JR to TNA????

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Pre-Show Stalwart
From another site:

There are reports going around the internet that a “huge WWE name” is considering joining TNA. The person in question is Jim Ross. His contract with World Wrestling Entertainment is set to expire at the end of the year and company officials have yet to offer him a new one. It should be noted however that Ross is considering all of his options and it’s probably more likely that he’d remain with WWE. This is more of an opinion from a source rather than anything confirmed.

I would think this is total BS. Beyond Taker, HHH, Austin and Michaels, there's no one I could think of as less likely to sign with TNA. I'd expect JR to properly retire from wrestling rather than sign with TNA. Despite being fired before, he's as much a WWE guy than any of those mentioned. If JR goes to TNA, I'd eat his hat.
I doubt he is going to TNA, it is very unlikely.

If and when he is done with WWE, he will likely focus on his restaurant J.R.'s BBQ. Thats what he has stated when asked about it and I believe him.

BUT that would be awsome if he went to TNA.
From another site:
I would think this is total BS. Beyond Taker, HHH, Austin and Michaels, there's no one I could think of as less likely to sign with TNA. I'd expect JR to properly retire from wrestling rather than sign with TNA. Despite being fired before, he's as much a WWE guy than any of those mentioned. If JR goes to TNA, I'd eat his hat.

Ha, I just posted this thread in the WWE section. This deals specifically with TNA though, so it's technically a separate topic.

Why do you think JR is such a loyal WWE guy? He really isn't, I don't know why people think this. All he ever says on his blogs for the last few years is about how he hates the travel, and how the WWE doesn't excite him as much as it used to. Why are people assuming JR would be loyal for life to a man like Vince McMahon, who's fired and embarrassed him several times? I'm sure JR is thankful to Vince for all he's done for him, but I highly doubt JR thinks of Vince as a good friend or something.

I really do think he'll end up in TNA. Much less work, TNA would offer him big time money probably. The only real issue I see is Vince Russo, though he and JR have made up over the whole Oklahoma incident years ago.

I really don't think it's too outlandish of an idea.
Personally I'd love to see JR in TNA, I think it might give a bit of passion back, I feel he got stale in announcing mid-way through his pairing with Lawler, but then maybe that's more to do with the JR/Lawler pairing.

Whilst I know nothing of JR's personal feelings to the WWE, I'm just going off his reputation bestowed upon him by guys like Foley/Austin as "the voice of WWE". Whether he or management feel that way, I don't know.
""I can tell you that any questions regarding my contract status have been body slammed meaning I am not and will not address them. There is so much BS floating around about my employment status it has become embarrassing. WWE is pleased with my work and perceives me as an asset that they want to retain. Once we officially begin our negotiations we will see where it takes us. In the meantime, I have no apprehensions as to those negotiations as I have another business to help build in JR's Family BBQ and this website for that matter."

""I can tell you that any questions regarding my contract status have been body slammed meaning I am not and will not address them. There is so much BS floating around about my employment status it has become embarrassing. WWE is pleased with my work and perceives me as an asset that they want to retain. Once we officially begin our negotiations we will see where it takes us. In the meantime, I have no apprehensions as to those negotiations as I have another business to help build in JR's Family BBQ and this website for that matter."


...How does that quote in any way confirm that JR is going to resign with the WWE? He says nothing there that he doesn't normally say and is all but required to say. He's also said that "very interesting days" lay ahead of him when asked about his contract status, so take that for what it's worth.

I really don't see why everyone thinks JR would never leave the WWE. He and Vince have always had a very, very shaky relationship.
I'd bet the farm that JR will NOT go to TNA, ever. Aside from all the obvious reasons stated above, JR likes being with the A-team. That's WWE, hands down. He has also stated that his non-wrestling interests would keep him plenty busy should he hang his hat.
From the TNA side, why? Why spend the money on an announcer that WILL NOT INCREASE RATINGS. Jim Ross shouldn't be the last thing TNA should think of, he shouldn't even be on the list.
Would TNA fans love to have JR? Damn straight. Would people tune into TNA to hear JR call that show? FCK NO!
JR is a smart dude. He'll end his wrestling career with the big dog, WWE.
I'd bet the farm that JR will NOT go to TNA, ever. Aside from all the obvious reasons stated above, JR likes being with the A-team.

Not enough that he'd continue to do something he hates (traveling globally nonstop). JR really doesn't have this love affair with the WWE that you guys seem to think he does.

From the TNA side, why? Why spend the money on an announcer that WILL NOT INCREASE RATINGS. Jim Ross shouldn't be the last thing TNA should think of, he shouldn't even be on the list.
Would TNA fans love to have JR? Damn straight. Would people tune into TNA to hear JR call that show? FCK NO!

How the hell do you know people wouldn't tune in for JR? I'd say they god damn would, anyone who's even slightly followed wrestling in the last decade knows who JR is and recognizes his voice. He's like the John Madden of wrestling, if John Madden were to suddenly leave a big studio and go to a smaller one, you don't think ratings would increase?

I'm willing to bet ratings would increase if JR became a part of TNA. He's a household name for every single wrestling fan. You guys are underestimating just how popular JR is.
Why JR? Because not only would you get someone who is the best announcer in the business, but you are also getting all of his backstage experience dealing with talent, his saavy with storylines (which TNA desperately needs), and a guy who knows what it takes to succeed. He would definitely be valuable.
Not that I think JR will end up jumping ship (WWE can out-bid TNA, and for TNA, it isn't worth the price), JR is friends with Foley, Cornette and a few others working at TNA, so he has many friends there.
While I DON'T THINK that JR will jump ship to TNA, xfear makes more logical points in one post than everybody in the thread combined. Although that's really not anything new because xfear owns threads when he makes his presence known. Anywho... Jim Ross loves his job. Don't second guess that. But the traveling gets to him. If anybody reads his stuff (his website) with any regularity, he's said it a few times. TNA would indeed give him a lighter schedule as he'd be able to work once every 2-3-4 weeks... however the shit TNA tapes Impact. JR would love that schedule. Plus, JR would also be amongst many friends in TNA. However that's not really a selling point because the way JR is, that guy would have a friend everywhere he went. Also, his relationship with Vince isn't exactly buddy/buddy. They respect each other as individuals to their respective positions, and that's about as far is it goes with those two. It should be fairly obvious in seeing that as Vince was probably the one that made the decision to send JR to Smackdown in the fashion that he did. We saw how unhappy JR was with that. Plus look at the other times that Vince has taken JR and bent him over the table and royally ass-effed him for storyline purposes or to be the butt of a terrible joke. I mean any wrestling fan knows that's why (or a part of why) Christian left WWE the first time. He said in an interview how he refused to be on a program where a segment was made where there was a "Jim Ross" laying on a hospital OR table or something while Vince and others and pretend doctors or whatever pull cowboy hats, bbq sauce, and countless other things out of "JR's ass." That was the most despicable thing I've ever seen on WWE television. Yes, even worse than Mae Young giving birth to a hand, HHH humping a dead woman, and K-Fed beating Cena clean. At least I think so anyway.

Again, as xfear said, money could be an issue. I'm going to agree, but also respectfully disagree at the same time with him there. Would TNA offer him a good paycheck? No doubt. However, it wouldn't be as much as the E would offer him. It would be a lot ON THE SCALE of what TNA could give him. The paycheck wouldn't be nearly what the E would give him, you also have to factor in the work schedule being lighter, the travel being less grueling, Jim Ross and Vince's not-so-amazing relationship, and some other outlying factors.

Plus, looking at some foreshadowing, could it also be the reason that TNA moved Taz to the announce table? Possibly... but doubtful. I have a hard time believing that TNA would shuffle their announce team in such a way that 2009 has Don West and Mike Tenay working the table, and 2010 possibly having JR and Taz? That would be a bit of a slap in the face to West and Tenay who had been gaining chemistry together by the week and then TNA just yanks them for two former WWE guys. But it is just business at the end of the day. I also agree that JR would increase ratings. Again elaborating on xfear's posts... Jim Ross is way more popular than people think he is and not as much of a "he lives and breathes WWE" as people think either.

Jim Ross in TNA? I don't personally see it just because my head can't comprehend Jim Ross not annoucing for Raw or Smackdown anymore. But if it does happen, I also would not be very surprised.
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How the hell do you know people wouldn't tune in for JR? I'd say they god damn would, anyone who's even slightly followed wrestling in the last decade knows who JR is and recognizes his voice. He's like the John Madden of wrestling, if John Madden were to suddenly leave a big studio and go to a smaller one, you don't think ratings would increase?

John Madden would still be calling football. He goes to arena football, you still watchin? Didn't think so. This would be exzctly the same.
Name a talent picked up by TNA that garnered them a sustained ratings bump. ....... ....... ........ see, I can't name one either cause that person doesn't exist.
This isn't a knock against JR. I think he's great, the very best at what he does. Having said that, he is not a reason to tune into TNA. Is TNA were any good, maybe, but they're not.

I appreciate your view point but the fact of the matter is no announcer, no matter how great, will turn a company around.
Where as I really doubt JR would leave, and feel he is doing this to gain more leverage in negotiating a higher salary, I really wish he would truly consider leaving. With a name like him departing to TNA, this would be one of their biggest signings that would really give the Brand some credibility. Not to mention, I think a change is good for Ross, as he's been with the WWE for far too long. So has Lawler, for that matter.

Mike Tenay's got to be shaking in his boots right now, as if Ross would be signed, he would be probably relegated to a backstage interviewer.
John Madden would still be calling football. He goes to arena football, you still watchin? Didn't think so. This would be exzctly the same.

I'm sure the ratings for the first game that Madden called for arena football would receive bigger ratings than if it hadn't featured him. Announcers can certainly be a draw, I think you're underestimating not only how much the fans love JR, but how many people read his blog. We're talking millions of people.

Name a talent picked up by TNA that garnered them a sustained ratings bump. ....... ....... ........ see, I can't name one either cause that person doesn't exist.

Kurt Angle. Their ratings have certainly been better since signing him, he's done wonders for that company (until recently), so did Sting.

This isn't a knock against JR. I think he's great, the very best at what he does. Having said that, he is not a reason to tune into TNA. Is TNA were any good, maybe, but they're not.

I appreciate your view point but the fact of the matter is no announcer, no matter how great, will turn a company around.

Oh no I'm not trying to say this would turn TNA around, not at all. I'm simply saying that it's really not that crazy of an idea for JR to sign with them.

Mike Tenay's got to be shaking in his boots right now, as if Ross would be signed, he would be probably relegated to a backstage interviewer.

I don't know, I think TNA would still hold on to Tenay on the air (atleast I hope so), he'd be the veteran voice of the company that knows about everyone. I'd love a three man team, but the thing is, who's going to play the color man in that scenario? :lmao:

Taz needs to start being more heelish, he sides with a heel or tries to suck up to them once or twice each show so far, but he needs to be doing it much more often. That's about the only thing I remotely miss about Don West.
This would be epic, would be great for both TNA and JR. JR has been treated awfully by McMahon for decades, he's been fired he's had his colon surgery mocked in one of the least funny skits ever filmed. Plus rumour has it WWE only gave him a new contract to keep him from TNA.

He has been around the business a long time and I think the chance to partner up with Taz again and commentate on a whole bunch of new storylines and stars would excite him. Plus the lighter schedule would obviously be the massive selling point for him. He'd be able to concentrate on his BBQ restaurant on all but 5 nights a month (4 tapings and a live PPV).
To me JR in TNA u never know. Weirder things have happened in wrestling, and id have thought by now some people would agree n see that anything is possible in this business. He hates travelling, hates the fact vince constantly embarrases him on live tv, no longer has any close friends in WWE (Foley, Taz, Austin ... 2 of 3 are in TNA) and having a lighter schedule would help with his restraunt. I really dont see why JR wouldnt jump to TNA.

Now onto a slight switch, with JR does this possibly mean Austin could pop up a few times in TNA seeing as there such good friends ? ....... Now that would kik ass !!
Like many have said, I don't see JR going TNA because it is the closest thing to competition that WWE has at the moment and he's been a loyal employee putting up with loads of shit.

That being said, I do think he will go a DIFFERENT wrestling promotion.

I honestly think he's going to go to Dragon Gate USA in a talent scout role, and if the company gets some airtime going on (to my knowledge they don't atm) then he could maybe announce.

EDIT: They would have airtime according to Wiki:
In June 2009, it was announced that Dragon Gate USA had signed an agreement to film its shows for pay per view broadcast.[2]

In August 2009, it was announced that Dragon Gate USA had signed an agreement with The Fight Network to air DGUSA content on television.[3]

JR loves the wrestling business though so I honestly think he wouldn't mind the talent scout role.

It's a new promotion who would probably want someone to be on the look out for talent. And will have a lighter schedule indeed.

The reason why I think he'll go here as opposed to anywhere else? He mentioned in a blog recently that him and King would be attending one of their shows in a rare appearance.

I believe JR would want to help out a promotion which is all about high quality athletic wrestling and working with Gabe would be epic.

So no, I don't see JR going to TNA. But if he did, big big draw. I'd love to see the MCMG keep following him because he's a big name with the plan of getting on television (keeping with their current angle).
Xfearbefore, my point is this. JR is not worth the money to TNA. That cash would benefit them better BY FAR in other areas. Advertising, assasinating thier writting team, things of that nature.
It would not be that big a raise in ratings n such to warrent the time and money to bring JR to TNA. Just the plain truth my friend.
This isn't even considering that I among many many other peoples really can't see JR jumping ship. I think JR likes his legacy intact, a complete circle like the HOF ring he wears everyday.
Have Angle and Sting really made that much of a difference? If you're pulling ECW numbers then you aren't much better then the new talent drive, if at all. I'm willing to bet that less stupid bullsht and more action will be the ratings mover.
TNA doesn't need a name from somewhere else. They need to make the show worth watching so that the masses get to see the stars they have already.
If they worked on just being a better them, and not worring about WWE and their discarded talent they'd be much further then they are now.
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