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Kassius Oh "yes"

American Dragon D-Bryan

Dark Match Jobber
As many of you will be aware of, Kassius Ohno will soon make his return to NXT after a few months off. He was ordered by WWE management to quote "hit the gym", and put on some weight. I am very intrigued as to how WWE management will now use him.

I think we will see him debut in WWE very soon. Why? There is no doubt he is a talent in the ring and on the mic, the only thing holding him back was his less than ideal physique. Now that he has supposedly "bulked" up, it will be interesting to see if WWE will finally press that 'execute' button and put him up to the main roster.

In my ideal world, I would like him to debut as a face in the weeks leading up to Survivor Series, and have him put in Bryan's team in the rumored Bryan/Orton Survivor Series Tag Team match. After that, put him in a program with Dean Ambrose which will end at the Royal Rumble. But somehow, I don't see that happening.

In reality, I believe WWE will debut him approaching Wrestlemania 30. They will book him as a heel against a veteran wrestler like Christian or RVD leading up Wrestlemania in a similar manner to how Fandango debuted last year. This isn't the best way to use him in my opinion. He certainly does have a likability about him and I believe he will be more over as a face, but only time can tell.

So in conclusion I propose these two questions:

1. When (if ever) will Kassius Ohno be brought up to the main roster?
2. If he is brought up to the main roster, how will he be used/booked?
I read some stuff earlier this morning about Ohno's return to NXT. At the latest batch of NXT tapings, some fans sent in reports to various sites, including wrestlinginc.com and said that Ohno looked to be "better than ever". The statement is a little ambiguous considering that it could refer to his performances at the tapings were great, that he's gotten obvious results from working out due to an improved physique or both. Considering that Ohno was asked to take time off to hit the gym and build himself up a bit, I'm guessing that's what's happened. I don't believe he'd have been brought back otherwise, if not outright released for not complying with management's request.
I personally thought that the reports of management not being happy with his size was not the real reason he was taken off of shows and even the opening video. I figured it to be a worked rumor and that he is actually getting ready to debut on WWE tv.
I don't think it was so much about bulking up as much as it was getting toned and looking more ripped. Ohno looked a little on the chubby side, rather like James Storm does and WWE doesn't really want that. The only guys that get away with having are either guys who are huge, like Kane and Big Show, or guys who need it for their gimmick like Brodus Clay and Bray Wyatt.

Kassius Ohno should look like a WWE wrestler, even if that's not the same as what an indy wrestler looks like. But Ohno should've known what he what he was getting into when he signed for WWE, Punk and Bryan both would've told them that not looking the part can hold you back. But the difference is that Punk and Bryan always had the body shape of athletes while Ohno has a bit of, ahem, jiggle going on.

So if Ohno has cut some off some of the fat, tone his muscles up and look more like a CM Punk or RVD, there'll be nothing holding him back with his talent. He doesn't need to look huge, he just need to look like a WWE wrestler. After that, it'll only be a matter of time before he makes it to the main roster. I haven't seen a huge amount of his work as Chris Hero, but I know he can be effective as both a face and a heel, so WWE has plenty of options. He can come in a replace Swagger as Cesaro's tag partner, or he could debut and make some kind of statement by pinning a major heel like Del Rio. It'll be fun to watch.
If it's true that they're taking managers like Vicki and Colter off the road then it seems to be that the Colter's Militia faction is dead... How sweet would it be if Ohno showed up in the pre-show of NOC and took Swagger out so Kings won and took on the Shield?

It's a no brainer to use that team as Cesaro is floundering and it gives instant credibility to a division that is equally struggling.
I actually thought the initial story may have been a work but I guess not. I think if Ohno does get called up to the main roster it will be after Mania as there are a lot of guys jockeying for position already.

As far as how he'll be booked, personally I'd like to see them build him with vignettes talking about how he likes to knock people out and then for his first few matches have them end with a referee stoppage after he knocks the guy out with that roaring elbow. If it gets over he heads into the mid card title scene.
i for one am extremely happy he returned. we have so many indy wrestlers coming up and making an impact in wwe nowadays and chris hero was at the forefront. just watched a match between him and el generico and it blew my mind how hard hitting he can be. with this news coming out now, i have a good feeling he'll be brought up soon.
i know this wont happen.. but have him aligned with paul heyman and since they have a past.. he can simply say "im not a paul heyman guy, im a guy who just dont like you cm punk" and they can fued for a while and put on stellar matches, maybe have paul turn on curtis axel and have kassius take the title from curtis , basically shortly putting curtis back to the nxt until he's released and have kassius be a better champion
I'm guessing this is just a retake of his worked shoot from two weeks ago because he made such a mess of it the first time. He was supposed to be white hot coming off that but in reality most were confused by what he was saying.
If it's true that they're taking managers like Vicki and Colter off the road then it seems to be that the Colter's Militia faction is dead...

That's only for house shows. They'll still use them on t.v.

I'd actually like to see opposite of what some others have said. I'd like to see him come up as a face and have a feud with Antonio. I think the matches would be awesome and could help get people interested in the mid card scene. Especially with the talks of some other talent coming up to the main roster soon.

While a Cesaro and Kassius tag team would be awesome I think with the way WWE books tag teams it wouldn't do much for either guy.

I could see them bringing him up near the end of the year or possible early next year. If the reason for not using him lately was his physical appearance and if he has come back looking better I would think they would want to see if he can maintain that before having him move up and get lazy again.
Ohno made his return to NXT last week and is set to return to in-ring action this week against Luke Harper. Ohno was told to take time off in order to get himself into better shape by hitting the gym and it looks like it paid off.

Ohno sent a Tout message in which he briefly addresses that he's back and that he'll see Harper in a minute. http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2013/1001/566004/stephanie-being-called-wwe-owner/

Now while you can't see all of Ohno's physique, you can easily tell by looking at his chest, shoulders & arms that he's put in a lot of time in the gym. He's not going to be a big ol', heavily muscled guy, without roiding up, because that's just not how his body is naturally made. He's about 6'5" and weighs about 220 pounds or so. At any rate, the guy looks pretty damn cut from what you can see in the Tout and officials have to be pleased or he wouldn't have been brought back.

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