KB"s Wrestler Challenge #6

Pick Your Winner

  • Vader

  • Kevin Nash

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This time around, we have a battle of the big men. These are two guys that are both legends of the sport. Both are multiple time world champions and both masters of being big men.

Introducing first, we have perhaps the best big man ever in WCW, as well as perhaps its best heel to never be in the NWO or the Horsemen. I never recall him being a face in WCW, but he was in WWE, and it was crap. This man is born to be the evil one. Ladies and Gentlemen, weighing 454 lbs, he is the Rocky Mountain Monster, he is VADER!

And his opponent, is one of the handful of men to have won the WCW and WWF titles. He is one of the best big men of all time, and has both his supporters and his detractors, but there is no doubt that he is one of the most famous big men of all time. From Detroit, Michigan, he is Big Sexy, Kevin Nash!

You know the drill by now.
Kevin Nash...Diesel (honk honk)...what can I say that hasn't already been said about the man. Not much - Diesel got by being a generic big man. Powerbomb, big boots, the works, using the coat tails of HBK to thrust himself into the limelight.
A close personal friend of both HBK and HHH, there has always been that allegation of politicking following Big Kev around, as can be seen from his current walkouts on TNA. Don't get me wrong, I like him and he's been a part of major major things in the NWO and as Diesel...but, well, he just wasn't as good as I think he was portrayed. Face it, he was in the NWO...but without Hogan the NWO melted away around him like a snowman in the Sahara

Vader was awful in WWF. No question. He wasn't pushed the way he could be because Vince didn't make him. Yet the man was a god in Japan, and good in WCW. An athletic, vicious big man, he made himself in spite of politics in WWF holding him back.

For me, the lord of the Vader Sault wins this battle of the behemoths
I'm not sure I'd call Kevin Nash anything like "one of the best big men," yeah he has his fame but I still think Vader is perhaps more famous, more talented and an all around better wrestler.

As Polley said Nash/ Diesel got by from being a generic big man. He moved to WCW causing a bit of controversy therefore was instantly put in the main event. He was never anything like as good or as impactful as Holywood Hogan and the only reason he got over more than Scott Hall was because of his size. Sadly, I don't see Nash as any better than other ten-a--penny big men like Test for example or Tomko, if those two have caused the type of controversy Nash did in there careers it could be them in this poll as one of the most famous big men. The fact is that there all bland, that's not to say though that ALL big men are bland as some would have you believe, just the more generic ones and frankly, Kevin Nash is bland.

Now on to Vader, for any man his size entering the world of wrestling... I bet any amount of money that they would kill for a moveset and talent like his. When you look at a super-heavyweight like Vader and are able to say WOW, That man has got something, a spark... That's what seperates him from being another throw-away Super-Heavyweight to perhaps the best Super Heavyweight of his time. Like Nash he has had success wherever he has gone, most notably the WWE and Japan where I believe he was a triple crown winner. Any opponent, in any decade and in any ring would strugle to topple Vader.
I will thank IC25 for making me see the wonders of Vader. Before his campaign for Vader in the Wrestler tournament, I had never really paid attention to his matches. But looking back at them now, I see they were great matches. And not just 1/100. every couple of matches was great.

I had never been a big fan of SHWs. I had the stereotype none of them could move in the ring, and that they were only there because of their size. Vader changed that for me. He could move with the athleticism of a guy half his size, and tell a story in the ring better than most.

Vader > Nash easily for me.
For me, it's got to be Kevin Nash. I don't know why but I've always enjoyed watching Kevin Nash. He was never the greatest in the ring, but his charisma was unbelievable. He could talk, or he could just look at you. I believed in Kevin Nash for some odd reason. If he wouldve worked on his working ability just a bit more, he couldve been one of the all time greats.

What really needs to be said about Vader. For a man his size he could do damn near anything. He's a great worker. I just have always liked Kevin Nash. For whatever reason.

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