Katie Vick or Snitsky?


Bring the hammer down!!!
Hear me out. We've seen all of those threads "what storyline is the worst?" and it usually boils down to those two. Now my question is which is worst?

Now for those of you who don't know, the Katie Vick storyline occured in 2002 and involved Kane and HHH. HHH accused Kane of murder cause Kane was "involved in a drunk driving car accident". The weeks went by and HHH brought out a casket and preceded to play to the crowd with a life size doll.

The other one involved Kane, Snitsky, and a pregnant Lita. This occured in 2004 and started with a match between the two and while distracted by Lita, Snitsky hit Kane with a chair and caused Kane to fall on top of a pregnant Lita. The next week they aired a segment where Kane was in the hospital with Lita and they found out that the baby died. Thus brought Snitsky's "It wasn't NY fault" gimmick.

Well, there it is. Which one is the worst?
Hear me out. We've seen all of those threads "what storyline is the worst?" and it usually boils down to those two. Now my question is which is worst?

Now for those of you who don't know, the Katie Vick storyline occured in 2002 and involved Kane and HHH. HHH accused Kane of murder cause Kane was "involved in a drunk driving car accident". The weeks went by and HHH brought out a casket and preceded to play to the crowd with a life size doll.

The other one involved Kane, Snitsky, and a pregnant Lita. This occured in 2004 and started with a match between the two and while distracted by Lita, Snitsky hit Kane with a chair and caused Kane to fall on top of a pregnant Lita. The next week they aired a segment where Kane was in the hospital with Lita and they found out that the baby died. Thus brought Snitsky's "It wasn't NY fault" gimmick.

Well, there it is. Which one is the worst?

First off I just think it's a shame that Kane has been involved in both of these story lines. He's been one of the most solid wrestlers WWE have and he's been doing it for years, it's a shame they've put him in so many ridiculous story lines over this time.

However I think the Katie Vick storyline was the worst. The whole thing was just stupidly distasteful to a whole new level. The pregnant Lita one wasn't nice but I think necrophilia took it to a whole new level.
Yeah, miscarriage doesn't compare to necrophilia. Mae Young's hand birth deserves a dishonorable mention.

I don't know why Kane had to be involved in the two storylines you mentioned (the "Impostor Kane" angle was just as bad). Remember how well-booked Kane's debut was? I watched parts of his 1998 run on YouTube the other day, and I was taken aback by how engrossing it was. He was both feared and sympathetic. Nowadays, he switches back and forth from heel to face with no explanation. I don't get it.
I don't know, maybe I'm twisted but I enjoyed both storylines. I mean at least the Katie Vick story was original. And the other one got Snitsky over. (for a short time anyway)

I really think people who have a problem with either storyline are ridiculous. I mean I've seen way more horrible acts in Oscar nominated movies then in either of these storylines. No one ever says shit about that. Nor should they. It's art, it's entertainment. sure it'll get under you're skin and bug you sometimes but it's all part of the ride. You need the downs so you really feel the highs. Know what I mean?
Well, the Snitsky storyline was able to turn his character into a comedic role for years. "It wasn't my fault!" was even in his entrance theme!

It has nothing on the Katie Vick storyline though. It was just awful. Necrophilia in wrestling, wtf. Katie Vick is worse than Snitsky, Mae Young's hand, the Finger Poke of Doom, Spirit Squad, Pirate Paul Burchill, and the Boogeyman put together.

The fact Kane was involved in this storyline is no surprise after the years of horrible feuds we have seen from him. The fact that he was drunk driving after a party while apparently hiding away from society locked in a basement makes no sence

But the fact HHH agreed to do this storyline is outrageous!!!!
I didnt think the Snitsky storyline was bad. They had to find a way to write off Lita being pregnant when it was obviously a work. It also got a no name over for a short while. Snitsky and Kane had some OK matches together. The Katie Vick storyline was just tasteless.
Katie vick storyline was much worse.

Even though the snitsky storyline was a little bit too much for my tatse, The Katie vick was just disturbing. I remember thinking "What the hell did I just see" when I saw Triple H having sex with that "Corpse". Just for the record, most of the story lines involving snitsky kind of creeped me out, especially the one where had a foot fetish and was sniffing all the divas feet. But Katie Vick takes the trophy home here, hands down.
One word describes the Katie Vick storyline: STUPID!
Whoever came up with that idea needs their head examined.

Mae Young giving birth to a hand was also ridiculous.

How about Kaienti (sp) choppy chopping Val Venis' Pee Pee off? Poor guy!
Gotta go with Katie Vick on that one. 2002 marked the year the WWF/E creative team lost their minds. That was the year of the "junk in your trunk" storyline that permanently derailed any chance Molly Holly ever had of getting over, Billy & Chuck's wedding and Katie Vick at the end. Al Wilson dating (and marrying) Dawn Marie, followed by his untimely death started that year and continued into '03.

I don't think Snitsky was quite as bad as Katie Vick, but I am puzzled as to why WWE had one of their top female wrestlers (Lita) sidelined with a kayfabe pregnancy.
Necrophilia gets my vote as the worst segment. Vince surely has twisted sense of humor. Triple H screwing a corpse's brains out was just too much. There is nothing WWE can do to erase that monstrosity of an angle out of people's minds.
Everyone on this website needs to get a sense of humor. The katie vick/hhh/manniquin rape segment was hilarious. It was epic. I loved every second of it.

Stop being so "high and mighty" with your "morals" and how apparantly upset you all got. Thats bullshit. Only weak/boring/losers were upset about it. Normal people saw it as a tv show that was highly entertaining. Like come on, were any of you actually offended? Triple H pretended to be kane, talked dirty to a manniquin and laid on top of it. OMGZ! Like who cares? I LOL so much when people bring up katie vick as disgusting. Grow up losers. This is television and it was comedy. It was sick humor. Enjoy it.
One word describes the Katie Vick storyline: STUPID!
Whoever came up with that idea needs their head examined.

Mae Young giving birth to a hand was also ridiculous.

How about Kaienti (sp) choppy chopping Val Venis' Pee Pee off? Poor guy!

That was just EVIL...


On topic, the "WrestleCrap" sure was thick back then, but how much of what goes on in wrestling, when you look back, looks really dumb? Even the Mega Powers breakup was, in light of today, Hogan pissed Savage might get over and wanting to be back as the number one face. The big tournament was due to him not wanting to sell DiBiase. Bah.

Anyway, Katie Vick, that was suck from the start. A pregnancy storyline that ends in a tragic miscarriage? Meh, they were trying.

So the winner is... HHH's idea of a funny storyline.
The Katie Vick storyline was one of those times you were embarassed that you were a wrestling fan.

Although neither was a subject that should be covered on a sports entertainment show (as they were neither sports-related or entertaining!) the Katie Vick story was just a step too far. Both stories should have been veto-ed, but the mention of HHH having sex with a corpse was just awful.

WWE at its very, very worst.

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