Kane attacking Punk


The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla
So there are several threads that are already made that this could possibly fit in but I think this may need its own thread. Move if needed though/

So tonight in the Smackdown 4 way Kane came out and dragged Punk into a coffin then started beating the hell out of Luke Gallows. So does this mean that Punk is the man that tuned taker into the Jolly Green Giant or was it just Kane venting and attacking the SES?

I would personally like to see the SES go head to head with the Brother of Destruction. Thoughts on the idea of the SES being the attackers and if this will be a upcomming feud?
It certainly is a possibility considering how creepy and psychotic the SES are. I'm sure they could be capable of doing such a thing if that were to be revealed in this angle but i'm not sure WWE is ready to give us the attacker(s) identity(s) just yet.

Most likely it was Kane venting and attacking Punk, he has done it in plenty of other matches. He has attacked various wrestlers in this fashion where he interrupts a match and attacks a participant or two. This could also be the beginning of a feud with Kane and Punk where Kane thinks they are attackers but ends up being wrong in the end.

So many questions about this whole Kane-Taker situation, I guess we will just have to see how this whole thing will play out on Smackdown.
I am not disappointed with Kane going after Punk because I think it could be a great fued if it turns out to be the SES vs the BoD.

But I was disappointed with how it went down tonight. All that build up about how Kane was going to destroy his brothers attacker and we get what? Kane showing up for a minute attempting to throw Punk in a casket and then having him run away while we never hear from them again the whole PPV?

Hopefully this turns into something good but I think Kane getting Punk could have played out a lot better.
I think if it comes down to the BoD vs SES, that will make for one hell of a match. As long as we get that masked man taken care of who seems to jump in all of SES's matches. It could provide for a good comeback angle for Taker while he's out of the WHC picture.
Just read that creative is thinking about having Kane be behind Takers state, with a casket match marking the end of it. With that in mind, I think this is just part of the diversion Kane is using the make people think it was someone else.

I like the idea of Kane v Taker, even though its pretty obvious whats comming. I think creative should go a different route. Maybe have Swagger be behind it, but I'm getting off topic.

I think this is the start of a fued with Kane trying to get Punk to admit he was beind Taker's state, at the end Punk proving it was Kane behind it.
I don't think it will end up in a Brothers of Destruction feud with the Straight Edge Society, as much as I just think it will be a feud between CM Punk and Kane.

I do think that Kane will continue to push on the Undertaker storyline, and CM Punk will be the primary focus of it due to the mockery he has made of Undertaker in the past few weeks, and I think it could go on to become a rather good feud actually, very back and forth, and would serve as a great stepping stone for Kane to get the push he's been said to be getting.

CM Punk also does need something new to do, and I think that with the revival of interest in Kane, this is the right way for WWE to go, and pair these two, the fact that CM Punk has feuded with Undertaker before, only leaves that Kane and CM Punk refuels their former feud, in new light of course, with Kane being somewhat of the tweener / face, and CM Punk being the heel.
Honestly, I don't think it would be in the SES's or Punk's M.O. to take out one of the biggest most powerful guys on the entire WWE roster and then be quiet about it. Rather, I believe Punk would pontificate on his glory and triumph over the evils of the Dead Man night and day to whomever stuck around to listen. I feel this is nothing but a swerve or red herring/distraction to play out the angle for just a little while longer until we get to a period where Taker is legit heal up a bit more and we can proceed with the feud properly. We're killin' time here folks.
While I don't think that this will continue on any farther, I don't really wanna see a BOD/SES fued, I'm not a fan of Gallows and anything he touches kinda turns to shit for me, however, I would LOVE to see a Punk/Kane fued with one of them being revealed as Undertakers attacker, that would be interesting ass tv and it sure would keep me tuned in (as if i wouldnt be already)

But I gotta agree w/Ligerbomb, this is just a ploy to kill time and make sure no one forgets, or becomes uninterested w/the Taker storyline, Kane beats the shit outta people all the time, this won't continue any farther (i think)
I really don’t know what is going to go down between Punk and Kane right now and I like it that way.

There is multiple different ways that this angle could go and I am excited to see which one it eventually does follow. For me, Kane has been really needing something lately and CM Punk could maybe do wonders for him. I recall seeing a promo between Kane and CM punk on Smackdown a couple of weeks ago and thought that it was possibly the Straight Edge Society that were behind it. Of course, Kane attacking CM Punk doesn’t mean that it was them that did it. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was.

My first thought was that Kane was just stepping up his search for the people, or person, that caused some damage to the Undertaker. However, as I thought more about it, it really would make sense for CM Punk to have done it. I am sure that the WWE will explain it to us on Smackdown this week if Punk does claim that it was him and I am sure that they will have a reason for it. Right now though, I am staying optimistic about the possibility of a feud between Kane and the SES. Whether my optimism pays off and we are treated to Kane and CM Punk having a really good feud is still up in the air but I would like to see it.

I don’t think the possibility of it just being that Kane was venting as he singled out CM Punk with very little room for interpretation. He literally pointed it out to us and then went about attacking him. Still, I would like to see Taker come back and team with Kane against the SES. However, I would think that the SES would be completely overmatched if they don’t do some recruiting and soon.

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