JR needs something else to do. Grisham and Striker work better together.

Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I've heard some people saying this since Matt Striker came in and took Ross' place on Smackdown. Other people bounced back. But I have to agree that maybe it's time for Jim Ross to hang em up in WWE.

When I listen to JR and Todd Grisham, I essentially hear two Play by Play commentators talking. It's obvious that Grisham is supposed to be the Play by Play, but Ross just can't seem to quite understand that his new role is supposed to be the Analyst. I suppose this is challenging for him, but the man is a professional and his been in the business for about 3 decades.

The role of the Color Commentator has changed, which should be even easier for Jim Ross. Not that I am a fan of this, but as we know, Color Commentators are gone and now Analysts are in. Essentially, all the Analyst has to do is take over what the Play by Play commentators also used to do, by providing depth into the feuds and certain wrestlers.

Striker does the best job at this role compared to any of his other Co-Analysts, including Jerry Lawler.

When I listen to Grisham and Striker, I hear a cohesive unit that has their act together. Each commentator seems to understand their role and function properly. Plus, Grisham can be often times sarcastic, and Striker plays off him perfectly, as opposed to Ross who many times will often ignore Grisham when Grisham tries to be funny. Striker, can also be sarcastic, and Grisham plays well off him.

As much as I am not a fan of this concept of Play by Play commentators and Analysts, this duo seems to come off as possibly being the best of the bunch so far. I'll listen more in the coming weeks. But at the same time, I heard their work on ECW together and enjoyed them at that time, as well.

It's no secret that Ross is nearing the end of his broadcasting career. He's been the voice of Raw for well over 10 years. He's done Smackdown, but Smackdown actually seems to function better without him.

It may be best at this point to stick Ross on ECW in place of Matthews, or simply make the man a Full-time interviewer. That actually is a concept that I feel is worth exploring. I have been very adamant ever since he left many years ago for WCW, that what WWE needs is another "Mean Gene Okerlund" ..... and I feel that Jim Ross would be a perfect candidate for that role. Actually an interviewer with some personality, who's character is not afraid to challenge guests on answers.

In addition to that, he can also do what Gene Okerlund used to do and be used to hype PPV's.

But I feel this would be an excellent position for the man on any of the broadcasts (unless they just use him for this role on Raw) .... and would fill that void of a Name Interviewer that WWE has needed for so long.

But I feel it's time to get Jim Ross out of the booth. He's simply done it long enough.
Why would WWE pay that much money for an interview personality? Sure, Mean Gene was going to be high-priced, but he was the best interview guy in the industry when WCW lured him over from WWF.

If WWE did anything, they should put J.R. back on Raw and put Mitchell Cole as the interview guy. Or they could put him on ECW. I don't know. Regardless, if J.R. turns into an interviewer...I smell TNA.
After watching tonight's Smackdown I have to agree with you. Not only do they mesh very well together but also with JR's bells palsy, you can rely on a healthy commentator. Matt Striker is becoming my favorite commentator and Grisham is not too shabby as a play by play.

JR could go down to FCW and help choose the future stars, but he's stated before he disliked this position. I don't know what to do with JR but let this reunited team stay together.
Why would WWE pay that much money for an interview personality? Sure, Mean Gene was going to be high-priced, but he was the best interview guy in the industry when WCW lured him over from WWF.

If WWE did anything, they should put J.R. back on Raw and put Mitchell Cole as the interview guy. Or they could put him on ECW. I don't know. Regardless, if J.R. turns into an interviewer...I smell TNA.

And going to TNA is a concern. But with Ross' contract coming up, and these continued cases of Bells Palsy he's been having, it has to be taking it's toll on the man. By being an interviewer, he doesn't have to be talking quite as much, but in the very least can still be on TV. Plus, he probably wouldn't need nearly as many Close Up shots like Commentators do during their 2-Shots and banter.

Plus, I never heard Ross say that he demanded to retire a commentator. He just said he was looking to retire with WWE.

As far as TNA, yes that is a concern if WWE would propose this. That is why I would run it by him first to see if he thinks this may be something up his alley that he could live with or not, after it would be pitched to him.

But I truly think he would do well in that role, be very entertaining doing it, and definitely could be used to elevate some talent if the interview gets interesting enough.

Keep in mind that I am talking about backstage interviews, as well as "in-ring" interviews, as well, which would last for several minutes.

Regarding his salary, he should be made a generous offer for the position. Obviously not what he was making as a commentator though. And if he wanted more money, than he could be offered some additional money in his contract if he was willing to pitch in with various backstage duties as well.

After watching tonight's Smackdown I have to agree with you. Not only do they mesh very well together but also with JR's bells palsy, you can rely on a healthy commentator. Matt Striker is becoming my favorite commentator and Grisham is not too shabby as a play by play.

JR could go down to FCW and help choose the future stars, but he's stated before he disliked this position. I don't know what to do with JR but let this reunited team stay together.

Well, he could be used to train and groom future commentators in FCW, before they move up to the Main Roster, which I'm sure WWE would find very beneficial.

But again, all of this is dependent upon what he is willing or not willing to do. But I am definitely highly in favor of making Jim Ross the new "Mean" Gene Okerlund and getting him out of the Broadcast Booth.
Matt Striker and Todd Grisham are the tag team of commentating of the new generation. These guys do great wonders when placed with each other, but the separation is something that both need to work harder in trying to excel in. Grisham takes control with Striker filling the void Grisham cannot fathom to comment on like the analytical points of being an actual wrestler. I think these two should be kept together on SmackDown and move Jim Ross somewhere else. But, we all know the history of the WWE destroying tag teams within a couple of years don't we?

I mean, Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are a great pairing together, regardless of how old they are. These two should have never been split up as Ross actually understands Lawler's humour as opposed to Grisham and Lawler doesn't have to worry about anything being Vintage and knows how to be the "colour commentator" with Ross' "Play-by-play commentating." It is such a shame Taz(z) went to TNA, the pairing of Cole and Taz(z) were one of the best I have seen where Cole actually stepped up his game every week to keep up with one of the best Colour guys.

Getting back on topic, time will roll on and Ross could be good as the "Name Interviewer" or being paired with someone like Lawler who have an instant connection with as a commentating duo.
As much as it stands me out from other wrestling fans, I don't really like generic heel-face commentary teams. I think that unless you have the humour of guys like Jesse Ventura, you end up with boring and annoying after thoughts. The analyst position is far more potentially interesting in someone without a strong sense of wit, and it can also be picked up by weak commentators.

Matt Striker is probably the best of the analysts ever. Not only does he obviously have a huge wrestling knowledge base, but he is also a realistic character, borrowing from colour commentators of old, saying that he likes some heels, and bickering with Grisham. Grisham is a bit of a goon, but these two have a chemistry that isn't shared by anyone else in the company right now.

I've said elsewhere that they should be kept together, but that obviously leaves JR. I'm not sure he's good enough anymore to be guaranteed a spot, and there just isn't one there for him right now. I think JR, considering his health, age and general abilities should probably be given the same sorts of jobs that Okerlund and Finkel now have. Valued backstage workers, who can be used when necessary to promote the company and work big shows. I don't see him going to TNA, because I doubt he wants to, and I doubt they'd invest heavily in someone that may have to quit immediately.
JR has done his time and needs to step aside. The WWE does need a big name interviewer, and Jim would fit the bill perfectly. Todd and Matt did a great job on ECW, and the same goes for SmackDown last night. JR's health is also an issue, so a more behind the scenes gig would seem to be the better option now at this point in his career.
I sincerely hope that JR doesn't go any time soon ,I don't care if he makes the few odd fuck ups, need I remind anyone of the absolute trainwreck that was Tazz? His voice makes every single match/promo/whatever that much better. Overall the commentary teams (well mainly just Raw) are godawful at the moment.

It needs to be Striker on colour and JR on play-by-play. In my opinion it should be King and JR again but I can't see that happening any time soon. Michael Cole and King go together like shit and toothpaste, all they do is agree on everything and make stupid jokes. Just a random thought, did anyone else die a little on the inside when Shaq hit Show and Michael Cole actually said 'boom-shacka-lacka'? I did.

And if Vince was trying to make the commentary teams more serious and sports-like as was rumoured then why the fuck do we still have Hornswoggle? King and Cole's ineptitude as a team really shows on these comedy segments, it just gives them an opportunity to make the most cringe-worthy calls you've ever heard. It simply boggles the mind that on one level they take themselves so seriously and on another they debase themselves to the level of infants.

It's so good to listen to Striker, someone who doesn't have a boner for every single babyface and I'll admit that Grisham is improving but Cole is just awful and he drags Lawler down with him. People are suggesting a high-profile interviewer, why not MC Vintage? Michael Cole was always best as the interviewer getting a wedgie, it was the only time he was funny.

To be honest I don't care what the teams are but WWE needs to go back to face/heel commentary, it wasn't broke in the first place and they certainly haven't fixed it.
Well I personally hate the way Cole calls the action, and JR brings out the best of Lawler. JR and Grisham never really meshed to me, it's just a hit/miss team. Grisham and Striker work great together, and hopefully are here to stay as a team. If I could choose I would put JR/Lawler on Raw, Striker/Grisham on Smackdown, and Cole/Saxton on ECW. Matthews shouldn't even be announcing yet, he can hardly conduct a backstage interview.
I think that would be a bad idea, if I'm being honest. I listened to Todd Grisham and Matt Striker on Smackdown this week and last week. The one thing I realized was that Grisham seemed to remain neutral, and I don't think Striker is the right fit for Smackdown. He's great on ECW, but when he's on Smackdown, he seems more out of place. He doesn't seem like he can commentate as good on a 2-hour show. That's just my opinion.

Now, you couldn't ask for a better commentator than Jim Ross. The people who may not like him or think he's boring, may only say that because he seems like "too much of a professional". He takes his job very seriously, and he shows that day in and day out.

Jim Ross can literally work the commentator booth with nearly anyone. Taking him away from commentary, and letting 4 rookie commentators and 2 veteran commentators do it. With the 2 veterans on the same show, it would be a horrible idea to completely scrap J.R. like this.

I like J.R. as the terms of great commentator, seeming to know everything there is to know about the business, due to experience. I like Jerry Lawler as the means of the level of excitement he can bring to table. I like Byron Saxton as the man with the great "commentary voice". I like Josh Matthews as he's seems like "the man behind the facts, similar to Jim Ross". Michael Cole, who isn't the best commentator isn't going anywhere, so it doesn't matter. So, Todd Grisham is easily my least favorite commentator in the WWE. He just seems so boring and generic.

So, I say, that when Jim Ross is healthy to return, let him return. Leave Josh Matthews and Byron Saxton on ECW. Have J.R. return to Smackdown, and have him team with Matt Striker. This way, you can have Todd Grisham go back to his interviewing post. I say because, Josh Matthews doesn't seem to have the same passion he had for interviewing, like he did earlier in the decade.
I personally love the team of Matt Striker and Todd Grishem. Striker is so great on the mic, he keeps you interested, while Grishem keeps you entertained. I say they are the JR and Jerry "The King" Lawler of the new generation. Just as WWE pushes new superstars into champions, they are pushing great commentators. In the 2010 Draft, I would like to see Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler go to Smackdown, while Todd Grisham and Matt Striker "juice up" RAW. As for JR, I think its time for him to "Hang up his hat".
This was taken from JR's own blog site.

Jim Ross said:
Grisham and Striker are beginning to mesh as a solid broadcast duo and their efforts will continue to be a work in progress which is to be expected. I like their potential. Their progress may see yours truly assume another role TBD upon my return which works for me. I feel that I'm fortune to be able to help the team in a variety of ways. All of that is up in the air and is pure speculation until I've been medically cleared. Maybe there is a there man booth in my future especially on selected PPV's. Who knows but I for one am not concerned. Just anxious to get back in the game.

It certainly appears that even Ross would be up for another role in the company. And that would be his best move, considering his health and age. WWE is in a perfect opportunity to set up and prepare for the future broadcast teams. Ross has truly accomplished all he can as a Broadcaster. Lead Play by Play Broadcaster of Raw. Has done Countless Wrestlemanias. He is a Hall of Famer.

It's time for Ross to retire from the Booth and become the Next "Mean Gene Okerlund" ... while helping other broadcasters behind the scenes. He would get countless superstars over in his interviews ... and would definitely bring a new level of intrigue into the interview segments ... as opposed to the boring ones they have today ... which you can't even really consider interviews.

Now, we only need to see Jerry Lawler get out of the Booth, as well. He would also be another candidate for an "interviewer", too. Jim Ross on Raw and Lawler on Smackdown.
So it seems like the Matt Striker/Todd Grisham announce team is set to be a permanent fixture on Smackdown as JR has said that he will most likely be found a new role when he recovers.
I know some people have been critical of Matt Striker's overflowing vocabulary of adjectives but I for one quite enjoy it. I think it adds to the overall feel of the show and its nice to have a commentator with his own style for once. He also has a good knowledge of the wrestling world and knows how to call the moves.
Grisham also seems a lot more comfortable with Striker. I often found that JR patronised Grisham in fact I lost count of the time JR quipped 'adda boy Todd'. With Striker he has actual chemistry and I like the banter these two share which is reminicent of the early days of JR and The King but wittier.
Grisham and Striker had a decent chemistry on ECW and I'm glad it has translated well into the big leagues.
Anyone got any other thoughts on the subject?
What I like about this is the fact that Striker will call it like he sees it, he's not completely biased to a face or a heel. Striker gives "actuality" when he calls matches. Being that the best announce team from that year was Grisham and Striker...i can tell when Grisham tries to go "over the top" compared to good ol' JR...it seems forced and not real. Grisham with Striker make a great combination.

When we think of great combinations of announcers...
Lawler & J.R.
Tazz & Cole
now...Grisham & Striker...

...its a good thing.
I think JR could be really effective in a backstage capacity acting as an interviewer as Lord Sidious alluded to. At the moment we have Josh Matthews carrying out that role but I would say he is mediocre at best. After all, interviewing talents is not new to Jim Ross as there have been many occasions in the past where he has conducted sit down discussions with various talents and in my opinion he does it better than Matthews. Look at some of JR's sit down interviews with Austin and HHH (among others) and then compare them with the one recently conducted by Josh Matthews on Smackdown with Rey Mysterio and there really is no comparison. JR is able to evoke emotion, his experience carries the interivew, they flow well and he is comfortable in that role.

As to the 'new' announce team of Striker and Grisham, I think they largely work well together and play off each other. To me that duo come off more natural than JR and Grisham. Overall, I don't think any harm would come in experimenting with JR in a capacity other than behind the announce table, although I would hate to see him completely removed from TV...
I personally wish they would make Jim Ross the guy in the headset, not Vince, who instructs the announcers what to say. He seems like a passionate, rational individual who will break out the best in the announcers and do it in a civilized manner. Ive heard numerous times how Vince is yelling at the guys and that must lower morale. Vince has enough on his plate and I think Jim Ross would do a great job taking over that aspect.
I would like to see Jim Ross as the Pay Per View – exclusive announcer. It would give the PPV a “special” feel to them. As for his PPV broadcast partner, I’d pick none other than Joey Styles. J.R. could also help backstage, but that part is not my concern.
I'd personally like to see JR back in the WWE in a higher office position, possibly back to being the head of Talent Relations. Now, it's likely this simply isn't going to be the case, as it's been made very apparent that Vince does not respect Jim, nor does he particularly care for Jim's wrestling mind. However, lest we forget that this guy went to bat for Steve Austin and Mick Foley when the WWE was looking for new talent.

Of the numerous things we complain about the WWE's product, one of the leading complaints is that the characters are bland in nature, and the mid card guys are basically interchangeable. The WWE could really stand to have a guy with an eye for talent, and that seemingly is good ol' JR.

As it pertains to Striker and Grisham, I like these two very much, as a team. There should be something said for the fact that Striker is a former professional wrestler, and gives insight, in my perspective, better than any commentator in the WWE. Yeah, that does even include The King right now. I think there should be something said for former wrestler's making a transition to the booth. I've always believed that a former professional wrestler or manager makes the better commentator. I would rather hear from someone who has a wide depth of knowledge, and prefer to know what goes on in the wrestler's mind. Striker does that for me. The only complaint I have about the guy is his tendency to rely on his eloquent vocabulary to get him by. Other than that, Striker is a perfect fit for the role. Grisham? I personally don't think he's very good, but something about working with Striker makes him passable. If this indeed is JR's last stop in the broadcasting booth, I'm sure it will be in good hands, and I can only hope that Vince doesn't waste Jim by letting him go elsewhere.

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