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Kayfabe- Foley is a terrible GM


Championship Contender
All of Steph's criticisms are valid. Not sure that's how you want to book a legend that's in a face role. And Stephanie being a heel, is the far more competent one. It's just a weird dynamic. Foley is like the buffoonish sitcom dad who always screws everything up, while Stephanie is like the smart but bitchy wife who complains a lot about her husbands dumb antics and generally tries to keep him in check.

Thankfully it seems to be coming to an end.

I still don't understand the need for a GM when Stephanie is there almost every week. But rumors are strong that Kurt Angle could be the next GM, so getting him back on TV will certainly be fun in the short term and he's been an effective GM in the past.
Foley is a horrible GM because Stephanie has to show everyone that she's in charge and she does that by emasculating the man every chance she gets because she's Stephanie McMahon.

Had she fucked off like she said she was going to when she hired him he would have a much better track record as GM.
I had high hopes for Foley being GM - I wanted him to kind of resort to his crazy self and make a bunch of whacked-out matches for "no reason" that ultimately created some new and cool storylines and matchups. All kayfabe, of course. I hoped they would use his past in the brand split to transition from the same-old,same-old into a new future.

Such has not been the case, however. Not that RAW doesn't have its high points. I'm going to watch AND enjoy Goldberg/Lesnar as long as they don't take a big crap in the ring like they did at WM20. Jericho/KO has been gold. I am liking some of the cruiserweight stuff. The women on RAW are doing well. Rollins/HHH is going to be a good match - I say that despite my ever-growing hatred for HHH (the person, not the character).

But I expected more shenanigans from Foley, like him slapping the mandible claw on HHH on Monday night. Not necessarily physical action, but more in-his-old-character behavior. In one sense, it's good that they haven't mined that, but look what happened on Monday when they did. The whole segment was pretty top-notch.
Foley is a horrible GM because Stephanie has to show everyone that she's in charge and she does that by emasculating the man every chance she gets because she's Stephanie McMahon.

Had she fucked off like she said she was going to when she hired him he would have a much better track record as GM.

Yes. AND it would be fine on TV if Steph would go all-out-crazy-bitch heel. But she hasn't. And likely won't. So all it does is serve to make Mick Foley's presence meaningless.
Has there ever been a good kayfabe GM? The role of the GM is to make matches and keep things in order. The matches Mick sets up are decent enough. Chaos exists but it always has in WWE. Rollins got hurt but that happens and it was at the will of the COO of the company. The main event scene got stale but he was given half of a roster. The GM shouldn't be to blame for the weak Cruiserweight division. He is utilizing their best talent.

Maybe I'm not thinking this out enough. What examples can you give of him screwing up?
Yes. AND it would be fine on TV if Steph would go all-out-crazy-bitch heel. But she hasn't. And likely won't. So all it does is serve to make Mick Foley's presence meaningless.

Agreed! Stephanie alternates from bitchy to sort of reasonable. Foley is just kind of there, always a step behind and always getting blamed.

I don't see the point!

If we're getting Foley and Stephanie.....let's get crazy, off the wall Foley, and completely evil Stephanie. I realize that can only last so long but it would've been more entertaining if they went there for awhile at least.

As it stands, I don't see why Foley has even been there.
Has there ever been a good kayfabe GM? The role of the GM is to make matches and keep things in order. The matches Mick sets up are decent enough. Chaos exists but it always has in WWE. Rollins got hurt but that happens and it was at the will of the COO of the company. The main event scene got stale but he was given half of a roster. The GM shouldn't be to blame for the weak Cruiserweight division. He is utilizing their best talent.

Maybe I'm not thinking this out enough. What examples can you give of him screwing up?

Again "kayfabe". Stephanie can't make it to the show and emphasizes that these two matches need to go off without a hitch....of course they don't.....and Foley gets blamed for "screwing up". That's kind of been the general feel of the whole thing.
The WWE is apparently trying to build Mick into someone who works his ass off and gets treated like crap for it by his compulsively disappointed boss, but they're accidentally making him look like someone who's foolishly trying to please everyone and subsequently tends to make things worse for everyone.

Navi had a really good point (that I wasn't able to rep because she made another rep worthy point just before that) the other day when she posted that Daniel Bryan is a better GM because he was actually able to fire someone. The day after Mick spent his entire day pondering who he should fire and ended up essentially not firing anybody, Daniel Bryan up and fires someone because they crossed the line and that's all it takes with him, Mick in the meantime has been letting Braun Strowman waylay anybody without even a slap on the wrist (if anything Braun has been getting rewarded for lack of being punished).

Making matches? Check. Keeping order? Hell no.

From a fan's perspective; I would enjoy this soap opera about Mick Foley being a tragic hero a lot more if he was a little more involved with storylines involving the championships and if he spent less time hanging around Sami Zayn.
I think part of the reason that Foley comes off looking so bad is because of the dynamic between him and Stephanie. One week she all hearts and flowers, like I've known you forever and your my best friend and the next she's ripping him to shreds. There is no even keel between the two and they have more fights than actually goes on in the ring some nights.

Also if you watch Smackdown Live, Bryan and Shane work together as a cohesive team. When one makes a decision the other one backs them up and usually, not always will take the idea one step further. There is no infighting and name calling, you get the impression they are there for the good of the roster not the other way round.

In short, Stephanie makes it all about her and Smackdown Live makes it all about the wrestlers. Between Stephanie and Foley they will have 5 segments, Bryan or Shane will appear briefly if at all.
There are very few good babyface GM characters because babyface GM's are basically "good" people who don't lord his/her authority over the wrestlers on the roster and the only ones who have issues with them are the heels who complain about how they're against them or don't treat them with the respect they deserve, etc.

When Foley was announced as Raw GM, it should've been obvious that the day was coming in which tensions reached a fever pitch. Foley is a nice guy while Stephanie's character is that of a malicious, cold hearted bitch who likes to use her position of authority to screw with the lives of babyface wrestlers because she gets off on the power. Such two polar opposite characters are going to clash and in this case, you have a formula that's difficult to alter. Even though Stephanie is close to 40, her character still comes off like the Billion Dollar Princess of the Attitude Era a lot of the time, her character is this elitist snob who's management style is tyrannical and sees anything other than cold, calculating and manipulative to be a sign of weakness that she'll exploit.

Stephanie's heel character is a great one, but she's gotten too much exposure the past several years. You also have to take into account the general lack of interest in on air authority figures because it's been a constant presence in pro wrestling since even before the Attitude Era but with much more emphasis placed on it. Now what this likely means is that there'll be another GM appointed who'll be more along the lines of Stephanie or he'll/she'll be a spineless jellyfish that can be easily bullied or manipulated.

In Foley's case, however, you had a payoff that might damn well be worth it. People like Foley, he's a sweet, laid back, easy going guy that's easy to like. He's also someone who's given his health and risked his life at times to entertain wrestling fans, something that fans will not forget nor should they. What they saw on Raw Monday nice was two lousy rich assholes without any connection or care to ordinary people beating up what amounted to a defenseless 51.5 year old guy who can't really defend himself anymore because his body's simply too beaten up due to 3 decades of leaving it all out there in the ring. When Seth Rollins' music hit, Rollins probably got the biggest pop of his career, if you don't count his MITB cash in at WrestleMania XXXI, as he came down to stand up for Mick Foley. This may well have been the thing that gets Rollins over the hump to being a full blown babyface that fans accept as a babyface despite his time with the Authority.

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