Karate Kid Remake


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
So last night I tuned in to the original Karate Kid (1984) on Turner Classic Movies.

Some old guy was doing this long intro talking about the historical context of the film and how it was made.

Then... out of no where... he says that they are doing a remake of the film with Jackie Chan and Will Smith's son !!!!!! WTF !!!!!!

Is nothing sacred anymore ?? Next thing you know, Megan Fox is going to be wearing ruby slippers and clicking her heels.
I've known about this for what has to be a couple of years now. At first, like you I was livid, but as of now... I don't think it's really going to turn out that bad. Production just started, and to Will Smith kid's credit... from what I understand, he's been working his ass off for the past 2/3 years getting ready for this. So, the effort and passion is there, and plus... the kid is a pretty decent actor if you've seen The Pursuit of Happyness. Moreover, the fact that the movie is called Kung Fu Kid, instead of The Karate Kid, makes this more tolerable as well, so future generations won't get the two films mixed up and The Karate Kid will still most likely hold up on its on with newer generations.
I have no intentions whatsoever of seeing the new remake when it's released. The original film, while enjoyable, honestly isn't very good. The only reason it's loved so much by so many people is because of the nostalgia factor; they grew up watching it and thus love it. At it's heart the movie is cheesy 80s filmmaking at it's peak. I love the original, and have no interest in a remake (or any of the abysmal sequels).

You shouldn't be too shocked by this though. Hollywood has been in remake-frenzy ever since the American remake of The Ring came out in 2002. It's painful as hell if you're a horror fan like myself because now 99% of horror films being made are remakes. Some good, some awful.

I miss the days when people tried to come up original ideas and didn't just remake everything. Swear to God I've heard rumors of a Scream remake. A movie that came out only 13 years ago! Jesus...it's been thirteen years since the first Scream?! Man I still remember the day it came out. Now I feel old.
I thought they already remade it only they called it 'Never Back Down'.
You know what I blame for the start of unoriginal ideas in Hollywood? Americas Funniest Home Videos. I believe this show started the trend of reality, America supplies the action tv. Reality tv sucks, there is too much of it and nothing remotely creative about it.

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