Just Finished The Wire

It has nothing to do with the show, but....

I'm still pissed Marlo didn't meet a violent end like Stringer, I guess I'll have to settle with the loss of recognition in his name. Oh and I'm fine with Michael becoming the new Omar in the final episode.
Hope everything's okay, buddy.

I think some developments were really rushed at the end to once again make the point about the the system perpetuating an endless cycle of misery. Michael would be the most obvious example of something that was rushed. I also think the audience reception to that moment was lukewarm on account of him not having Michael Kenneth Williams' obvious charisma. Still, it's never been something I was too fussed about.

You mentioned before that the school theme of the fourth season might hit you hard. Was it as rough as you expected?
I don't think it was rushed nor do I think Michael was suppose to completely replace Omar in the finale but I think it was a way of things going full circle and showing nobody lives forever and or has their saga carry on forever, not Avon, not Stringer, not Marlo, not Omar, not even the show itself. They will all be eventually replaced in the game. Though I do wish we could have seen Cutty in the finale, or some sentimental others whose names I can't remember, but it's just nitpicking.

Going from a school that was multi-racial then having to go to a school similar to Fourth Season I instantly connected with the Michael in the fourth season. Watching that season and then watching my classmates fall into that pattern was a cold hard slap in the face man.

If anything watching this show has even inspired my foolish writing dreams even more, don't know if that's good or bad.
There are worse things to be inspired by.

I've seen the series three times now. The conclusion to Dukie's story is easily the most heart-wrenching for me.

The thing I love about the show is that it's not just about the game or these amazing characters Simon and company have created. Its primary concern is the way that social institutions perpetuate the game and make it possible. It's like the least boring sociology class you'll ever take. Several television shows reach for those heights, but few achieve them.
Yeah Dukie's final scene wasn't easy watching with the family, shame really.

I do like what the show represents just like any other but I guess I'm just more inclined to care about the characters. If I was writing a show my focus would setting up at least one strong character with a storyline in the first episode/season and just like the show did with McNulty, eventually branch out and not half to rely on him and focus on other characters.

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