July 17th / Most memorable matches.


Getting Noticed By Management
July 17th is approaching and 3 years ago, we had that epic match between John Cena and Cm Punk. That match was so amazing that is still being talked regularly to this day. In my eyes, this is the best overall match I've ever seen. It had amazing in - ring action, the outcome was nowhere near predictable, the build up to that match was epic and the entire atmoshpere from the crowd and the reality that was coming off it was something that made this whole thing magic.

I'd like to know what your best match is. A lot of people will probably go ahead and say a match just about the in-ring action, but I'd like you to consider all aspects of it, just like I did above. I want the complete package. Refer to the match that had you really hyped up and paid you off, the match that made pro wrestling in general interesting to you again. Let's go!

As a sidenote... THANK YOU PUNK, we will miss you!
That's easy. Bret v Austin. Wrestlemania 13. A build up that lasted months before culminating in their survivor series classic match. (Another one for you) And lasted months after. You had the red hot crowd. The unexpected double turn. Ken Shamrock. Awesome in ring action. Need I say more? Not forgetting to add that not only is it talked about in wrestling circles to this day it arguably changed wrestling forever.
Well today is July 17, 2014. TWENTY years ago...two universes collided as the narration more or less said. And one ruler emerged from those two universes meeting...


Hulk Hogan Vs Ric Flair, WCW Bash At The Beach 1994 for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, the match that the World Wrestling Federation should have given us in 1994, well WCW made up for that. People can say all they want now about what backstage antics were involved and how it affected the match but let's forget that bullshit for a second and just think of what things were like at the time...

You had Hulk Hogan who had left the WWF the year prior in 1993, the mighty Yokozuna had crushed him, albeit with some help to get back the WWF World Title from The Hulkster. It was par for the course, Bob Backlund and Bruno Sammartino got robbed of their titles by the villains as well.

Anyway, Ric Flair earlier in 1993 to go back to WCW and he was settling back in rather nicely, it was as if he never left the promotion. As Hogan was lured over to WCW, a true one on one marquee match was finally delivered...while I would have preferred that this match had happened at The Great American Bash from 1993-1994, the event was preempted but it would have been a better choice I think, or they could have held off till Starrcade, but I can see why that didn't happen either.

Anyway, that doesn't change how great the match was. People can say what they will about Hogan and granted he was in the ring with a solid hand like Flair, but something tells me The Hulkster had to pull his own weight in that match too. It was just a great story all around, especially with the involvemnt of the unforgettable Sensational (Sensuous at the time) Sherri. And while it was still taking some getting used to, Jimmy Hart did well enough as a fan favorite manager.

I think the match truly delivered all the hype, and WCW had gotten back some of the momentum it had lost when The Crocketts sold to Turner. Granted it would still take a little more time to really have things take off but this was the start in the right direction.

I still look back at this more innocent and carefree time in my life with such joy and excitement. Hard to believe that was 20 years ago! Man the times!
For me, it was Ric Flair Vs Ricky Steamboat at Wrestle War 89. I went to go see that match, and it was awesome. and knowing what i know now about Pro Wrestling, i think that the build up was awesome. It was built up as Ric Flair's last chance at the championship. Great interviews, promos, and the match itself was off the page. Greatest mainstream Pro Wrestling of all time! I said mainstream though. To me the greatest pro wrestling match of all time was Keiji Mutoh vs Nobuhiko Takada At Wrestling World in Tokyo Dome for The IWGP World Heavyweight Championship in either 1996 or 1997. To me, these two matches truly embodied with Pro Wrestling is supposed to be about!
i was gonna say austin vs bret at wm 13, but since that was already said ill come up with a different match.

the royal rumble 1992. the build for this match was really good, so many main great superstars competing for the title, not to mention the "real world champion" ric flair getting a chance to prove he was the man. with the interviews going in wwf did a great job making me thing absolutely anyone in the match could walk out the champion.

bret hart vs hbk at wrestlemania 12

two of the best in the business wrestling for an hour. i was 11 when this happened, i remember being glued to the tv for the whole hour plus, had no clue to who would walk out the champ. the build sold the match for what it would be, two men who simply wanted to be known as the best.

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