Kaval Going Heel?


The Wrestling Observer Newsletter is reporting that there's discussion of turning Kaval heel in the future. Simultaneously, there's talk about having him feud with Rey Mysterio after his turn sometime early next year. After Kaval won NXT, Mysterio was really pushing to work a program with him but injuries kind of derailed that train a bit. However, if the report is accurate, it looks to be back on track.

I already like the sound of it personally and hope they go forward with it. To me, it also seems to indicate that the WWE really is just putting testing out Kaval right now instead of just burying him as some are afraid has been happening. This could be a really good feud with some very high quality matches coming out of it.
Hmmmm. I wouldn't mind this at all. To start out they could both be faces. Have them wrestle each other once or twice in some great matches but Kaval lose them both. Then have Kaval be really pissed off about it, eventually attacking Rey Mysterio, turning Kaval heel. It would be a classic teacher vs student feud with the student finally getting the upper hand putting him over. Will Rey Mysterio put him over? Hell yeah he would, two time champion and the ultimate underdog. A great feud would come from this. I think Kaval working heel would break that oh so hard shell of his.it would probably improve his mic skills aswell. I won't say he'll be the greatest heel ever, but it would be nice for his character and fit his gimmick real well. Its about time Rey Mysterio passed the torch.
I love this idea, and have always thought that Kaval works best as a heel. Even though his moveset is predominantley high flying, which is a style usually reserved for faces (in American wrestling at least), I think that the added element of stiffness and overall viciousness will allow him to get over as a heel.

Just have him beat the fuck out of Rey Rey, cut a short promo every now and then, and you're golden. Check his old ROH stuff out, for a little dude he's pretty goddam menacing.
I think this would be a good idea seen as he is doing nothing important right now. Rey Mysterio can put on some great matches with him, but I am wondering if he will allow Kaval to beat him cleanly seen as he always buried CM Punk every time they faced.
I think Face vs Face would be cool like a poster said above because Kaval would only turn heel for this feud. No point in doing that, better just test the waters with a few face vs face matches and then see the reaction of the people. After that, then I guess you could make him heel and destroy Rey.
I have not been watching NXT, so isn't he supposed to have a title shot available whenever he wants or did they change the stipulation of the NXT winner?
Kaval would definately suit a heel role, his entire persona fits a "bad-ass" role very well.

He is vicious and stiff in the ring, and nailing a popular face like Mysterio with some of his brutal kicks would get him some serious heat. Even his facial expressions are aggresive which again would fit a heel character very well. I would love to see Kaval beating the crap out of the Smackdown roster and then getting into a feud with someone over the US title, maybe Edge?

This is something that could certainly work
He has a voice for being Heel IMO. The deep bit is solid. I think that he shoulod put on a feud with Rey settting up a WM match. That would be a really good fast paced, high flying match.
Oh and, does he get a title shot? Or was that only for Season one?
I think there's a small problem in turning Kaval heel, that being his moveset. He has the moveset that excites the crowd, the moveset that gets the crowd working like Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy have. Also, considering he has the build that really makes him more legitimate as a face than a heel. He will never come off as the type of heel that would be anything but cowardly, Jericho like cowardly. And that's gonna hurt him if he wants to turn.

Kaval is good on the microphone and all that, but I just don't see him working as a heel unless it's with some kind of rather over back-up with a big build to support Kaval where he lacks.

So, I hope that they stay away from turning Kaval heel. Even if it would give one hell of an exciting feud with Rey Mysterio.
The last thing that the SmackDown brand needs is another heel added to its ranks, unless of course, the E decides to switch over some heels from the blue to the red brand. They are having trouble booking all their top heels every week where people like Jack Swagger, CM Punk and Drew McIntyre have missed out on competing. Although his moves are primarily... who am I kidding, they are ALL kicks, it might be a bit difficult to perform under a heel persona. Not saying it's impossible as Brian Kendrick worked well with kicks being his main form of offense.

As for the story idea, it sounds like something that could do well in bringing some solid matches... but why the heel turn in the first place? I know it would bring the heel/face dynamic into the match and possibility of a more interesting feud, but hasn't there been face vs. face feuds where both men exit as faces? Mysterio is exciting, Kaval is exciting... why make one of them not as exciting? The Bourne/Mysterio matches proved this. With the amount of heel vs. heel matches we've seen recently with Orton/Sheamus (when Orton was still heel), it would be a fresh thing to incorporate a face/face feud... but we go back to the problem of an abundance of heels. I say no on this.
Kaval could be a great heel, but with his moveset and the pops he gets kicking Rey Reys ass isn't going to do it. Maybe for the kids in the audience, but not for the real fans. Have him go and attack someone epic, like, I don't know, A returning Christian. Right as Christian comes back, have Kaval swoop in and demolish him with those stiff kicks. Go all crazy SOB on him and anyone who gets in his way.
Not on Smackdown. Smackdown is so heel heavy, that adding another would just over-saturate them more, and he would be even more lost in the shuffle then he is now. Soon, people are going to forget altogether that he won season 2 of NXT, unless they have something big in the works with his losing streak. That could be a heel turn, but I dont like the idea with SD being so oversaturated with heels as it is.

The other problem that comes into play is his moveset. He has the moveset of a face, the high-flying, high-impact style. The crowd pops for even a dropkick from him, because of the impact and force it's done with. He would have to change much of his current moveset, and it would affect his wrestliong ability, which is what makes people care about him, face or heel.

I can see how the losing streak could cause him to snap and turn, but I think Smackdown would need a face turn by at least one heel for this to be successful. Right now, noone comes to mind that has the makings of anything more then a bland face. Which is why i feel turning Kaval heel would be a huge mistake. As for a Mysterio feud, why not a face vs face feud? Its not like either could carry the other on the mic anyway, so they could get the feud over based on solid wrestling, and sportsmanship as to who the better wrestler is. Keep him face.
Since they're not building Kaval up right now as a face, it would be cool to reintroduce him as a heel and an intimidating one at that. I'd love to see him feud with Rey Mysterio. They both have fast-paced moves and fluidity. I just hope Kaval secures a few victories, 'cause the guy needs them. And about his moves giving him pops. He can use them in heel-ish ways such as kicking Rey when he's turned around and pushing the ref. He should use his phoenix splash, but I'm not sure if it's allowed in the WWE. He can also do some promos to generate heat prior to the matches. After this maybe he can go on to feud with guys like Kofi Kingston and Christian. I'd like to see it.
I don't know about this idea, but I have a feeling it's going to happen. Look at it this way: two years ago, MVP was a heel, about to break the glass ceiling. But then he went on a 20 week losing streak. Suddenly, out of sympathy, the fans got on his side. Kaval, from the looks of it, is being given the same treatment, only it's being used as a way to turn him heel. Eventually Kaval will snap, blame it on the fans, and turn into a heel. Otherwise these losses make no sense. Seriously, Chavo? Tyler Reks? I forgot that guy even had a fucking contract. It wouldn't make sense otherwise. Kaval has too much talent that could be wasted by being a losing face. Right now he's looking less and less like the guy who won NXT2. Sure, Alex Riley is getting bitched up weekly, and Harris and McGillicutty are running around with Nexus wearing matching outfits, and no one else has been seen since, but let's face facts, Kaval may be getting a weekly spot on Smackdown, but it's as a jobber. An impressive jobber, but a jobber nonetheless. As for a feud with Mysterio, I'd say no. Kofi seems like a good option, as they can both put each other over along the way to success in a feud that will elevate them both.
I can see this happening maybe even with Layla as his manager (when she loses the title she will need something to do). Im pretty sure a two or three match feud with Masters would start it off then move him to MVP then Christian and finally Rey Mysterio maybe even around Wrestlemania time since the match if booked correctly could be a show stealer.

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