Kaval: Will He Ever Return?

Paralyzer Z

Fuck honor
So it has almost been a year since WWE released Kaval/ Low Ki as he is more widely known as. During his tenure with the company he participated and won the second season of NXT, and had an Intercontinental championship match at Survivor Series. Due to differences with WWE he was let go of in December of 2010. The fans loved him for his style which is not often seen in the WWE. The question is will he ever avenge his first run with the largest wrestling company in the word?

In my opinion he was a great wrestler and gained some of the intangibles that are essential in WWE during NXT. Why the let him go before developing himself is beyond me. His style was one of my favorites with his kicks very similar to RVD or Daniel Bryan. He was never really given the chance to show what he is made off outside of Superstars and a couple of Smackdown shows. He like DB was verbally bashed by Micheal Cole and still had not gotten revenge due to his release. I would get him very over if he was to have a conflict with Cole. He would also make a great mid carder and eventually it would be decided of he is main event material or not.

Here are my questions

What is your opinion of Kaval/Low Ki overall?

What did you think of his last run with WWE?

Do you think he will ever return to WWE?

if that were the case

Do you think a continuation of his feud with Micheal Cole would put him over?
What is your opinion of Kaval/Low Ki overall?
I liked Kaval. I really did enjoy watching him perform and thought that he usually put on really good matches. He was terrible on the mic but I felt that he did evolve during his tenure on NXT. I thought his promo prior to him winning the show was really good and I enjoyed his little rap he did on one episode.

What did you think of his last run with WWE?
There's really not much to say considering he lost just about every match. I thought he was badly used and deserved better. No, I didn't see him winning the world title but I thought he was capable of having a good run with the IC title.

Do you think he will ever return to WWE?
No. He's made it clear multiple times and on Twitter that he has no interest in WWE. I'd like to see it happen if he's utilized properly but I don't see it happening.

if that were the case

Do you think a continuation of his feud with Micheal Cole would put him over?
I wasn't aware that Kaval was feuding with Michael Cole prior to his release. It's not something I'd personally be interested in seeing.
I was just watching a few of his matches on youtube today and thinking the same thing

1. A talented and athletic man with alot of charisma, who has paid his dues on the independent scene for years

2. Blink and you missed it, although i wish that he and MVP formed a tag team

3. Not in the near future, but maybe somewhere down the road when he gets older

4. No, i hate these minuscule "feuds" that people have with Michael Cole where he calls them a "dork" I.E. Daniel Bryan
What is your opinion of Kaval/Low Ki overall?
Who? Wasn't he the guy carrying Lay-Cools bags?

What did you think of his last run with WWE?
Not worthy of paying attention to, he's a no body. Remember if it didn't happen in the WWE it doesn't matter.

Do you think he will ever return to WWE?
Why bother? He was dead in the water the first time, so what would really be the point in bringing him back?

Do you think a continuation of his feud with Micheal Cole would put him over?
Cole needs to stay away from in ring talents, and being involved in feuds. Hes great for gaining heat but it falls flat when he enters the ring
Kaval was too rough.

His special move was too harsh and actually hurt other wrestlers.

I remember seeing him do his stomp thing to the Miz and it was not pretty. I could imagine the Miz having words with him and management.

He is too indie and will probably never come back to the WWE because of his wrecklessness and his bad attitude.
No, to me he was talent less he was just another indy spot monkey that could fly while kicking someone. We have enough of those spot monkeys in WWE at the moment in Evan Bourne, JoMo, Daniel Bryan and Sin Cara (a botch professional spot monkey). WWE probably wouldn't want him back because of his arrogance and his expectations to be pushed to the moon instantly.
What is your opinion of Kaval/Low Ki overall?
I liked Kaval, I got a real ECW feeling from him and I thought that he would bring that intensity to SD! and eventually find success. As anyone who saw him knows, his mic skills are nothing to get excited about but he made up for it with his exceptional in ring abilities, much like John Morrison.

What did you think of his last run with WWE?
I wasn't very happy with it, I really wanted to see him do well or atleast win a few goddamn matches but they did not use him well and he got taken out in most of his matches. He could have done so much more had he been given much of a chance but unfortunatly he and the WWE were not meant for each other. When he won NXT I expected him to become a newer version of Morrison, super talented in the ring but weak mic skills and because of that he would be a mid carder for life with occasional title shots that ended with failure.

Do you think he will ever return to WWE?
No, as Notorious noted in his post Kaval has already made it clear that he has no intentions of returning. Also, I do not think that it's the right place for him after his release, I think that he would be a decent match for TNA and if he ever made his way there I would be happy.
What is your opinion of Kaval/Low Ki overall?

He was ok. Not bad in the ring but he needed to hone his skill a little more. He had a bad attitude and was hurting people.

What did you think of his last run with WWE?

I think he should have stuck around a little longer to see what may come up. But if you're unhappy you should do something about it.

Do you think he will ever return to WWE?

Never say never but I doubt it.
My personal opinion is that WWE was testing him. Low Ki's reputation as someone who takes his wrestling persona very seriously is well known. I think WWE put him with Lay Cool during NXT, and then had him constantly job afterwards, was just a test to see how badly he wanted to be part of the WWE.

Will he ever come back? I think money has a lot to do with the answer to that question. I'm not going to speculate on anyone's financial situation, but may be one day that WWE paycheck will look good enough for Low Ki consider compromising his persona a bit.
No, to me he was talent less he was just another indy spot monkey that could fly while kicking someone. We have enough of those spot monkeys in WWE at the moment in Evan Bourne, JoMo, Daniel Bryan and Sin Cara (a botch professional spot monkey). WWE probably wouldn't want him back because of his arrogance and his expectations to be pushed to the moon instantly.

Tell me you didn't just call mah boy D Bry a damn spot monkey!

That's just not right.

On topic, I really liked Kaval, saw a few of his X Division matches as Low Ki and they were cool as fook.

Kaval's WWE run was a little disappointing, after winning NXT he was hardly used on TV, and when he was it was either in a cringe-worthy LayCool segment or being jobbed out in three minutes on Smackdown. It's almost as if brass didn't want him to get over.

He may be one of those people who we see return to the WWE in the future, although I don't really see him being a huge star there ever.
I liked his short feud with Dolph Ziggler. And I was honestly disappointed when he left.
But no, I don't think we'll be seeing him again in the WWE. At least not in the foreseeable future.
Kaval had a decent run last year winning NXT season 2 back when that show still mattered and challenging for the Intercontinental Championship. He was barely used other than that though and I cannot blame him for leaving. I doubt he will return but you never know because stranger things have happened in the WWE. Feuding with Cole would help nobody. It would just make Cole even more annoying. If Kaval came back then a feud with someone like Sin Cara would be awesome, the two of them would be flying all over the place doing insane spots.
There's no way in the world we will ever see Kaval back in the WWE in any capacity, and I'm sure that's perfectly fine with him personally, with the brass at WWE, and with me for that matter.

Unless he was willing to return to the WWE as a low carder/enhancement talent/jobber, he will never be back, and after voicing his displeasure so vocally after his release about the way he was misused and underutilized in WWE his first time around, I can't imagine he'd ever be content to come back in this capacity. Plus, he has consistently stated that he has no interest in returning to WWE, and I can't imagine they are too distraught about it.

The thing with Kaval is simply that he's too small to be a significant factor in WWE. Combine this with a complete lack of mic skills and zero charisma, and he's simply a poor fit for the WWE, rightly or wrongly. You need size to be relevant in WWE, unless you are particularly gifted and are able to overcome your lack of stature in other ways, and let's face it, Kaval is simply not that gifted.

He's a good competent wrestler. He would probably be a great fit in the minor leagues such as in TNA's X-division, or ROH, or some other indy promotion. But back in the WWE? Not a chance. Frankly, I'm shocked he ever won his season of NXT in the first place.
Kaval really doesn't need WWE anyways. A lot of opinions state that he's a run of the mil indy guy who can't possibly succeed in WWE. When actually he was making more money taking independent bookings as a headliner worldwide as oppose to a standard WWE deal.

So when he takes a pay-cut to go the the "E", I am not surprised if he wanted to be utilized better. If anything, if/when he did get released, his jobbing on national tv can actually hurt him financially on the indy circuit.

So he asked for his release, also because Creative really had no idea what to do with him, so he can do what he loves, make decent $$$, and still take care of his character (his bread & butter).

I've watched Low-Ki since his days in the Elk's Lodge and USAPro/IPW. Was a fan though not as much as I was for Amazing Red, Homicide, and Xavier (WWE blew it with him). I like what he does and I hope he does well.

But WWE is not for him and vice-versa...
It's another good point about his earning potential. A guy like Low Ki can carve out a decent living for himself over in Japan, he really doesn't need to rely on WWE.
as much as i hope to see him return one day i dont think thats going to happen if anything i could see him returning to TNA again and strengthening the x-division
What is your opinion of Kaval/Low Ki overall?
In my opinion, Low Ki is a decent wrestler who thinks he's an amazing wrestler. He seems to have a really shitty attitude no matter where he goes. He and WWE had "differences" just like he and ROH did. His history with TNA hasn't been the best either. So as a wrestler, I think he's average or a bit above average. As a person, he seems to be a huge pain in the ass.

What did you think of his last run with WWE?
Like most, it really isn't much worth mentioning. He wasn't around long enough for me to think much of it, one way or another.

Do you think he will ever return to WWE?
I doubt it. I'm sure WWE has realized he is kind of a pain and probably isn't worth it.

Do you think a continuation of his feud with Micheal Cole would put him over?
Not at all. Michael Cole has never helped anyone do anything. Not once. He makes TV boring and every storyline he is involved in comes off as filler.
No, to me he was talent less he was just another indy spot monkey that could fly while kicking someone. We have enough of those spot monkeys in WWE at the moment in Evan Bourne, JoMo, Daniel Bryan and Sin Cara (a botch professional spot monkey). WWE probably wouldn't want him back because of his arrogance and his expectations to be pushed to the moon instantly.

A spot monkey? Well last time I checked NONE of those guy are spot monkeys. If they were spot monkeys they would not be in WWE, they would be flipping in gyms or China according to TWJC.

You listed Daniel Bryan who does not even preform flashy moves that often a mindless spot monkey? The man who sells his ass off and tells great stories in the ring, have you seen his facial expressions on Smackdown? The same can be said (albeit to a lesser extent) to Morrison, Bourne and Sin Cara. I am getting off topic here so it's time to explain why Kaval is in no way a spot monkey.

First off a spot is defined as any move in a wrestling match (that would mean EVERY wrestler is a spot monkey), but lets use the popular definition of what a spot monkey is- A wrestler who does nothing but high spots and never slows down to tell a story or give the crowd a chance to react or interact to the match. Kaval or Low Ki is not this as you clam him to be. Just because his move set is mostly consisted of kicking strikes and even some acrobatics added in at times does not mean he can not slow down and tell a story. He has put on some of the best X division matches in TNA and was doing fine in WWE until his release. His selling and incitement of the crowd was great, they loved it when he did that taunt after one if his kicks. There is nothing wrong with Kaval's in ring abilities, sure he may have not been as good on the mic but plenty of other superstars are not. I will admit that his attitude problems are what ultimately led to his parting ways with the company, that is something that may eventually change in the future.

The point is, no one you listed is a spot monkey and neither was Kaval.

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