Justin Bieber...new Kurt Cobain?


Mrs. John Constantine
Okay...so I'm watching Chesea Handler on my hulu tonight, and one of her roundtable topics...it was said somewhere that Justin Bieber was quoted as saying something "I'm this generations Kurt Cobain...." :wtf: Okay...where the hell does this pukebrain get off deeming himself the next big grunge god from Seattle...and excuse me ain't he from Canada as well?? Anyone else think this is a bit facetious of the little bastard... I don't see how any of his songs are supposed to be along the same demographic of Nirvana's demographic...
LMAO...I'm sure he doesn't have to do it himself...there would be PLENTY of people who would do it for him if he didn't have the guts. LOL
Lol how can be be this generations kurt cobain? At least Kurt fucking wrote his songs, Beiber spends 6 outta the 7 days of the week in a glass bubble so he wont grow up. Then his manager throws some shit Randy Jackson wrote at him.
That worthless, talentless, hack should be beaten brutally for even thinking about thinking that he has 1/100th the talent that Kurt Cobain ever had.

Kurt Cobain, one of the greatest lyricists and deepest-thinking musicians of the past 25-30 years, if not ever, and the frontman of one of the most inspirational bands in history, the poster child of grunge rock.

And Justin Beiber, some pre-pubescent punk who sings little "love" songs that makes 13-14 year old girls va-jay-jay's tingle and become wet.

Yeah, I so see the comparison.
Meh. Beatles said they're the new Jesus. Eye for an eye, or some shit like that.
Some people are ******ed. Justin Bieber may be extremely annoying, but not talentless. I HATE his music, but he can sing. Shit, he plays drums too. So even though we all hate his music, let's not be blind and pretend he's talentless.
I do think the kid is talented, but that is a tad arrogant to put yourself on the same level as Kurt Cobain. Unless he's saying he wants to find himself a courtney love woman, I do believe she's still single, if that's what he's saying... :lol:
Fucker may be as talented as (insert your favorite artist here) he still needs to make out with a gun barrell.
Some people are ******ed. Justin Bieber may be extremely annoying, but not talentless. I HATE his music, but he can sing. Shit, he plays drums too. So even though we all hate his music, let's not be blind and pretend he's talentless.

This is extremely arguable. You call him a good singer, I call him someone whose unique voice makes people think he is a good singer.
You can ether sing or you can't, he can. I'm sorry he has more talent in his pinky than most have in their entire body.

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