Kaval: Smackdown's Newest Superstar!

The Doctor

Great and Devious
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As we saw tonight, Kaval is the newest member of the Smackdown roster. He made his in-ring debut (to Wade Barrett's FCW music, amusingly enough) in a loss to Drew McIntyre, and earlier in the night created some tension between himself and LayCool.

While he may have been pinned tonight, Kaval made a good impression in that match, showing the fast, high-impact offense we've come to expect from him, and was only put away after being slammed headfirst into the barricade. He looked strong, and while I would have liked to see a victory (especially since he was facing Drew McIntyre), the match did its job.

Kaval still has his guaranteed title shot at any PPV for any title, which he won by winning NXT. I believe he will cash it in for the Intercontinental Championship sooner rather than later, either entering himself into the match at Night of Champions, or if Dolph wins clean, using it at Hell in a Cell.

Well, those are my thoughts. What are yours? Where do you see Kaval going during his time on the blue brand?
I believe the phrace "to the top" wouldn't be apt. IMO he's going to feud with whoever the IC champion is at the time when he choses to cash in his PPV title shot. Hopefully that's Ziggler, because I think that Kaval and Dolph would have an interesting enough clash of styles when they wrestle to have entertaining matches.

Also, he'd better continue to hang around wigth LayCool, because god knows they bring out his personality.
The feud that Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler are having should come to a conclusion very shortly with the blow-off match (hopefully) being at Night Of Champions. Kaval would be an excellent contender for Ziggler championship, and would work well having a match against Kingston... so really, they can thrust him into the IC scene on the ready. I don't think inserting him into the Night of Champions match is viable, considering the aforementioned feud.

The match he had against Drew seemed to be a test out match to see how his wrestling skills fair in a longer match than NXT usually features. I'd say he passed with his efforts and should look to slowly rising the ranks before heading to the IC title. There really isn't any other option for Kaval.
I think that Kaval can go very far on the Blue Brand because its more of the wrestling brand while Raw is the more entertainment based brand. Kaval's in ring style is very high paced and exciting, and it seems the fans really enjoyed him. I would like to see him use his tittle to go after the IC title at NOC or HIC. Kaval was pretty impressive in his Smackdown debut and I see a bright future for Kaval.
I would love to see Kaval go for the IC championship, and I think he could win it. Hes over, exciting and fun to watch in the ring, and he has a unique look. He has everything you need to be a solid Intercontinental Champion so I would like to see that.

He also however has a title shot at ANY championship, and while I dont think he should win the WHC the cowd may think its odd he chose the IC over the WHC to use his opportunity on. He doesnt even have to win the match to get a big boost. If he loses but puts up a huge fight and looks equal to whomever the champion is at the time he will gain a lot of cred in the eyes of the fans and will then be even more over and get more runs with the belts he chooses.

So I think he has a great future on Smackdown, and Im happy he went there, because its the perfect place for him.
I guess my wish would be for there to somehow be a vacant IC title and, in a unification match, challenge Daniel Bryan in a winner takes all situation at Wrestlemania. That would be, for me, top banana.
thats good i havent seen smackdown yet cuz it comes on at 8 where i live and its 7 30 haha but anyways kaval shouldnt rise to the top yet like i think he will because he is really good in the ring. i wish he would have beaten drew since its his 1st match on the blue brand. also i think he should go for the tag titles over the i.c because he is experienced with tag teams...his tna experience...and kaval just screams tag team. imagine that drop stomp thing he does with a cutter combonation
I am with most other posters in saying that he will fight for the IC title and feud with Ziggler, the matches between them would be epic!! Then he can cash in his title shot against whoever after a nice IC title run!
Hm.... I've got a question, if Barrett made his opportunity to a heavyweight championship, why would Kaval waste his chance to challenge any champ in order to become just an IC champ? Now, don't get me wrong, I don't see YET Kaval as a challenger to WHC.

Back on topic I think that Kaval needs to start a feud, probably now with Mcintyre but I would rather prefer against Punk. I think that would be awesomes matches! But he is going to wait 2-3 months before hi makes his opportunity official.
I'm actually happy to know that Kaval debuted on Smackdown instead of RAW. He got to stick around LayCool which I think will be a determining thing in getting him over on Smackdown.

He looked decent against Drew McIntyre last night, and I'm sure he'll do well on Smackdown, get a few matches here and there to showcase himself, and then eventually we'll see where it brings the guy. I'm sure he'll be an exciting edition to Smackdown though, so I can't wait to see what they have in store for him.
I would much rather see him form a tag team with someone instead of being a singles competitor, but if he does go for the IC Tile then I would love to see Kaval Vs Daniel Bryan to unify the belts, it would be awesome. The only thing is if he were to form a tag team with someone I couldn't think of anyone from SD. Anyway I think he has a bright future ahead of him if he sticks with SD because SD is the wrestling brand whereas Raw is the entertainment show.
WWE made the right choice here by putting Kaval on SmackDown. It keeps him close with his pros (Laycool) and there is more opportunity for him on the Blue Brand. A loss to McIntyre isn't a bad thing, remember, the current World Heavyweight Champion lost to McIntyre on PPV back in February. Kaval fits in very nicely with the scheme of things on SmackDown.

A feud with Ziggler over the IC Championship would be very interesting to see and I suspect it would end with Kaval getting the victory in the end. There are many great potential feuds for Kaval on SmackDown with guys like Del Rio, Rhodes, Ziggler, Christian, Swagger, Kofi amongst others all on that brand.

Overall, this is a good decision by WWE and I think we'll see a bright future for Kaval.
I love Kaval on Smackdown. He can show just how great a wrestler he is on the blue brand rather than having three minute specials on RAW. He showed just how good he is on Smackdown and made McIntyre look good in beating him. He also gets to be with LayCool which helps him develop his personality further.

He could face Ziggler at NoC for the Intercontinental title and have a good bout. He could then feud with people such as Cody Rhodes,Kofi Kingston and even McIntyre.
Kaval looked very good in his match against McIntyre. While the match was on the short side, it was quality while it lasted and it showed a good deal of why Kaval won the second season of NXT.

Kaval lost this match and I've got no real problem with that. This was his first "real match" in the WWE outside of an NXT setting or environment, so having him go over someone that'd been Intercontinental Champion for about 5 months definitely wouldn't have done McIntyre any favors. McIntyre was a good foil for Kaval last night and helped Kaval look strong even though he lost.

I can see good things ahead for Kaval and I think he's on the overall right show at this point. There's too much of a chance of him being lost in the jumble on Raw right now.
Hm.... I've got a question, if Barrett made his opportunity to a heavyweight championship, why would Kaval waste his chance to challenge any champ in order to become just an IC champ? Now, don't get me wrong, I don't see YET Kaval as a challenger to WHC.

Maybe because Barrett has looked and acted like a f'n world champion from day one on NXT and Kaval still doesn't? Barrett talked his way into winning whereas guys like Lil Hennig talked his way into losing. BIG difference between Wade and Kaval.

As far as Kaval on SD goes, I think it is a good move. SD needs better talent in the ring because they focus on matches instead of promos. Hayes is a genius when it comes to booking talent that doesn't have the personality for mic skills.

btw, I wanna see all those people who still think Drew is "ready" for his role, good or has anything else signifying his existence on the roster try to defend him in that match. The way he dropped Kaval was damn scary.
Putting Kaval on Smackdown was definitely the best move here. First of all, and most importantly in my opinion, it keeps him with Laycool. He works very well with them and their promos have been very amusing. I'm not sure if he would be as interesting on the mic if he didnt have Laycool, so they really needed to keep them together.

He looked very good in the ring. He kept up his usual fast pace and took some pretty sick bumps. He is ready for his title shot. I hate for guaranteed title shots to go wasted on a midcard title, but he isnt ready for the big dogs yet. I wouldnt just force him into the Kofi/Ziggler feud, as that feud has gone on for so long and it needs a proper conclusion. And no matter who finishes that feud with the IC title, Kaval should challenge them and there should be some above average matches. So far, so good for Kaval.
I am not a fan of Kaval at all. All that I see in him is the next Rey Mysterio. And I really dislike Rey Mysterio. If he wins the IC title from Dolph Ziggler I will bash Kaval for the rest of my life. Kaval sucks.
I am extremely excited that Kaval showed up on SMACKDOWN!. This is the show that will let him showcase his talents, instead of getting lost in the shuffle(like Bourne).
I see Kaval having good matches with almost everyone on the brand, heel or face. A match with Punk would be amazing, Kofi could make for a good opponent as well.
With him being a NXT winner I hope that he gets a good push and is not just used as filler talent. It looks like he will be feuding with drew as of right now, but I see him going for the I.C. title soon, like everyone else sees him doing.
If used right I can see Kaval stepping up into the role that Rey Mysterio currently holds on the SMACKDOWN! brand.
This is my first post. So guys try not to rip me apart lol. I would have liked to see Kaval grab his first win against Drew, would have gave him a good name on Smackdown. But I can see Kaval in a feud with Dashing Cody Rhodes later on in his Smackdown career.
I'm glad he is on Smackdown so he has more room to shine. Hopefully some of the other NXT 2 rookies can be on there too. Kaval is nowhere near ready for the main event, so I hope Kaval is put in the IC title picture. Kaval vs. Ziggler would probably be the best feud for the title. It would be amazing to see Danielson as the US champion and Kaval as the IC champion. If WWE is planning on unifying both titles, then we could see a dream match up between Kaval and Bryan at one of the PPVs.
I agree with zigglerfan227 he's a highflier...so what? im glad he LOST to the chosen one even though he wrestled well for his first appearance he'll never be the top face/heel on any brand he'll just hover around the rey level sometimes the champ most times ic level and pretty much adopt that lame underdog status ooh im facing a guy twice my size i'll still find a way to win and make my little fans happy yay
I'm glad that Kaval is on the 'wrestling brand'. It will make a better home for him than Raw. However his first match left a lot to be desired. The winner of the first season of NXT made his debut on a show by beating the hell out of the face of the company in one of the hottest angles in years. Kaval meanwhile, jobbed to Drew McIntyre.

I really like his chemistry with Lay-Cool. I'd like them to, not necessarily manage him, but just be around. As for his future I'm thinking Intercontinental. As much as I like him, he isn't World Champion material just yet. Or maybe he won't be in a title match just yet. How about a feud with Michael McGillicutty, that NXT beat down has to go somewhere surely. Either way, he's got a good future. I'd just like him to start winning so he can be taken seriously.
Yeah I enjoyed watching Kaval's debut match. I would've also liked to have seen him win his match but at least he came out looking strong in the end despite losing. I don't buy him being a contender for the WHC yet but I would like to see that sometime down the road, hopefully sooner rather than later. For now, I don't have a problem with him in the IC title picture. By choosing to cash his title shot in for an IC title match, it gives the belt a sense of importance which I feel it really needs now. Besides, I don't think I'd want to see him face off against Kane or Undertaker anyway. Kaval has what it takes to carry the midcard so I say let him do that before transitioning him into main event status.
Kaval debuted his unique fast paced aggressive style of wrestling which i enjoy very much. A win would have been excellent but hey at least he looked strong. A run at the IC title would be best at this point in time, and seriously i don't like him sticking around with LayCool it beats the purpose of his Warrior's way gimmick but other than that Smackdown had some fine talent heading it's way.
Kaval is on the right brand. He'll bring tons of intensity to the ring like what we witnessed in his match against Drew McIntyre. That was awesome. I hope he can keep his NXT momentum and win some big matches before challenging for a title. Right now is not the time. He needs to build himself up first and as much as I wish I could see him perform the phoenix splash in a WWE ring, I won't bet on it. I just hope they don't neglect him and expect everyone to forget that he's on the roster as time goes by. That's happened to a lot of guys before.

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