Kaz is back, end of Suicide?


Pre-Show Stalwart
According to reports Kaz returned as Kaz instead of Suicide for the impact tapings in a 6 man tag. I for one think this will freshen up the X division because the flux capacitor was always one of my favorite finishers and Kaz to me was always perfect in the X division. Also, does this mean the end for suicide?
I hope it is the end of suicide, because putting on that mask and being that persona "killed" kaz's career. At one time he was on the road to main eventing or so it seemed. He was in matches with Christian and Angle. I think he is very exciting in the ring and puts on great matches.

His major problem is a lack of charisma outside of the ring. His interviews were very boring and bland. He would benefit greatly from a manager. Jimmy Hart? Ric Flair? I think he would be great as a 4th for a new horseman like group.

Hey that really good for KAZ i had made a thread about what had happed to KAZ/Suicide.Well now we know what happend.

I guess this might be the end for Suicide.Now im pretty sure that the Xdivision will start to get alot better.And maybe in the future he might get another xdivision title run.Or he might win the Destination X match,And title the title away from doug Because really doug doesnt bring nothing to the table as X Division Champion.
I agree that now is the time to end Suicide, but I hope that Kaz gives an explination for his "sudden return". Maybe backstage he can even take off the mask and deny the character and tell the world that the best X Division wrestler, the future, and let's not forget "The Coolest" is back and better than ever. And to the person who said he would be a good fit with Flair...I agree! I think Kaz would be a great person to hook up with Flair. He could do the whole suit thing like Flair and with his personal issues nowadays nobody would get on his ass if he walked around with a woman or two on his arm.
Well I don't think Kaz is the right person to be playing Suicide. He couldn't even use the Original finisher. But now that he's married to traci I think there is a load of possible storylines:

A story were he cheats on her with So cal Val. 1 Val isn't doing anything at all. 2. He can be paired with Val Venus and that could help him develop his personality

Next : He could do a line were he abuses Traci. See Test/Stacy 2003. Basically traci would flash to help him win his matches. He abuses her trust causeing her to fall for someone like Rob Terry. He then maneges to win a Freedom Or Servant match. Making Terry his slave and then alining himself with Aj and Flair. Not to get of topic but anything can happen.
I think the freedom or servant match thing is something that didn't help WCW and I don't think that has changed. I wouldn't be against Traci being used as his manager but I don't want to see it go to that extent. That's just cheesey and has been done a thousand times and never is really seen as an interesting story. Glad to see someone is trying to give ideas insted of just saying what sucks or what is good though.
Yay, no more Suicide......though I do wish that they would have done more with the angle where Homicide stole the costume and said that he knew who Suicide was. But this is TNA, and they forget things like that quicker than WWE. I'm starting to think that at this point, Kaz might actually be kicking himself for requesting his release from WWE.
I have to disagree with all of you. Suicide was good for Kaz cause it gave him work. He hardly was getting any for a while. He is just too bland of a wrestler. Reminds me of Tony Roma. Remember him? Wouldn't surprise me if you didn't. The Suicide gimmick got a x-division title run and a went to a few TNA house shows he was on and he was over big time. It also gave him personality This dude is the reason gimmicks are needed.
I hope that this the end of Suicide. This character has been uninteresting for a very long time now. When he was X-Division champ, it was okay because he still had tons of mystique left, and he was this mystery man holding the title which made things even more interesting, but ever since then, all that mystique has been long gone. For some reason, TNA never wanted to pull the trigger when it came to revealing the true identiy of Suicide. It looked like they might do this with Homicide, but it never happened.

I wouldn't mind seeing Kaz return. He was on a pretty good role before the whole Suicide character came into the picture. He had an awesome ladder match with Christian at Genesis 2007, and he looked a legit challenge to then world champion Kurt Angle when he wrestled him on Impact. TNA could've gone some where with the Kaz "retirement" angle. Remember he was on Karen's Angle(that talk show with Kurt's ex-wife) and that's where he said he was done with wrestling. TNA could've had one of the vets come in and try to convince him to stay, and this would sparked new life for Kaz. It would've been similar to what happened with AJ and Sting. Still, it'll be good to see Kaz return.
I'm all for Kaz being back and if it is the end of Suicide, I hope they write something to give Kaz a push. Unmasking Suicide should be made into a big deal, whether it's a continuation of the Homicide angle or some other way. Just sending Kaz out there and dropping Suicide seems like a wasted opportunity.
I'll be sooo happy if this is true. In today's wrestling world, there seems to be very little room for gimmick wrestlers as opposed to the 80's and 90's. Yeah there are still some around but the more successful ones have had the gimmick for several years and have had a lot of success e.g. Undertaker, Kane, Abyss. In my personal opinion, this was the silliest gimmick in TNA just after Jay Lethal's horrendous Macho Man impersonation which quite honestly angers me every time I see it (I used to be the biggest Savage fan ever...I even had one of the big foam neon green cowboy hats lol).

Another problem I had with the Suicide character was the name. It would have been better if they didn't already have a character named Homicide. That just seemed a little repetitive to me, especially since they weren't part of a stable and had nothing to do with one another. I kept waiting on the debut of a wrestler named Genocide or Pesticide.

I think someone of Kazarian's talent deserves more than to be stifled by such a lame gimmick.
If there is no more Suicide, then that is the dumbest idea. If TNA thinks people are just going to go with the flow then check out how many thousand people have noticed whats going on. Idiots, lol. Them and WWE, the dropping of storylines for no reason is the single most annoying thing as a fan to see because your left there going WTF.

If it was crap, well oh well. Finish it up quickly and move on to the next storyline.
The way I see it is there are 3 ways this could go; keep Kaz as Suicide but have him wrestle as Kaz sometimes, or vice versa; replace the man behind the mask (again); or Suicide leaves forever.

I'm glad Kaz has appeared as Kaz again, and personally I hope it stays this way. I prefer his in ring work without the mask. Although, I would be sad if Suicide was to disappear with no explaination, which is what I fear will happen. If they are getting rid of the Suicide character they should try to work it into storyline somehow and make a big deal out of it like Pedro suggested... but this is TNA we're on about, so I don't have any expectations there.

I believe the Suicide character had a lot of potential. There was a lot of build up to his debut... "whoissuicide.com" flashing up on our screens every week, the TNA game, then when I had almost given up the hope that Suicide would ever debut, he did just that! His debut was awesome; Kaz was as crisp as ever and pulled out a few stunning maneuvers!
Unfortunately I feel that neither Kaz nor Daniels pulled off the Suicide character as well as Kaz did that first time, and slowly but surely Suicide became, essentially, a jobber :(
Had Suicide been given a solid storyline maybe it wouldn't have gone that way...?

I think it would be great if TNA could find somebody who could fit the Suicide suit! Somebody who could be consistently as crisp as Kaz was when he debuted Suicide. Somebody who would be a worthy X Division opponent (not that Kaz isn't, he just isn't (or should that be wasn't?) as Suicide).
If there is no more Suicide, then that is the dumbest idea. If TNA thinks people are just going to go with the flow then check out how many thousand people have noticed whats going on. Idiots, lol. Them and WWE, the dropping of storylines for no reason is the single most annoying thing as a fan to see because your left there going WTF.

If it was crap, well oh well. Finish it up quickly and move on to the next storyline.

I agree with you about dropping storylines. I've already stated that I didn't like the character but I can't stand when storylines are dropped without any explanation whatsoever. If this is indeed the truth and Suicide is gone, I do hope they at least show him being attacked or put out of action in some form or something to that effect. They could unmask him if necessary but that would forever tie him to the gimmick. Then they would have to explain why he took on the persona and all that crap. I guess the positive aspect of that scenario is that it would give him a storyline.
Yes, I agree that they should have made something out of Suicide being "unmasked" to reveal his identity. It does remind you of WCW and how they forgot about so many ideas/story lines and just dropped them.

Homocide vs. Suicide in a "Career Vs. Mask" NO-DQ Street Fight has PPV match written all over it. Of course, being "NO-DQ" Homocide could get help from other heels and win. Tazz could take off the Suicide mask, revealing himself. Flair and Styles could then beat up Homocide and there we have 3 of the new Horsemen!

Remember how HUGE it was when Kane took off his mask on Monday Night Raw? Heck, maybe they could have the match on TNA Monday Night television.
Suicide has run his course. I'm glad they brought back Kaz, as I felt the mask and costume were restricting him, as a performer and as a character. Kaz has been one of the "coolest" guys on the TNA roster, since its very beginning.

The Suicide character reached its potential around this time last year, when his identity was being called into question by various members of the X Division. Significant amounts of TV time were given to this angle, with no payoff...it just was kind of forgotten. At that time, an unmasking would have meant something. Now, it would just seem more like a formality.

Kaz will no doubt perform well in the ring. He does need some promo work, but who knows if they will insist on keeping him as an RVD-type character, where he has a "cool," laid-back personality. Although, if they plan on bringing Van Dam into the fold, Kaz may need a little retooling. Or hell, stick them together.
Put glen gilbernetti in the suit and make kaz wrestle him a few times.

Hell, refuse to wash it, and put whoever is "at the bottom of the ladder" in it. Make it a punishment like the turkey suit. With it constantly getting dirtier and rattier.

Then put odb in it a few times, causing future wearers to ask, "what is that smell"?
I agree with wazaveli. At least have Suicide get unmasked or something, on't just fade out the character that you pushed hard and have no closure to his angle. They did the same thing with the masked kane vs. the real kane and all that May 12th stuff. Bad angle, but you never found out who it was or why they were doing it (Yes I know it was Luke Gallows). They do the same thing with belts too. Like the cruiserweight title. At least unify it with the Intercontinental belt if you wanna get rid of it. Instead they give it to hornswoggle and never reference again. Bottom line give angles closure. It's just bad booking otherwise.
Just in case you did not know or remember, bsager20018:

On an episode of Smackdown (or Raw?), Vickie Guerrero stripped Hornswaggle of the CruiserWeight title because he was Vince McMahon's son at the time. Vickie did not want him to get hurt because of this and Lil Bastard handed her the belt. That was the last time anyone seen the CruiserWeight title!
That just seemed a little repetitive to me, especially since they weren't part of a stable and had nothing to do with one another. I kept waiting on the debut of a wrestler named Genocide or Pesticide.

Debut a character named Genocide and have Sabu come back to manage them lmfao.

In all seriousness though, if they don't turn the end of Suicide and the return of Kaz into something at least noteworthy it's a massive and epic fail. This could turn Kaz into what they wanted him to be, a main event player, while elevating Homicide as a singles star which he is destined to become.

TNA is sporting this new "push the young guys to the moon" philosophy. It only makes sense to continue to elevate young singles guys to compete for AJ's belt. And I for one believe that both Kaz and Homicide are capable of putting on some classics with AJ.
If Kaz is to return, what I am hoping for is some touches of Suicide to stay with him. Maybe his trunks can have the Suicide colors or he can still do the taunt. Lots of people know that Kaz is the mastermind behind Suicide so the least he can do is pay homage to what people remember him as.

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