
Pre-Show Stalwart
As all of you have seen Kane isn't wearing the mask nor his costume anymore, he is wearing a suit and a tie thus turning into Corporate Kane. Now Kane has proven that he can be anything from face to heel to comedian to monster to the devils favorite demon to now corporate Kane. During the years Kane has proven that he can be believable in any roll and has cemented himself as one of the best characters ever and one of the best in the WWE overall. But do you thing he can pull this hole corporate gimmick and still be believable?
is it me or did anybody else kinda think kane sorta looked like al bundy when you first saw him i like the look of corporate kane but thats what i first thought when i saw him
As a Kane fan, it's kinda disappointed me to see them take him down the 'corporate' route. I feel they had a chance here to perhaps turn him back into the old monster, someone who could be at the beck and call of "The Authority" yet still maintain his intimidation factor. I know I'm not the only Kane fan who is crying out for some form of semblance of the old big red machine.

Do I think he can pull it off? Absolutely. Do I think this was the best route for them to take him? Personally, no. But this is speaking as a huge fan of Kane for many years. Others who are indifferent about him may feel differently.
The dude came out to the ring looking like old school big Bubba Rogers, smh. Kane's character has taken a turn for the worst once again. Nice to see Kane with some hair this time around without the mask. If Kane goes nowhere with this turn around then he needs to retire. We've already seen this side of Kane working for the bosses in the attitude era circa 1999, but this time it's by choice. We'll just have to see where all this goes in the months to come leading up to Wrestlemania 30.
I personally liked it. I really never expected to see him that way...ever...but it could have an interesting twist. The only disappointing thing about it was the way he just randomly came out and did virtually nothing. I think WWE could have saved that surprise for a more memorable moment. But this is a new side of Kane that I'm interested to at least see where it goes.
You all must be joking. He looks scarier than his cartoon devil-look he had going before. This way we can truly get into the psychology of the man called Kane, and not chant "Same Old Shit".

And him wearing a suit isn't a real shocker. We've seen him in suits multiple times. Chill.
Of course he can pull it off. It's Kane, one of the most versatile characters and performers in wrestling today, arguably all-time. Personally, I liked it. People have accused WWE of ruining Kane's character since he first spoke, and have been saying that his character is dead since he first unmasked. Neither has occurred yet, nor did anything of the sort happen last night. It's refreshing to see him step so far outside the realm of fan expectations, and it's encouraging to see WWE make a bold move with a beloved character. It's good stuff. He'll pull it off fine, and personally, I look forward to watching him do it.
I am on the ropes with this. I see where it can lead to something great. Considering the current track record of WWE creative, I doubt it will do anything but further diminish the character.
Man people will complain about everything.

Kane looked great as Corporate Kane. He just goes on to prove that he can be believable in any role and is probably one of the most versatile characters the WWE has ever had.

My only question was why they had him come out when he didn't really do anything. He could've at least attacked Big Show along with the Shield.
I'm liking Corporate Kane. I like his look in the suit, and being one of the most versatile superstars of all time, of course he can pull this off. He is actually a very intelligent and well spoken guy, so this route, while surprising, is a good one to take to reinvent Kane again. Like he has said before, he isn't going anywhere anytime soon. They have time to go back to the old Kane.

However, I do think it could be a good idea to have him work some sort of split-personality type angle. Not ripping off Abyss here or anything, but considering he's "offered his services", the Authority could just get him to revert from this new character to the old one quite quickly. Keeping him away from the ring would be a mistake because he still has stuff to offer, and this was the only way I could envision him still wrestling without it looking odd.

Either way, very excited and I personally find that, after the blunder that was the announcement of Randy Orton (c) vs Big Show for the WWE Championship, Kane has spiced things up a little.
I think the "new" twist to Kane's character should have been with a dirty shirt and overalls under the wayward guide named Bray Wyatt as their "enforcer".

The new look is pretty cool especially since I called him "The corporate Kane" soon as his music hit and he comes out with a suit and his hair dyed.

However you reintroduce Kane is underwhelming when you consider that he ruined the very first Hell In A Cell match and had the oppurtunity to do so this past Hell In A Cell's main event. His heel turn and new look would have been more effective if he TURNED on his former tag team partner Daniel Bryan!
I will only say lets give it a chance, besides Kane has broken character a lot of times and has been seen in suits before. If anything this makes me wonder what hes capable of and what will his actions be? Oh and for those who say its a crazy turn for the worst for the character, Let me remind some about 2000 when The Undertaker after being a zombie like figure (who never broke character) for about 10 years, returns at a PPV as a biker for no real reason. I saw that worked out fine. Only my opinion Lets be patient and see where it goes.
I dig the "new" Kane a lot. We are past the "PG Era" and into the "Reality Era" and the newest variation of Kane is closer to the reality of Glenn Jacobs. He's an educated dude who carries himself in a very professional manner outside of the wrestling business.

It's going to be interesting to see what happens from here.

What I'd like to see happen is for this variation of Kane vs. the American Badass version of Taker (which is closer to the reality of Mark Callaway) at WM after which they both retire as in ring competitiors.

They'd go out as, well, themselves. It would definitely be cool to see that.
Supposedly Kane broke away from the demon that has controlled him forever; however, he will return soon to take over.
I'm thinking that his role will still ultimately be that of the "monster" that Stephanie will unleash on whomever she feels deserves it. I believe he's still going to be the same Kane, just with a different type of wrapping. That's just the initial impression I've got based on the very limited info that can be gathered thus far. I have a feeling that we'll hear or see very little of the supernatural aspects of Kane. You know, all of the "Devil's Favorite Demon" type of thing.

The different wrapping, in this case, is Kane coming out wearing suits rather than ring gear. I don't know if this means he'll be wrestling in traditional gear & appear only in a suit whenever he's in a non-wrestling role on television, if he'll wrestle in completely new gear to fit his new "corporate" image or if he'll merely wrestle in a suit, minus the coat & tie.
I thought Corporate Kane was the best thing about the main event segment, he looks creepier than ever with the suit and thin hair. I hope he wrestles in the tie and slacks like Big Bubba Rogers and Mr Hughes.

Gotta hand it to Kane, he keeps tweaking and reworking his act to fit in, guys a survivor.
I was skeptical after they apparently dropped the entire Kane-Bray Wyatt angle and aligned Kane with The Authority upon his return. Why? Didn't make sense.

After seeing RAW, I believe Corporate Kane can work... but they didn't get it off to a great start.

As mentioned before, they initially set it up to where Kane looked to be an enforcer, working at the will of Stephanie or Triple H. When he handed over his mask and said "The Monster is yours to command," I thought he'd simply be the guy to run down and beat anyone who opposed The Authority, or that he'd be put into a program with Big Show prior to Show's shot at Orton.

Then, Monday night happened...

First of all that entire final segment was a debacle. Whatever happened with The Shield coming out too early and going to commercial, Triple H and Show tried to play it off but it didn't help. The Shield just stood around until the handicap match. Awkward...

Then, as Show's getting beat down, Kane's music hits and the fire is on the screen. Here comes the Monster to demolish Show... in a suit?! He looks professional, like he just came from a talking heads news show that he likes to appear on. Show gets distracted and then swarmed by The Shield and Orton, and Kane's going to walk in and do something... anything... right?

But Kane just keeps on walking to ringside and becomes a corporate chair-thrower, table-clearer and stander-by.

Really? That's how we're introduced to Corporate Kane? Where's the "Monster?"

Part of me thinks that the screw-up with The Shield threw everything off with this segment, and they never really recovered. Everything just seemed awkward

Anyway, I think Corporate Kane can be an interesting character. Maybe he can be a mouthpiece for The Authority on occasion or the monster muscle if/when The Shield eventually dissolves. Or, he could just be a stooge, a la Patterson or Brisco from the Corporation days. Hopefully the former is correct.
For those folks who think WWE Creative never comes up with anything new, I give you Corporate Kane. Of all the faces of Kane we've seen over the years, did you ever think you'd see him in a suit? There are some truly interesting implications in this. What on Earth do they have planned for him?

Glenn Jacobs has added dimensions to his on-air character since he displayed a speaking ability we never knew he possessed. I can certainly see it coming into play in his new role.

I presume this loading up of corporate personnel is one of the early steps in lining up WM30, no? Many have been forecasting a showdown between Vince McMahon vs. Paul/Stephanie Levesque......sort of an "Evil vs even-more-Evil" fight for supremacy.

I really like the idea of Kane being a part of it.
For those folks who think WWE Creative never comes up with anything new, I give you Corporate Kane. Of all the faces of Kane we've seen over the years, did you ever think you'd see him in a suit? There are some truly interesting implications in this. What on Earth do they have planned for him?

Glenn Jacobs has added dimensions to his on-air character since he displayed a speaking ability we never knew he possessed. I can certainly see it coming into play in his new role.

I presume this loading up of corporate personnel is one of the early steps in lining up WM30, no? Many have been forecasting a showdown between Vince McMahon vs. Paul/Stephanie Levesque......sort of an "Evil vs even-more-Evil" fight for supremacy.

I really like the idea of Kane being a part of it.

The interesting part is that he didn't seem to be fully relishing doing the McMahons bidding, which makes me wonder if the other shoe is yet to fall on this character change for Kane.
All I was thinking during that segment was: Can the WWE ruin Kane's character anymore?

Kane is pretty much dead.

I feel this way also. If they keep Kane as Kane I guess its okay but if they make him into a regular dude and call him Glenn Jacobs I don' support it. I was a fan of wrestling back in the day as a child and the characters were fascinating to me. Kane and his kayfabe brother Undertaker and their whole deal was one of the most fascinating back stories and characters to me. And while I realize it's all fake and these guys are actors it would really sour me on WWE if they decided to just change all of that and say none if it was true even in kayfabe universe.

Let me preface this by saying I'm not really one to complain but I'm going to watch next week's RAW and if they do away with the character of Kane I think I'm going to stop watching for awhile. I'll watch the Road to WrestleMania to maybe Extreme Rules each year but that will probably be it.
I'm liking Corporate Kane. I like his look in the suit, and being one of the most versatile superstars of all time, of course he can pull this off. He is actually a very intelligent and well spoken guy, so this route, while surprising, is a good one to take to reinvent Kane again. Like he has said before, he isn't going anywhere anytime soon. They have time to go back to the old Kane.

However, I do think it could be a good idea to have him work some sort of split-personality type angle. Not ripping off Abyss here or anything, but considering he's "offered his services", the Authority could just get him to revert from this new character to the old one quite quickly. Keeping him away from the ring would be a mistake because he still has stuff to offer, and this was the only way I could envision him still wrestling without it looking odd.

Either way, very excited and I personally find that, after the blunder that was the announcement of Randy Orton (c) vs Big Show for the WWE Championship, Kane has spiced things up a little.

Exactly. Kane is "Corporate" but he's offered his "services" up to Stephanie and told her previously it's within her power to "unleash the monster" whenever she sees fit. If creative is... well... "creative" with this angle, it's a great opportunity to see Kane play two different personas. There is the "corporate" Kane and then there is the Kane that Stephanie McMahon calls upon to take care of business who is as sadistic as ever. It could be interesting.

Plus, WWE writing 101 tells us where this is going. Kane's been humanized before and this is going to be no different. Kane can ultimately be Stephanie's monster but what happens when Kane realizes he is the most dominant in the faction? What happens when he realizes that Randy Orton is WWE Champion because Kane repeatedly makes sure nothing happens to him. What happens when Kane speaks up and HHH puts him in his place and says we all have a role to play Kane. Well, Kane gets pushed to the brink... fights back against the Authority and feuds with both Stephanie and HHH. He can possibly face HHH at Wrestlemania since HHH doesn't have any part time stars to work against anymore such as Lesnar and Taker since he's tackled that the last few years. It's also apparent HHH is only going to work with established stars as the last few non-Wrestlemania angles have involved CM Punk, Kevin Nash, now the Big Show/Daniel Bryan, etc. HHH vs. Kane at Mania? Kane finally sticking it to the authority? Possibly....
I feel this way also. If they keep Kane as Kane I guess its okay but if they make him into a regular dude and call him Glenn Jacobs I don' support it. I was a fan of wrestling back in the day as a child and the characters were fascinating to me. Kane and his kayfabe brother Undertaker and their whole deal was one of the most fascinating back stories and characters to me. And while I realize it's all fake and these guys are actors it would really sour me on WWE if they decided to just change all of that and say none if it was true even in kayfabe universe.

Let me preface this by saying I'm not really one to complain but I'm going to watch next week's RAW and if they do away with the character of Kane I think I'm going to stop watching for awhile. I'll watch the Road to WrestleMania to maybe Extreme Rules each year but that will probably be it.

That is my only fear as well. He can still be called Kane and wear a suit. He can't wrestle in a suit, so it's not like he'll exclusively be walking around in one. As long as he stays Kane then this is just a new angle for Kane that'll probably lead to feuds with HHH and Orton.
I do have a bit of a concern with this angle....

A masked wrestler has removed the mask and has appeared in a suit. This sounds very familiar......

However Kane has proven over the years he can pretty much do anything and is easily one of the most versatile superstars in WWE.

I just hope we don't end up with yet another Kane/Big Show feud.
Why is everyone so worked up over Kane in a suit? Was he not Kane when he attends the HoF ceremony or when in public?

If The Undertaker is allowed to go from Gothic ministry to American Bad Ass Biker, Kane can go from psycho burn victim to a sadistic suit

I'm happy to see where this goes. I must say, he does look scarier than ever before since he is completely humanized.

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