Kansas City footballer does a Benoit

The guy killed someone and he deserves to be condemned for that, but he also took his own life, which is always a tragedy. Disagree with me if you must, call me names if it makes you feel superior, but his suicide, like any suicide is a tragedy. Until you have been to that point in life, you don't understand what it is like to even contemplate such an act, let alone attempt it.

Yeah, we don't know all the facts. Maybe he did kill her in a heat of the moment argument. Maybe he was retaliating for something. Maybe he had psychological issues that we aren't aware of. What I do know is that he deserves to be called a murderer, because that is what he is, but to demonize him and make him out to be on the level of a Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacey is wrong.
I didn't call him a hero. He's an asshole who killed his girlfriend and shot himself. Probably was depressed. Or took too many chair shots to the head. Steroids, perhaps? I don't actually give a fuck, because people die. Call me dark and uncaring; whatever. I'm not calling him a hero, I'm just not going to force him to play by my stupid, self-entitled black and white terms of morality. There's no reason to murder anyone, ever? If you do, you're the worst kind of scum, and you should be murdered? The mind-blowing hypocrisy not-withstanding, if you were that girlfriend's father, you'd probably second guess your comfy little bubble of ethics.
Yes, MURDERING people is the worst kind of scum you can be. Yes. To not say it's black and white is pretty sad actually. What's worse then murdering people?

And why would I change my mind if I was the father of a murder victim? If anything that would further solidify my stance that the guy who murdered my would be child is a piece of shit. And would I want to murder the guy? maybe, but would I do it? No.

And when did I say he should be MURDERED? Death Penalty =/= MURDERED.

If you can't fix evil, what the fuck are the Christians going on and on about?
Trying to fix evil. They're TRYING to "fix" evil. Guess what, it doesn't really happen, does it? I'm a devout Christian, but I'm also a realist. a zebra can hide his stripes, but he can't change them.

The guy killed someone and he deserves to be condemned for that, but he also took his own life, which is always a tragedy. Disagree with me if you must, call me names if it makes you feel superior, but his suicide, like any suicide is a tragedy. Until you have been to that point in life, you don't understand what it is like to even contemplate such an act, let alone attempt it.
You don't know me. Don't act like you do.

And yes, I do understand what it's like to contemplate suicide. And I'm proud to say I never did it, I recognized I had a problem, and have spent the past 7 years fixing said problem. And you know what? I did. I'm in a much better place now.

Yeah, we don't know all the facts. Maybe he did kill her in a heat of the moment argument. Maybe he was retaliating for something. Maybe he had psychological issues that we aren't aware of. What I do know is that he deserves to be called a murderer, because that is what he is, but to demonize him and make him out to be on the level of a Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacey is wrong.
I agree we don't know all the facts. We know enough of the facts to call him a piece of shit. He murdered someone (which is now fact). That's all you need.

When did I say he's as bad as John Wayne Gacey or Ted Bundy? He killed one person, Of course he's not on that level. Those guys killed much more.

Again (for the last time), this guy is a piece of shit. Whether he had mental issues or what is irrelevant. He's a piece of shit. If he has mental issues he was a piece of shit with mental issues. Murdering people is wrong 100% of the time. I have no sympathy for the man, and hope he rots in hell. That doesn't make me a bad person. That makes me a real person.
Yes, MURDERING people is the worst kind of scum you can be. Yes. To not say it's black and white is pretty sad actually. What's worse then murdering people?

And why would I change my mind if I was the father of a murder victim? If anything that would further solidify my stance that the guy who murdered my would be child is a piece of shit. And would I want to murder the guy? maybe, but would I do it? No.

And when did I say he should be MURDERED? Death Penalty =/= MURDERED.

Trying to fix evil. They're TRYING to "fix" evil. Guess what, it doesn't really happen, does it? I'm a devout Christian, but I'm also a realist. a zebra can hide his stripes, but he can't change them.

You don't know me. Don't act like you do.

And yes, I do understand what it's like to contemplate suicide. And I'm proud to say I never did it, I recognized I had a problem, and have spent the past 7 years fixing said problem. And you know what? I did. I'm in a much better place now.

I agree we don't know all the facts. We know enough of the facts to call him a piece of shit. He murdered someone (which is now fact). That's all you need.

When did I say he's as bad as John Wayne Gacey or Ted Bundy? He killed one person, Of course he's not on that level. Those guys killed much more.

Again (for the last time), this guy is a piece of shit. Whether he had mental issues or what is irrelevant. He's a piece of shit. If he has mental issues he was a piece of shit with mental issues. Murdering people is wrong 100% of the time. I have no sympathy for the man, and hope he rots in hell. That doesn't make me a bad person. That makes me a real person.

I never once mentioned your name Stormy, and my comments weren't directed at you, If I wanted to start something with you or try to piss you off or insult you I would have the decency to quote you to let you know I was attempting to do so. I simply stated my piece, knowing that it probably wouldn't be 100% accepted.
Murdering people is wrong 100% of the time.
Is it wrong to murder a murderer? I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit on your little morality trip. Because there may indeed be circumstances where a person's life may need to be taken. If you think otherwise you don't watch enough TV or think wars are stuff of myth. Of course that's not me defending our little football player. No, there's no defense on his line. It's just me pointing out the flaw on your views.
I don't have an established opinion other than to suggest that being loopy and being scum are not mutually exclusive. If you're willing to take the standpoint of "he was wrong in the head and therefore shouldn't be condemned" then that's perfectly legitimate, but I hope those making that argument are willing to be consistent and apply it to just about every mass murderer we've seen.

All too often we see people throwing condemnation around left and right, right up to the point that they are forced to condemn someone they appreciate or admire, whereupon the mitigating circumstances get trotted out. If you exonerate this man then you also exonerate Charles Manson, Al Capone, Adolf Hitler and Ted Bundy. This, as I said, is a perfectly legitimate and admirable standpoint that I partially share - as long as you're consistent with it.

I don't know this guy, nor do I know anything about the circumstances of this crime, so I shall refrain from judgement. I'm not convinced that being justifiably angry, depressed or less than perfectly sane justifies what he appears to have done however. You are not allowed to shoot people.
If he was found guilty of murder and sentenced to death, then yes. He murdered someone, make sure he doesn't do it again.

He killed someone. Why is everyone acting like this guy is a hero or something?
I don't think anybody is saying he is a hero. Just not jumping to many conclusions. Also, for the record, you can stop somebody from killing again without putting him in the chair. Life in prison works wonders sometimes.
If Stormtrooper believes in murdering murderers should we start raping the rapists? :shrug:
Works for me. We can make an industry out of it, pay people a wage like cops. After all, if you are going to do this you might as well regulate it.
Death Penalty =/= MURDERED
That is your opinion. I suppose since the definition of "murder" is "an unlawful killing", that the death penalty is technically not murder. You win this round, on a technicality. The same basic principle applies, and you're still a hypocrite. You're still claiming that killing a man or woman is the worst kind of evil there is, and that you should make sure he can't kill again by killing him. I don't disagree with a "death penalty" on principle, if say...we were a tribe of people living on a desert island, with no way to contain those who may do harm to the community. There's a reason we have maximum security prisons. For people like this. Well, not exactly, cuz this bastard is dead. But you know what I mean.

I'm a devout Christian, but I'm also a realist.
I don't believe you. If you believe in the so-called "teachings" of the Bible, God has murdered more people than all the evil genocidal dictators rolled into one big giant blunt. That's not being a realist. That is quite possibly, the opposite of being a realist. But a religious debate, this is not.

a zebra can hide his stripes, but he can't change them.
Nobody gives a shit if a zebra kills his girlfriend.

You don't know me. Don't act like you do.
Your name is Stormtrooper. So I'm guessing you have shit aim, and are a totally generic clone of a totally generic bounty hunter.

I agree we don't know all the facts. We know enough of the facts to call him a piece of shit. He murdered someone (which is now fact). That's all you need.
Dear god I would hate to see a government run on your standards of proper law enforcement.

Murdering people is wrong 100% of the time.
And this is why I'm all upset at you. It has nothing to do with this guy, or why he may have murdered his girlfriend. I don't even care that he committed suicide. To me he's just another one of the tens of thousands of people that will have died yesterday. What bugs me is people with a sense of objective morality. There is ZERO room for error in your worldview, and that's something that clashes pretty hardcore with mine. Murder is wrong, 100% of the time (unless it's being done by the government, or our wonderful armed forces). I think that's way too black and white. I don't think being a murderer would make you the shittiest person on the planet. For instance, if that girl's dad wanted to go out and shoot down that guy, I wouldn't be posting a thread about how shitty he was. I'd probably say something like "jailing him forever would have been a worse punishment, but he was justified in doing what he did."

I have no sympathy for the man, and hope he rots in hell. That doesn't make me a bad person. That makes me a real person.
I agree, it does not make you a bad person. It makes you a bad Christian.
A lot of crossed wires here stemming mostly from the meaning of the word "murder."

The earliest part of this "debate" took place before it was confirmed that an actual murder had taken place - that is where the judgement of Javon Belcher as a "murderer" could be questioned. However, since then it has been intimated by the authorities that there were no mitigating circumstances beyond a heated argument, that suggests that the initial judgement of Belcher as a murderer was correct. But that does not negate the "wait until we get the full picture" school of thought as regards to judgement and in no way does it condone the "quick to judge" mentality.

Furthermore, labelling him as "evil" is also potentially incorrect. "Thou shalt no murder" might be listed as the 5-6th Commandment but as 2300 year old relics of the past, they do not take into account any mental issues Belcher might have been. They may even have been undiagnosed and meant that at certain times he had little control over his actions. Unlikely? Perhaps. Possible? Yes and with that slight possibility and the suggestion that this was completely out of character from the people that knew him, judging him as inherently "evil" just seems like yet another example of rapid judgement and, as Gelg pointed out, if you are going to apply such judgement then you have to be consistent. This would then lead you down the path of virtually everyone who has ever lived being evil too. Instead, the world is shades of grey, not black and white.

Also using war in an argument where the meaning of "murder" is being addressed is incorrect - international law does not and has never regarded killing in combat as murder.
Seeing as how Stormy is known for posting shit like this...

No, I would just pull out a gun and shoot you in the face before you would even know what hit you.

I would think that if anyone was going to wait for all the facts & evidence be presented before jumping to conclusions it would be Stormy.
Seeing as how Stormy is known for posting shit like this...

I would think that if anyone was going to wait for all the facts & evidence be presented before jumping to conclusions it would be Stormy.

Does this mean stormtrooper is inherently evil, and theres nothing we can do to fix him?
Does this mean stormtrooper is inherently evil, and theres nothing we can do to fix him?

He's a stormtrooper, he was created to be evil... and miss everything he shoot at, including peoples faces.

The funny thing is that if you asked people which regular member of the forums would most likely to be involved in a murder-suicide alot of people would probably throw Stormy's name out there without hesitation.
I was more annoyed at the fact that he killed himself in front of other KC staff.

It's like if Benoit rocked up to the PPV and hung himself in the locker room.

It probably would've helped ECW's ratings. I'm just sayin.
In Europe, you know, this never would have happened.

Not because of more stringent gun control laws, but because the Chiefs would have been relegated to the minors years ago.

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