Jurassic Park 4: Starring Chris Jericho

As soon as I saw the thread title I immediately thought of Bret Hart, which hadn't crossed my mind previously. There's 3 RAWs left before Wrestlemania so whatever they do they'll have to do it soon. Bret hart vs. Jericho would be amazingly ridiculous even if it would have to be at a lower level due to Brets injuries.

I doubt Stone Cold can wrestle and if he can I imagine Jericho would have to have very very little offense, probably consisting of kicks and punches. Even if he faces Ric Flair I'm not that interested in it, not in 2009 Flair. In all likelihood Jericho is going to face someone we don't really care about at all, probably someone he already easily beat down or Lawler.
Macho Man would be the WORST opponent for Jericho...at this time. I LOVE Randy Savage but unless he's been working out non stop, he's in absolutely no shape to face anyone. Have you seen him recently? I'll see if I can find some recent pics, he looks terrible and old.

If he's been working out and dyes his hair then yeah, it would be an AWESOME surprise. But again, I doubt they would bring back anyone really that huge without any promotion. As I said in other posts, the match will likely be a letdown.
equals lame. Don't you think? I mean... what can these guys (and I love them) possibly do in a wrestling match these days? ...at WM no less! Psh. Well, I guess it's OKAY. If you can't lock in Austin, Hogan, or Rouke for a match against Jericho what else can you do you know? Yeah, this will probably be just a short silly match, like only the 2nd or 3rd match into WM. Not a type of main event by any means. But if thats the case, if thats what it is, thats okay I guess. I, for one, was expecting something BIG. Like WM moment big.. Like a moment for the ages big. But, yeah, I guess it'll just end up as a short highlight mixed in w/ this years WM.

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. But what else do we have to look forward to at this point for WM?
The only reason why this match is taking place is because Rourke dropped out. The fact of the matter is that they were supposed to do Rourke-Jericho and now this match is out because of the failure of several pieces dropping. They wanted to to do a possible Hogan-Jericho match. But that dropped because Hogan is like old and decripit. The fact of the matter is despite the 6 weeks of prep time, there was not enough time to do a proper program for Jericho.
They should just call this what it is, the Jeriatric Handicap Challenge, (see what I did there Instead of spelling Geratric with a G and spelled it with J like Jerichos name;)) as I said in the LD, this angle went from a what could've been a great Mania Moment to a toilet break, this started out as Jericho vs. Rourke, then that fell apart so then it looked like they were going to try and make it Jericho/Hogan, then that fell apart, then Jericho/Austin and it look slike that fell apart as well, so we are left with this shit fest of a match, and not only is he wrestling three guys who no longer have any buisness in a ring but he's got Flair and Rourke at ringside adding way to much shit to this match, I am NOT looking forward to this match at all, and TBH WM25 really is not shapeing up to be good at all
. They wanted to to do a possible Hogan-Jericho match. But that dropped because Hogan is like old and decripit.

And Snuka, Piper, and Steamboat aren't? If anything, Hogan is in WAY better shape than those guys. At least Hogan still has his muscles and actually looks like he can pose some sort of threat.

I really hope this isn't the payoff from this whole angle because if it is, I feel bad for Jericho. He went from being the 2008 Superstar of the Year to having to spend the 25th anniversary of Wrestlemania carrying not one but THREE old guys in a match. What's worse is that he could very well lose this match.

I couldn't even handle the encounter they had Raw tonight. I don't care if it was four-on-one, Jericho should've knocked the wringles out of those guys. He's much younger, in shape, and one of the best wrestlers on the roster. Watching four elderly men run a train on him was ridiculous.

I love Piper, Steamboat, and Snuka, but they have no business in a wrestling ring anymore. This to me is the only blemish on an otherwise impressive Wrestlemania card.
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i thought it'd be lawler. i doubt steamboat will do anything the whole match. i talked to ricky recently and we had a laugh about him and austin one last time. dont know about roddy but jimmy is still active in the indys. i say forget savage as a surprise.....id rather see sid or even dean malenko come back for this. i thought this week, flair would no-show and that arn anderson would come out and mix it up w/ jericho and take a beating, or even michael hayes or kevin von erich bc of the whole texas thing.
How can the WWE think like this??

I don't mind the legends being at Mania but I would've made a Legends Lumberjack match with Rourke being the guest, Flair & the other 4 being the Lumberjacks, & there representing superstar whose fighting for them take on Jericho.

Rey Mysterio would've been my pick so that atleast Jericho gets a good match. They did mention on RAW that Mysterio challenged JBL for the I.C. Title so that looks to be happening now. Now with Mysterio having his match at Mania I would thought Ric Flair wrestling 1 more time would've been alright with me. Jericho really wanted to take him down & Flair knocked him down about 4 or 5 weeks back. Instead what I didn't understand was Flair saying he's retired & would not fight Jericho but after he brought out the 3 that will do the job for him he starts coming down with them as if he ready to fight. He punched him in the eye on RAW and yet he's not gonna take him on at Mania??
I really dont mind the match up only if stone cold comes out at the end and gives Jericho a stunner. That will make me happy
If tonight's RAW was any indication of things to come at Wrestlemania, I might as well not buy it...I mean, Steamboat seriously just jumped on Jericho's leg? ANd the three of them couldn't even keep him in the ring...? They didn't attack him, they humped his legs, and he still got away. And Flair punching him in the face is just what I didn't want to happen. I would rather Flair stay away and stop trying to get involved in the WWE. He had his big send off last year, and he should be there...it's just not cool. I would rather see Piper fight Jericho to be honest. He's in the best shape of the three. I still think Austin is possible...people say he's out because of his knee issues, but I think at the very least we can expect him to have a run in... I would bet money that we'll hear the shattered glass before this is all over...
Well they've done it. I didn't think the WWE writers along with Vince McMahon could let down the fans this badly but it's officially happened. Jericho VS Piper, Snuka & Steamboat at Mania is pathetic. This could be done on Raw and people would still change the channel. I know I would. I said last week that I would be annoyed if they picked Lawler to wrestle him instead of Austin but now... I would rather see Lawler VS Jericho. This just killed the "big event" of Wrestlemania for me. I figured with an Austin/Jericho match along side the Undertaker/Michaels match... it would be worth ordering and watching. How can this company justify charging $70 for an HD broadcast of a show that offers basically only Undertaker/Michaels and HHH/Orton which has some decent build and story to it. Was Hogan really not wanting to do a match? Or was Vince really against the idea? I mean, if Hogan has court stuff going on then fine... I understand that but at least get Austin to wrestle him then. Are you seriously telling me that Austin & Jericho couldn't agree or didn't want to do this? This blows my mind because any match would be better than what they are going with. I would rather see Mysterio wrestle him so at least the wrestling looks decent... and I don't like Mysterio at all.... but I would have accepted that. Way to go Vince, you just lost another Mania buy from me. I won't be watching. How many others would rather save the money and download the Undertaker/Michaels match the week after? I rest my case.
I for one can't believe that this is what we're going to get after all that hard work Jericho put in to these promos. When all of the ideas fell through; Rourke, Austin, and Hogan, I still had faith that something would come up. I mean bring someone who could pose a threat. It doesn't have to be one of the biggest names. How about Bret Hart? I know that seems highly unlikely but it could really work.

Last time I saw him he looked well. He still works out to keep his health on the up and up. I mean it could also be good for him. He can wash away the whole fallout of 97' by beating Jericho and earning back some loyalty from fans. He could have one last wrestlemania moment.

Idk, thats more like a dream but that could make an awesome match. He is after all a legend and to me one of the best, or I should say the best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be.

Only a dream...
Bret would never work and he doesn't need to win any loyalty back from the fans. It's been almost 12 years and everybody knows what happened in the Screwjob and what went down and anyone with half a brain knows Bret was screwed and that's that. Hell, I attended TNA's Hard Justice ppv in 08 and during a match Hebner ref'd, the crowd started a "you screwed Bret" chant. Bret Hart has nothing to be sorry for and nothing to "win back" from anybody. Plus he's in no shape to compete anymore at all. An appearance...maybe possible though it won't happen, but Bret compete again... you have a better chance of seeing the Ultimate Warrior win the WWE Title one more time.

On that note, if this Jericho/Legends angle is going to end at WM with Mickey Rourke just knocking Jericho's lights out, it's going to be a 30 minute waste of WM. I can think of 263 better angles to put Jericho in other than this Legends garbage. Hell, I'd rather watch the Vince/Trump angle again. I'd even go as far as saying I'd rather see Booker T/Edge over the shampoo commercial again than this crap. I appriciate what Snuka and all those guys have done in the past, but this is an angle that should be on Raw, stay on Raw, and maybe end at a Judgement Day ppv or other B-level ppv when creative can think of absolutely nothing for Jericho at all. If there were a list of angles to chose from, this one would be at the bottom. Yes, even below a Jericho/Hornswaggle angle of sorts, and that's just rediculous. This has got no business being on the biggest ppv of all time. None. At all. Ever. I don't care if they were trying to get Hogan, Austin, Savage, bring Andre back from the grave... it's a total waste. Words can't express how upset I am at this angle. I'm just speechless.
Excuse me for a minute, WWE Creative...


Seriously, wtf is up with WrestleMania? This is WMXXV! This should not only be the best ppv of 2009, but it should be the best WrestleMania EVER. Its a landmark number! And there's only one single match that I'm looking forward to - HBK/Taker.

Hardy vs Hardy on a stellar card would be forgiveable, but when you team it up with garbage like JBL vs Mysterio, an overplayed HHH/Orton, and a Money in the Bank that is shaping up to be more like a Crap on a Pole match than anything to truly pay attention to, and Cena/Edge/Big Show which has no real steam behind it....?

Then they take a storyline that had such a fun build and they kill the entire thing in 2 segments on tonight's Raw. The story went from a slow build of Jericho beating up on all the old guys and us wondering if any legend will stand up and fight back and prove that the legends are still worthy of respect, and then crashed down and became Jericho versus a bunch of guys that probably will need someone to help tie their boots for them as they can't bend over to do it themselves. And come on...Flair? Is he some fucking ambassador now for old people? Now I'm not saying he shouldn't be involved in this angle, but since when did this turn into the Surreal Life? Flair, Steamboat, Snuka, Piper, and Mickey Rourke??

Get ready for WWE to hammer you in the head with this crap. Oh, Jericho is despicable talking about these legends, but he ran! Coward! Everybody suspend your disbelief for WrestleMania as we watch a former World Heavyweight Champion try to sell punches from a bunch of old guys that likely can't pick up a gallon of milk without shitting themselves as if their fists are made of anvils. Add in roughly 2 lazy bumps per guy, a TOTALLY overblown punch in the face from Mickey Rourke at ringside, and Ric Flair somehow distracting Jericho while someone like Steamboat gets a quick pin on him. Everybody celebrates. Jericho looks around wildly "in shock" that he lost. Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler point out that "Jericho....is in SHOCK" that he lost. Then Jericho scrunches up his nose cause grrr, I'm a heel. Alright ladies and gentlemen, here's a video package compiled of the same video packages we were running 3x a week for 2 months now in case you've purchased the ppv without ever paying attention to Raw or ECW or Smackdown. We would've rather have given you another match, but we need to remind you that Orton kicked Vince in the head and show you all 6 camera angles from it.

Unless something drastic happens with this angle by next week, then this is yet another segment of "the biggest ppv in WWE history" that won't even seem worthy of being a midcard filler spot on the card for the Great American Bash or Judgment Day. Jericho won't be able to save this from being a train wreck.
on wwe.com the match is not official and is being treated simply as challenge so maybe on next weeks raw they come out and say theyve had their moment and wont face y2j but have found a replacement (fingers crossed austin) but they will be at ringside or something.

im not sticking up 4 wwe as i also think this match will possibly be one of the worst ever, but things can change yet.
Terrible...Terrible. One the very best in the business will be reduced to this at the 25th anniversary of wrestlermania....wow. Are they just promoting the legends of mania game or what?

I thought it would be Y2J vs. lawler. There were even rumors of a match vs. Austin at a point....I doubt he would be worst than those 3 together (with all due respect). This is terrible. Feel sorry for Jericho...deserves more.

I`m bored already. If this happens that will make it only 2 match to look forward for me, HHH vs. Orton and Taker vs. Michaels......talk about a 25th anniversary.
God,I HaTe being proved even remotely right (which doesnt happen very often) cause it usually means bad news.
But I said after the Rumble,this is the shape of things to come WM 25 or not,youll get the current roster & like RVD who just lives down the road.I said the HoFers,d turn up in their best suits & wave their creaking joints, but for anniversary legend matches,Im afraid its confined to forum threads,dreams & Playstation.With all due respect,with the 25th WM AnD Legends game out ,whats appearing seams to be dreggs.Whose available & for how much.
It wouldnt be so bad if all the HoFers took on WWE stars in elimination tag.It,d be interesting if it got down to Y2J,& the parrot! & this gets the nod over a USA title match-sheesh!.
They coulda at least had a mega Legacy tag with Y2J captaining Cody.Ted.Goldust.Chavo.DH.Reed etc against Captain Ric & Dusty.Ted.Anvil.Chavo Classic.(Afu?,,no?) & such,thus representing WM,past,present & future.AnYthinG but ThiS!
First of all I want to correct someone else. Bret did screw Bret! I am a huge Bret Hart fan. But what the hell would you have done if your main guy was leaving to a rival promotion and he would not drop the belt. WWE was in a ratings war with WCW. Having their champ show up in WCW without losing the title outright would have been terrible for WWE. I love Bret but he is a guy that thinks this crap is real. 2nd, this Jericho angle might be the most disappointing thing in a long time. He has cut great promos, got really good heat from the crowd, and built up anticipation that his match at mania would be huge. But he is now facing spokesmen for the AARP! I’m still hoping they land Hogan for this. One week ago I was really pumped about this mania. The Taker/HBK feud is still going well, but we all know the Taker is going to win. HHH/Orton is great, at the expense of Ted & Cody. The Show/Cena/Edge angle is not living up to its hype, but it could get better although I have my doubts. But holy crap. Money in the Bank usually steals the show, but adding people like Kane, Finley, & Henry are going to kill this match. These three suck & can’t work a ladder match! Who cares about JBL and Rey?! Hardy vs Hardy could be good, but there needs to be more substance in this angle. I don’t know? It won’t be the worst mania by far, but I won’t be the best one either. It certainly looks like a disappointment for a 25th anniversary show. Jericho’s match is going to be terrible. I feel for this guy. He carried the company for the final 6 months of 2008, and this is his match at mania. Have him fight the gobbly gook or something. I’d rather see that.
I hate the jericho vs legends angle for the simple reason that there are no legends who can realistically go with jericho for a 30 minute match which i myself expect for wrestlemania matches. The best they can do with the angle now is to bring austin for a short appearance to get the crowd more psyched up for it...a good idea would have been to get a future legend of the business like Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Triple H or someone like that who could come in to defend the legends and set up a great match for wrestlemania that way but instead they've thrown Triple H with Orton/Legacy and Michaels with Undertaker (though admittedly, i look forward to seeing both). Jericho's a great performer and all-round wrestler but he can't carry a match against legends without making it look like a squash, it's just my opinion but there you go......
Horrible. As many have said Jericho carried the WWE for the majority of 2008 with his new heel persona. Now they reduce him to this shit. I hated this angle back when they started it with him and Rourke. They should have had Jericho have a good decent rilvary with some like Cena and then let Edge face someone else for the title [other than Show b/c he sucks]. How about Edge v. Christian? Or a four way for the title between E, C and the Hardys? As for Jericho if they are going to keep this shit going they should have had him take out Dusty Rhodes tonight and set up a RAW match between him and Golddust [if you are going to pay him at least use him]. Golddust could take exception to Jericho destroying his father and this could set up a Raw match between Jericho and Golddust so the fans can actually see a match and actually see these two wrestle instead of Jericho just talking and Golddust just being MIA. Cody could then come in and cost Golddust the match and we could see the start of a new feud and match that could at least kick of WM. And next the next week have Jericho go after Snuka and let his son Sim come out and stand up for him. It would set up a match on Raw where once again fans could see wrestling matches. Of course Sim would lose, but again if you are paying this guy, use him. If he announced he is Superfly's kid, use him to defend his dad in a Raw match. This would add steam to the angle and utilize Golddust and Sim. Im not saying set up Jericho v. Golddust and Sim at WM [which would be better than what we are stuck with] but just have Jericho beat up some relevant guys for a bit. Then suprise us all when Sim and Golddust get Stonecold to fight Jericho for them. Or have the legends get Stonecold. It dont matter have someone with a big name fight jericho b/c he deserves more.
this match is gunna suck ass. i'd actually prefer ric flairs son to come in and defend his father, and get his ass kicked. kinda like the orton/rhodes storyline. it wud still suck but not as much as 3 guys who are passed it big time!
i spent a month praying it wouldn't be Jericho v. Lawler
i think i want that now

as to the question of why Flair says he won't wrestle but will gang up on Jericho: there's a difference between wrestling a match and being part of a gang fight. If Flair had become a Nun, then he couldn't be in a gang fight. But he never did that, he just retired.
Welp, there goes my hopes of it being Austin, Hogan, Bret Hart, or Mickey Rourke. Hell, I would've liked Lawler, even.

Then again, as others said, it isn't an official match yet, so I live in hope.
It should have been done like this. Maybe Jericho gets a curve ball. Instead Snuka, Steamboat, and Piper go out to find talent that they are going to pit Jericho against. Basically, take talent from WWE territories for call ups.

Snuka could ask his son. That angle could have been nice to see some kind of build between Snuka, and his son. Would also explain why Sim didn't come out to save his father from Y2J. Perhaps Sim, and Jimmy don't have a strong relationship. Maybe have a thing where Snuka would be trying his hardest to get his son to come, and fight at WM25 for him. Finally he comes around, and does. Could have been a nice small angle that could have worked out well.

Piper does his infamous last Piper's Pit, and says he did some searching in his home country, and found the future of the WWE through Scotland. Piper tells the WWE world to give a warm welcome to Scotland's very own Drew McIntyre. I'm sure he would draw a pop if their is enough build, and emotion from Piper which he has always been a natural at. Huge promo, and possibly a great way to introduce him to the WWE world.

Then their is Steamboat's pick. It took some time to figure out who I would have him pick. Out of nowhere it just came to me. This would have to be the easiest pick of them all. The Perfect pick would be Joe Hennig. Hennig is ready for the call up to the WWE, and this wouldn't have been a bad idea. Steamboat has no direct relatinship other than he probably knew his father, but thats it. He is just the next generation of stars that are insulted with Jericho's actions.

This match would be an elimination match, and some squash. Jericho ofcourse would be the winner. Maybe Jericho rolls up Joe Hennig after he is caught looking down the aisle at Teddy, and Cody Rhodes staring at him. Then after he is pinned, they laugh, shake their heads, flail their arms in disgust, and turn away. Next, would be Sim Snuka. Another solid match with Sim nailing Jericho with what looks to be a new devastating finisher that may lead to a 1-2-3. However Sim looks to his father, and points up. Does his father's signature hand gestuer, and kneel down.

Jericho slowly gaining back from the move previously. Sim takes his time getting to the top climbing the turnbuckle. Chris gets up, and delivers the Code Breaker from the top rope, and for the pin. Finally leaving Drew McIntyre. A solid 15 minute match goes on with several near pins. In the End the lights go out, and the music of Sheamus O' Shaunessy hits. A huge Irish beast comes from the entrance holding a beaten Roddy Piper in his hands. Drew's attention is driven away from Jericho who seizes the opportunity to capitalize the moment. This time Codebreaker with the Walls of Jericho tapping him out.

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