Kane Injured

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Pre-Show Stalwart
After last night's match with Randy Orton Kane was attacked and apparently injured by Mark Henry.And after the doctors checked him they have said that he will be out of action for 3 months.

Your thoughts
My thoughts: They had nothing for him and they want to make him a bad ass demon again. The "injury" make Mark Henry more of a bad ass and gives Kane a much needed, much deserved break from action for a little bit. Win win. Maybe they can translate this latest show of brutal force by Henry into a legit title shot. (fingers cross)
Well, the last couple weeks they've been shifting Kane back to "the devil's favorite demon" gimmick he was working with when he was World Heavyweight Champion last year. Kane's been determined to re-awaken the monster. But, it was also reported Kane's been battling several injuries for a while now but hasn't decided to take time off. WWE probably urged him to take off and best bet, when he comes back he'll receive another good push one would think. I don't think he necessarily has to get revenge on Mark Henry because, hey, in 3 months is Henry going to matter? Who knows?

But it serves as purpose of bringing the monster back and when he returns he can go right after who's on top. I'd like it to be Randy Orton. They have never feuded but whenever they have their random matches they're always good, especially this past week. Orton and Kane would be a very good title feud.
If Kane is injured because he wants rest, good for him. I love Kane. I respect Kane. I want Kane on my TV with gold and praise. This three months is going to take forever.
If Kane is injured because he wants rest, good for him. I love Kane. I respect Kane. I want Kane on my TV with gold and praise. This three months is going to take forever.

You me both...
I did hear he was working through some injuries he had because he didnt want to take time off maybe the WWE finally convinced him to have a break.
I have a feeling, well I'm hoping he's going to come back more evil and badder then ever.
Im sure its simply a storyline inury, and good for him. Has been one of the most consistenly on the road guys for over a decade, so no problem with him getting a bit of time off to return refreshed and pissed off (because of getting crushed by henry) for one last monster run before retiring.
I don't see this being a real injury or anything (he could be recovering from smaller problems but nothing major). They want to get Mark Henry over, why not have him take out two big monsters. It's all to get Henry seen as the big destroyer and nothing can stop him. I'm sure Kane is going to take some time off, have a relaxing stay at home or vacation and come back for another run with the WWE. Kane showed that he can still go, so this little break can do him the world of good.
.... so no problem with him getting a bit of time off to return refreshed and pissed off (because of getting crushed by henry) for one last monster run before retiring.

Actually, that statement could apply to either of them, We've been hearing for a few years that Kane would be calling it quits....... and Mark Henry announced he would be folding up the tent in the coming year. Are we looking at a two-man program that starts this Fall and culminates at Wrestlemania?

How good would it be to have a "Loser Must Retire" stipulation with real-life implications?

The loser retires immediately while the winner trudges on for a few months before shutting off the faucet himself.
The Wrestlezone main page said the injuries to Kane and Big Show are storyline and it's to test new creative ideas.

But can someone clarify that? Is creative that bad that they need to eliminate guys to have less to focus on? Are they going to try new creative ideas for Big Show and Kane while they're on the shelf? Are they trying new creative ideas for Mark Henry since he stands to benefit most by all of this?

Very unclear. The way the article read it sounded like they're forcing Show and Kane into early retirement.
The Wrestlezone main page said the injuries to Kane and Big Show are storyline and it's to test new creative ideas.

But can someone clarify that? Is creative that bad that they need to eliminate guys to have less to focus on? Are they going to try new creative ideas for Big Show and Kane while they're on the shelf? Are they trying new creative ideas for Mark Henry since he stands to benefit most by all of this?

Very unclear. The way the article read it sounded like they're forcing Show and Kane into early retirement.

I wouldnt say its a case of eliminating Kane and Big Show more giving them a rest. Then want to make Mark Henry into a monster heel and the easiest way to do that is to have him injure people. To do that they would need people to be written off tv for a while and Kane is certainly the most deserving on the roster of a rest. Hes rarely taken a break since his debut in 1997 so im sure he has a few bumps and bruises he would like to rest up.

Im welcoming the break as it gives some of the young guys on the roster a chance to step up in their absence, im looking at Rhodes, Dibiase, Gabriel, Zeke, Bryan and Barret in particular. Hopefully theese new creative ideas include the younger guys so that they can show us what they can do with more tv time and a higher spot on the card.

Also for the first time in a long time im interested in Mark Henry. There putting a lot of work into his character so hopefully it goes somewhere. Obviously there going to be a feud with Show and Kane when they return but i cant wait to see who he feuds with in the next few weeks.
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