disagree with you a lot politically, I really appreciate your contributions to the forum. The BZT is always ran extremely well, and the latest tournament was no exception. You also do seem like a nice guy on the whole also.

Khalifa: Another cool guy who slips under the radar here.

KB: There's a reason why your website is on my favourites. Keep doing what you do best.

Lee: I've always loved your enthusiasm.

LSN: Don't leave again :<.

Milenko: For being a trooper both figuratively and literally. Honestly found most of the criticism towards you completely unjustified.

Norcal: Certified badass.

Mitch: Always loved your commentary on movies; you've done a lot of good for the Media Hub over the past few years.

Sally: Rest in peace. Truly a legend.

Nate: One of the funniest guys on here, as well as one of the more intelligent ones.

Navi: Always been very polite and insightful from what I've seen from you.

Nightmare: Your prisoner posts, especially towards LBK, still make me laugh to this day.

NSL: For being upbeat and a great guy to work with in WZCW, even if our time together was short lived.

Pancake: Because Team Fortress 2.

Rayne: You have a great combination of snark, wit and insight.

Slyfox: Another guy who has inspired my posting style. I've always loved watching you dissect everyone's arguments, noob or veteran.

Spidey: Intelligent, witty and always being a great contributor to WZCW.

Tasty: Fellow Welshman. Also a cool guy to debate with.

Yaz: For running the e-fed and being an amusing sunbitch.
From my home to all of yours, Happy Thanksgiving.

I'd say more but I'm visiting grandparents and they don't have good wifi. It's an absolute miracle I'm even reading this.

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