Justin Gabriel has potential? Don't make me laugh.


Is a thin rope
One of the things I've seen X in particular say about Justin Gabriel is that he has a lot of "potential". This actually irritates me a little bit because what it says to me is that whoever's saying it knows sweet fuck all about Justin Gabriel.

Justin Gabriel is a wrestler who is criminally underrated by the IWC, because he's been active in the wrong places and hasn't been given the time to show what he can really do.

However, that's only part of the reason he's got barely any potential. The biggest reason is that he started wrestling before DBD had even left for Texas. Do you see anybody claiming that the latter has potential to be great? No. Everyone's seen what he can do but Justin on the other hand didn't make the PWI 500 until after he'd been fucking called up. You're telling me that while he was having good (albeit spotty) matches with everyone he wrestled that he's worse than Curt Hawkins? Who is, may I remind you so average he played Jannetty to Zack Ryder?

So to get to my point, just because you haven't been arsed to look up Justin Gabriel's work pre 2010 don't chalk up what you haven't bothered to see as "potential". After over 13 years of international experience, Justin Gabriel's about as good as he's ever going to be.
Of course Justin Gabriel has potential. He's an undersized flippy guy with zero charisma, and we all know that guys of this mold tend to take the WWE by storm.

Simple fact of the matter is this. He's been around the business long enough that he probably is not going to escalate from where he currently sits. He can be a quality mid carder, or a successful tag team wrestler, but if you think he is going to progress into the main event as a singles competitor, I think you are mistaken.
gabriel with slater have potencial together alone gabriel would drown, they are good tag teams and good mid carders.
Given the right push, the right feuds, and the right booking I could say Justin Gabriel being a big name one day. Although you could say that about anyone, Justin Gabriel brings a ton of talent and a unique look to the table, not to mention a finisher that makes the crowd pop every time. I can count on one hand how many times I've heard him on a mic in front of the crowd, but from what I've seen he's not that bad. His accent is a little heavy and difficult to understand but he hasn't been put into feuds or situations where he has to be charismatic or show tons of emotion. His role since NXT was back up fodder for Barrett.

I'll admit the only stuff of his before WWE I've seen was one or two of the videos you have posted around here Remixie. But based on his WWE in-ring work alone, I can't remember him having a bad match. He hasn't had any spectacular, blow our minds matches but he always gives a solid performance. And like I said the only role he's been given is backup for Barrett, so he hasn't shown much emotion. We all know you can have the best match in the world but without a decent story and emotion it's meaningless.

I see potential in him but he hasn't been put in a position to show what he's fully capable of and has only shown how he can play one role. With WWE's track record with guys with similar styles, I'm not sure how likely that is but I'd like to see them at least try to see what he can do on his own, not playing the role of back up.
He's a high flyer, yes. However WWE likes the fact that Gabriel can also do power moves as well and is very strong. Gabriel can scoop guys like Cena and even Orton up and slam them with ease. That's something many of the other high flyers can't do. So I'd say in terms of wrestling Gabriel is more versatile than guys like Cara. What Gabriel needs to work on is the mic. But already he's better than Morrison who is by far the worst ever!
I thought that this was a Justin bashing thread but after reading the OP(which apparently a few didn't) and I fully understand what you're getting at. But while you're right that his ring work won't likely improve, his potential lies in his character and booking. He has the potential to be a big star in the company based on his stellar ring work, but that all hinges on whether or not he is capable of developing a character that the fans connect with and being booked to be a big deal.
Of course Justin Gabriel has potential.

Very little in the ring.

He's an undersized

He's roughly the same size as Miz, Morrison and Christian. Want to ammend that statement?

flippy guy

Thank you for proving my point Habs. Justin Gabriel is FAR from just a flippy guy. Go watch his match against Kaval for the FCW title, or against Micky Whiplash in WWP, Or if you're in the mood for a squash against Kerwats. The only flips Gabriel does on a regular basis are his moonsault and his finisher, and in most of his matches he performs the same number of flips as Daniel Bryan does. i.e. 1. Want to ammend that statement to one that doesn't make you look like a dumbass?

with zero charisma, and we all know that guys of this mold tend to take the WWE by storm.

Well John Morrison's in the main event, and Sin Cara's getting a big push so yes they can.

And for the record, Gabriel does have charisma. He can't cut a promo for shit but English isn't his first language. How well can you cut a promo in your second language? That doesn't stop him having charisma. There's a reason he's gotten over in every company that he's spent time in and it's not just because of his ability to pull of a 450 splash.

Take this match you've never bothered to look up featuring a promo that gets the crowd to do what he wants (finish his name) and the crowd chanting for him during the match before he does anything you couldn't see anybody do. Clearly this man has no charisma.


Simple fact of the matter is this. He's been around the business long enough that he probably is not going to escalate from where he currently sits.

A guy in a stable? Pretty sure he can make it as a successful singles competitor like ha has been everywhere else he's chosen to ply his trade.

He can be a quality mid carder, or a successful tag team wrestler, but if you think he is going to progress into the main event as a singles competitor, I think you are mistaken.

I don't think he's going to be a main eventer. He doesn't have the mic skills to carry a main event story in the way that you need to be able to in WWE. However, that's irrelevent to this thread. Because it's not about whether or not Gabriel can main event. It's about how absolutely nobody has bothered to look up Justin's old stuff on youtube before commenting on how good he is. And you just proved my point. You passed him off as a one trick pony when he has the same number of takedown => submission combos as he does high flying moves.

So please Habs and anyone else who wants to respond, go and watch some of his old stuff before you do. Don't argue what you clearly have no knowledge of. You'll only look stupid.

gabriel with slater have potencial together alone gabriel would drown, they are good tag teams and good mid carders.

Yes. Because Justin Gabriel has never been a successful wrestler on his own...



Given the right push, the right feuds, and the right booking I could say Justin Gabriel being a big name one day. Although you could say that about anyone, Justin Gabriel brings a ton of talent and a unique look to the table, not to mention a finisher that makes the crowd pop every time. I can count on one hand how many times I've heard him on a mic in front of the crowd, but from what I've seen he's not that bad. His accent is a little heavy and difficult to understand but he hasn't been put into feuds or situations where he has to be charismatic or show tons of emotion. His role since NXT was back up fodder for Barrett.

Very true, which has caused him to be incredably underrated simply because he hasn't had the chance to show what he's really capable of.

I'll admit the only stuff of his before WWE I've seen was one or two of the videos you have posted around here Remixie. But based on his WWE in-ring work alone, I can't remember him having a bad match. He hasn't had any spectacular, blow our minds matches but he always gives a solid performance.

His match against Kaval is in my opinion better than Danielson vs Kaval in FCW so that's worth a watch, and his two against Leo Kruger were also very very good.

And like I said the only role he's been given is backup for Barrett, so he hasn't shown much emotion. We all know you can have the best match in the world but without a decent story and emotion it's meaningless.

Best shown in his match against Barrett who screwed him out of the Florida Heavyweight Championship.

Part 1


Part 2


I see potential in him but he hasn't been put in a position to show what he's fully capable of and has only shown how he can play one role.

No, you've only seen him play one role. There's a difference. One implies that he's limited, one implies that you haven't seen much of him

With WWE's track record with guys with similar styles, I'm not sure how likely that is but I'd like to see them at least try to see what he can do on his own, not playing the role of back up.

It's not like there's a shortage of material on youtube.

I thought that this was a Justin bashing thread but after reading the OP(which apparently a few didn't) and I fully understand what you're getting at. But while you're right that his ring work won't likely improve, his potential lies in his character and booking.

Glad that you get the point.

He has the potential to be a big star in the company based on his stellar ring work, but that all hinges on whether or not he is capable of developing a character that the fans connect with and being booked to be a big deal.

The booking he can't control, but he can play a character. That's something he did in South Africa especially where he played the standard "pretty boy" babyface. There aren't many promos for him that I can find, but the commentary's pretty good for talking around the match. Though the female who bursts into Afrikaans randomly can be a bit irritating, but she's no worse than the tool who seems to commentate every ROH match on youtube.
I would like to say Gabriel has improved as a heel, but I really don't think he is fit to be a bad guy the way he has portrayed himself. Maybe being a whining heel is what they should try to do because being a tough guy for someone that good looking and that small (he is actually no smaller than HBK) just isn't cutting it.

I think as a face, as we have seen in FCW and on NXT, he is very good. He flops around well, has understated charisma (he just screams "I'm a good guy" when I watch him) and he is cute.That's pretty much all you need to be a face. I do think his mic skills are solid enough to the point that he can cut promos on his own. Good for him getting over that stage fright.
Potential is the right word. Yes he has history and experience. Yes he has done more than most WWE rookies have done before making it to the main roster. Yes he has won titles in other promotions.

It doesn't matter.

Any and everything that he has done before entering WWE simply does not matter. He is working with a completely different beast now, and what brought him to the table needs to be improved on and built up if he wants to move up. He needs to work on his weaknesses and showcase his strengths. He needs to improve, just like everyone else. That is exactly what people mean when they say he has "potential". He isn't there yet, not by a long shot. His past helps him, but by no means does it actually mean that he has "made it".
One of the things I've seen X in particular say about Justin Gabriel is that he has a lot of "potential". This actually irritates me a little bit because what it says to me is that whoever's saying it knows sweet fuck all about Justin Gabriel.

Always good to start off a post by bashing me.

Justin Gabriel is a wrestler who is criminally underrated by the IWC, because he's been active in the wrong places and hasn't been given the time to show what he can really do.

However, that's only part of the reason he's got barely any potential. The biggest reason is that he started wrestling before DBD had even left for Texas. Do you see anybody claiming that the latter has potential to be great? No. Everyone's seen what he can do but Justin on the other hand didn't make the PWI 500 until after he'd been fucking called up. You're telling me that while he was having good (albeit spotty) matches with everyone he wrestled that he's worse than Curt Hawkins? Who is, may I remind you so average he played Jannetty to Zack Ryder?

So to get to my point, just because you haven't been arsed to look up Justin Gabriel's work pre 2010 don't chalk up what you haven't bothered to see as "potential". After over 13 years of international experience, Justin Gabriel's about as good as he's ever going to be.

Yeah, you're definitely not understanding what I and others mean when we say he has "potential". He has the "potential" to be a star. Seeing as he isn't a star currently and never has been, it's perfectly reasonable to use the term "potential". We're not talking about his in-ring skills or mic skills developing more, we're talking about his potential to be a star and draw for the WWE. He's got the look, the moveset, and his accent will cover up any mic skills problems he has, he just needs the right push and booking and he could be a very over babyface. So yes, the term "potential" is perfectly fitting and applicable to this situation.

What a silly thread.
I think a character that would work for Gabriel if he goes off on his own would be like Jean Reno type (The Professional) assassin/bounty hunter gimmick. He's already portrayed as this right hand assassin type guy in Nexus and Corre and even brags about the people he's taken out. Just like a bounty hunter.

The boy has potential and this type of character would work for him
Every wreslter has potential just like every other human being has potential.

It takes practice and hard work, not idiots just saying "oh yes! I see potential!" or "Omg? Get rid of him he sucks!" Just let time do its thing and see what we get. :)
I perdonally don't see much potential in Gabriel. He is a one trick pony. On the mic he's not great and in the ring it's all about that 450. I would be more impressed if he changed it up a little and did something else. I think he will stick around long enough to tag team with Slater some more and then get future endeavoured after a short singles run that goes nowhere because he's just not interesting enough to rely on the one move that's basically all he does.
I think justin gabriel has potential but he will only achieve his potential once the corre disbands finally. I mean, ANYONE in a corre angle would look bad as a wrestler. Justin gabriel just needs to get out on his own or with a tag team with heath slater and make his own mark in WWE like everybody else. Like someone said before, he is not only a highflier but also does power moves like powerbombs and slams. His 450 splash is pretty amazing, the crowd cheers even though he is heel because the move is so good. Give him a chance once the corre breaks up, is all i am saying.
Justin Gabriel def has potential and its obvious the WWE likes him notice how he's one of the last guys to always get eliminated is normaly the ending highlight after a Nexus or Corre beatdown?

He has good ring skills, has the look, and the best part about him is that he can probably be an effective heel or face.

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