K.F.A.D. Qualifying: Vengeance v. Eric Smith:


[This Space for Rent]
In the second week of Qualifying matches, two more Superstars have been given the opportunity to become King For A Day. The chance presents itself to qualify for the match-up at Kingdom Come, inwhich the overall winner will be capable of challenging for ANY Championship of their choice.

Last week both of these men debuted in a Tag Team contest. Now each will square off once again in single's action. One man will advance to the biggest Pay Per View in W.Z.C.W. History, for a chance at Gold. Who will it be? Find out on Meltdown!

Please keep all RPs in here. Only Vengeance & Eric Smith are allowed to use this thread. Deadline is June 30th, 2008. If everyone involved in matches can get at least one RP in before the deadline, we can speed the event up and possibly get it out sooner.
A shot of an empty ring is shown. The picture begins to distort and crackle, footage from Meltdown appears on the screen, with Eric Smith's voice speaking

Eric Smith said:
We will judge you(echoes)
Clip of Vengeance delivering a spinebuster to Agrex, ending with a black and white slow motion as Eric Smith's words echo

Eric Smith said:
We will be your jury.(echo)
Clip of russian leg sweep onto the guard rails to Agrex

Eric Smith said:
We will execute you (echo).
Clip of Vengeance hitting the Trial and Retribution on Eric Smith.

Eric Smith said:
And then we'll go win the match (echo)
Final clip, showing Eric Smith tapping out to the Call to Adventure.​

The screen crackles again, cutting to a brilliant glow. The camera pans down from the lights and reveals Vengeance, sitting on the turnbuckle, staring into the middle of the ring

Words, mere words. They say that the pen is mightier than the swords, that the tongue is a fire, but the fact is... acta sine verba vaccua sunt (Actions without words are empty). I don't merely say things, I ACT ON THEM ALSO. The Canadians only experienced a fraction of what I am capable of...of my wrath.

I promised to begin to rid WZCW of the abominations that infect the locker room, starting with Eric Smith and Paul Agrex. Smith, you refuse to change your ways, you refuse to accept that you have transgressed the Master's wishes. You are interfering with plans that are bigger than you realise. You think you matter on the grand scheme of things, that your over-riding quest for the fancies of this business make you someone to be taken seriously. You are little more than a gnat buzzing around my head...soon to be squashed.

Vengeance drops down to the floor and paces around the ring

This is the ring were I made my debut, it was in this ring Agrex and Eric Smith experience what it felt like to cross me. Last time Eric, you had Paul Agrex to spare you from true pain, but this time you shall not be so fortunate

However, that is all in the past, what's done is done. Ahead lies the scrabbling to become King for a Day. Mindless fools chasing after the follies of a crown, unaware that heavy is the crown, and in your ambition, you will overleap and fall on the other side. Understand, my goal is not driven by the trivial matters of crowns...for if chance will have me King, chance may crown me, rather to do the will of him who sent me, to make WZCW worthy of the glorious Day of the Appearing, which shall soon be.

Vengeance kneels as though deep in prayer

Master, they acuse me of hypocrisy, of using identical means to stamp out that which I claim to be opposed to. They acuse me of preaching nothing but punishment, ignoring my call to change their ways. They have no idea what the greater purpose is, why you sent me into this hell-hole. Give me the strength to stay focused on the task you have given to me. I will lay down an example before-times, causing those who stand in my way to undergo vengeance of everlasting fire.

Eric Smith must not be allowed to stand in the way of the advancement of your kingdom within WZCW. Greater evils lie beyond him...those who practice deceit, who corrupt the weak-minded. There time shall come, but first, an example shall be made, a premonition of what has been foretold. Master, your will shall be done.

Vengeance stands and walks towards the ropes. He pulls up the hood over his head, only his mouth visible. He turns away from the camera, walking towards the rope, stopping before his voice is heard, a low whisper

Vengeance is mine...and (raises voice) I WILL REPAY
The scene opens as the camera is facing the open water. It's sunset, to the orange sky is glistening along the water, with the waves coming up and hitting the beach. A familiar voice can be heard from behind the camera.

It's a beautiful sight, isn't it? The sunset hitting the water like that, all orange and stuff, I mean, I don't know what art is, but if someone painted a picture of this, I'd like it.

He then slowly shifts the camera to the left a bit to reveal a rather long bridge in the distance.

So this bridge... This is the Confederation Bridge. This is what links my home island to the rest of the world. When I was a kid, I wanted more than anything to be able to go across this bridge. All my friends did it, but my family was poor, we never had a reason to go across it.

Then, when I was in Gr 9, my band class was going to a trip, and we had to go across this bridge. No one else in my class could figure out why I was so exited, why this ment to much to me. Well, they had all done it before, and they only though of it as a bridge from point A to Point B. But I saw it a little differently. I would always call the island my home, but all I ever wanted was to get away from it, even for a little while. The bridge represented the rest of the world to me. And even though I was only in the other side of the world for a little bit, it made me think how lucky I was to be somewheres else. I traveled the bridge. I was in a new world.

Eric now takes the camera and focuses on himself, with tall trees standing in the backdrop. The sun is almost doen now, you can barely see the same orange glow above the trees.

I've since come across this bridge many many more times with my wrestling across Canada, but in a few days, I'm doing somthing I've never done before. I'm going to be leaving Canada. And when I think about going into another counrty, it reminds me of that day in Gr 9 when I finally met the rest of the world. But with the anti-Americanism running ramped on the globe, I truely am afraid to leave Canada for it.

The camera begins flailing around as Eric is moving it into possition, which is in the basket of a bicycle. As he continues talking, he also begins biking towards the bridge.

So, as I'm getting to my point, I should probably discuss my debut WZCW match... yeah, I lost... Actually, it's worse. I tapped out. In my home contry, with a Canadian partner, we lost, and we let the counrty down. And for that, I am sorry. But alas, we have been givin a 2nd chance to prove ourselves. And I have a match against "Vengence", if that is his real names. "Eric chuckles a bit" I fought this guy once, and I can tell you he is one tough S.O.B. but you know what? I can take him. I've fought bigger guy than him, I've fought scaryer guys then him, Hell, I've wore cooler halloween costumes than him!

As Eric laughs again, he has reached the bridge, and is now biking along it.

Anyways, I'm gonna shut the camera off and put it in my bag here, I got a long bike ahead of me. You see, it took me forever to leave my home, but when I did, it was easy. My home has since expanded, as I'm no longer just an islander, I am a Canadian. Going into America for the first time is hard, so I have to be ready. So maybe biking along one of the longest bridges in the world can prepare me for the chance I'm about to take. But anyways, Shuting down. Back in a little while.

Eric stops biking for a little bit, reaches in, and go to turn the camera off. Almost as soon as you see his hand touch the off button, it's back on at a new location. Eric looks around. The sun has completely set now, the only light coming from the street lights above on the bridge.

So, here I am. The tallest point in the bridge. When I considered the bridge the path to a new world back as a kid, I'd have no idea of how significant that wou;ld be to me now. You see, right now I am "on the high point to a new world." And now that I have a "King for a day" qualifying match, I have a chance to actually be on top of the world. And I don't intend to let anyone stop me.

As he says that last word, the plain white lights above soon begin seeing flashes of red and blue.

Ah Crap...

Eric turns the camera towards the end of the bridge to reveal a cop car driving towards him.

I suppose thats a sight that I'm not ment to be here. But you know what, I'm not going to let anyone stand in my way of winning this tournament. before he gets here, I have one last thing to show you all.

He takes off a backpack, reachs in, and pulls out a peice of paper folded in half. He also takes out a roll of tape.

This paper... This is a picture... A picture of Vengence. (he shows the picture, and sure enough, it's Vengence.

This is the guy thats going to be standing in my way to the top of the world. Well, I won't let him stand there to long. I'll do what I can to get rid of him.

He takes the picture and tapes it around his bike, so you can only see the side of his face on it. As soon as he's done taping, he looks towards the cop car, which is now so close it's slowing down.

Sir, step away from the side of the bridge, and come to the car.

Eric takes the camera, points it to his face for a moment.

Vengence, I'm about to be taken away by a cop car. But it's not as bad as whats going to happen to you when we meet again.

Eric starts walking towards the cop car. As he gets there, the cop gets out of the car to open the back door. As Eric reachs the car, he sets the camcorder down on the hood, facing where he left his bike. He then runs back to the bike, picks it up, and hurls it over the bridge. The cop then comes into the scene and grabs Eric and pulls him away.

I'm going, I'm going, don't worry... I just had to (car door slams shut, voice becomes muffled) take care of somthing...

Theres about 5 seconds of no voices before the cop comes and picks up the camcorder.

How does this thing turn off...

The camera focuses in on a ring, in the middle of a seemingly deserted gym. Inside the ring, Vengeance is in the middle of a sparring session with his partner, a physically impressive man who looks to be of Norse descent, neither man going easy on the other, both thriving of the intensity and pain the other is inflicting.

Both men seem to know, almost telepathically what the other is going to try next, Vengeance able to side-step a running splash following an Irish whip into the corner, but his opposition retained the wherewithal to squirm out of a monstrous Backbreaker Drop, while trying to shake off the effects of his chest meeting turnbuckle, striking him with a clubbing blow to the back

A vicious overhead belly-to-back suplex appears to drop Vengeance, but not for long enough to get a pinfall. As Vengeance is slowly getting back to his feet, his partner rebounds off the ropes, his flying clothesline attempts meets the knee of Vengeance, who himself takes aim to hit the Trial and Retribution, but gets nothing but air as the head he was aiming for avoids the lethal contact, and takes advantage by shaping up to hit the an inverted DDT on an off-guard Vengeance. Somehow, Vengeance squirms free…and the blonde dynamo turns round, only to be lifted and dropped down to the mat by a devastating sitout spinebuster. However, instead of covering for the pin, Vengeance extends his hand, and pulls his sparring partner to his feet, in a gesture of respect for the intensity and resilience of his opponent.

Both men leave the ring over the top rope, and drop to the floor. His opponent walks away slowly towards the showers, favouring his back following the high impact move, while Vengeance remains, staring straight into the camera. He speaks, slightly out of breath from the workout

Eric Smith…when we meet at Meltdown, there will be no mercy, there will be no respect. At Meltdown, I will be doing my Master’s bidding, and the Master is no respecter of persons. It is written that you should only fear who can destroy the body and soul in hell…I cannot do that but I will come as close as possible to give you reason to fear your encounter with me...I will ensure you will have a memorable experience of your first trip to America.

You can throw a bicycle over a bridge, blow up a car with a picture of me inside...it makes no difference. You will find me a lot more difficult to manage than a picture. I have no reason to fear you...what happened last week was not beginner's luck, and I have that to prove to you when we meet.

So Eric Smith, savour your time behind bars, train all you can, but at Meltdown, there will be no bars, no guards that can possibly come between you and atoning for the wrongs you have committed. And this time…it will not be a police car you will leave in, rather an ambulance.

Master…the day of vengeance comes. I will pave the way for the glorious appearing.

He laughs... The camera blurs and crackles, cutting out, while soft laughter lingers on in the background.

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