Kassius Ohnos last match....whats the problem

This is the last match that kassius ohno had, and i can't see why the wwe would fire him after this match. He was working well, he looked to be in great shape, and he had the crowd behind him. Is there something im not seeing?

Probably backstage stuff. Maybe he had an attitude, maybe he was not meeting the requirements that WWE supervisors wanted from him. Who knows. I would figure that they probably saw a guy who was not getting younger and that they have several younger guys with a similar look to Ohno that they feel they could develope and mold in a WWE superstar.
Not that I've been paying much attention but the only thing I remember hearing was his physique was in question but that was a while ago. I've seen the guy wrestle and he looked good and could at least get some crowd reaction so it probably had nothing to do with his camera work.

There has been talk that Triple H is trying to get away from signing Indie guys as there is enough of them already on the roster, maybe it was as simple as that or maybe they simply didn't have a spot for him as WWE seems to have the "we don't have anything for you" issue with numerous talent.

SIDE NOTE: If the writers don't have anything for certain wrestlers and considering how often this happens then why aren't they the ones getting future endeavored? I mean its their job to find these guys something to do so if they can only find something to do for few wrestlers why are they employed? Why do they have over 100 wrestlers on some sort of deal when they only use about 20 of them? Why not sign 20-30 guys and have everyone else on a pay per appearance basis?

Anyways Hero is a good talent but at the same time its not like he stands out from the pack in any big way. Chances are they hired the guy, didn't know what to do with him but thought he had talent, realized they had nothing for the guy so they released him or they realized that they already have younger talent that can do what he does so they released him.
Ziggler puts on good matches on a regular basis but his off screen attitude is not what WWE wants so they have him jobbing. The only difference between Ohno and Ziggler is that Ohno was in developmental so they can release him easier
this was the first time I've ever seen the dude, and he just seems bush league. there was nothing about him that screamed future wwe star. maybe if they ever brought full time jobbers back, he could become one of those.
Perception is not reality, reality is reality. If he's got the wrong attitude backstage while he's still low on the totem pole, that's plenty of reason to fire him, great matches or not.

The dirtsheets say he wasn't doing what asked of him by WWE officials and even Triple H. So yeah, if those reports are even remotely true, then we shouldn't even be that surprised he was fired.
Just because the WWE has had quite a bit of success these past few years with indie darlings doesn't mean that every indie darling is going to work out.

They had their reasons for letting him go, and we'll never know the real reason behind it. Wrasslin dirtsheets are based entirely on pure conjecture and third hand accounts from folks who aren't really in the know.
Personally, I hope he makes a reappearance within the CM Punk & Daniel Bryan vs The Wyatt's angle. He has had issues with the Wyatt's and having a "bigger" guy come in that has NXT history with The Wyatt's and indie history with Punk and Bryan would be cool. Although it looks like they're gonna do a 6v6, so him coming back is a long shot, but I think it would be cool and he would get over big. He was over in NXT and it's a major international market and most indie fans him like him, too. Casual fans would like him just because of Punk and Bryan plus he can talk.
Perception is not reality, reality is reality. If he's got the wrong attitude backstage while he's still low on the totem pole, that's plenty of reason to fire him, great matches or not.

The dirtsheets say he wasn't doing what asked of him by WWE officials and even Triple H. So yeah, if those reports are even remotely true, then we shouldn't even be that surprised he was fired.

Pretty much this in a nutshell. I like Ohno, he's been a bright spot in NXT and he's a talented guy. IF Ohno has demonstrated a bad attitude backstage, such as resisting him reportedly being reluctant to hit the gym in order to improve his physique, then that's all the justification needed by his bosses to fire him.

WWE operates on another level from other wrestling companies. I'm not talking about quality, as quality can be debated until your tongue falls out of your mouth, but I'm talking about scope. Millions of people in the US alone watch WWE programming each week, millions attend WWE house shows each year, millions watch & order WWE ppvs, buy t-shirts, DVDs, etc. and the company makes hundreds of millions in revenue each year. That level of success alone does genuinely put WWE on another level whether some like to admit it or not. And if someone wants to work for them as a wrestler, that means having to endure some stuff other companies might not have. Some of the things do seem trivial, some of them probably are in fact. But part of having ANY job in ANY company is biting your lip and doing what your employers want you to do. If you wanna grumble about it, that's fine, just be smart enough to do it while they're not around and not in front of people who'll inform the higher ups about it.

Having a ton of ability is NEVER a bad thing, but WWE wants that and more. They want people that they can depend on and are willing to push themselves as much as possible to do their best no matter what. You know why John Cena is the face of WWE? It's not just because he's able to connect with fans in the way that he has, it's also because he will bust his ass anytime and anywhere for the company. John Cena is beyond loyal to WWE and it's paid off for him. Being someone that's on the level of success of John Cena in WWE means you have to be a tireless workhorse for the company as a wrestler and as a representative to the media. IF Ohno genuinely was reluctant to do something as trivial as toning up his body, then what about if he's asked to do something really difficult and demanding?
You can't judge an NXT wrestler by the reaction they get at Full Sail. From all accounts it's pretty much the same people in the same seats at every show so it gives a false impression of how over (or not) the wrestler in question is...

Personally I find it really easy to believe his attitude backstage got him the sack. I remember watching "Border Control" on tv last year. It's a programme they show on British TV about the Australian border control at Sydney Airport.... Anywho, Hero was on the show as he'd gone to the country to wrestle but had not bothered sorting out a work visa (as he later admits he should have) and was trying to get in there on just the tourist visa..... so, my thinking is, if he shows no regards for the laws of a country then there's not much chance he's going to be listening to what he's told to do by WWE agents and the like.
To my mind, though I don't follow RoH or the indies, I like all five of the "undy darlings" in the company. Punk and Bryan are deservedly the #2 and #3 men in the company, and Rollins, Ambrose and Cesaro have all been great and will continue to rise. None of them wrestle like spot monkeys with no psychology, which is the biggest informed complaint I've seen against RoH ex-pats (and let's face it, "indy darling" is usually code for "ex-RoH veteran"), particularly Davie Richards.

Ohno I liked as well, though I do think he needed to tone his physique, and the KO finisher is redundant with Big Show and Barrett. He had good psychology in the ring, cut pretty good promos, genuine ring presence, and I liked his character. He showed remarkable class in his departure where some "WWE only" guys haven't. I wish him well and hope that that he gets another crack at the E sometime.

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