Joss Whedon To Direct The Avengers


I have a PHD in Horribleness
Whedonites and Marvel fanboys the world over are experiencing paralysing nerdgasms at the news that Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy and Firefly, is set to direct the big screen version of Marvel Comics’ Avengers.

Marvel Studios is finalizing a deal for Whedon to helm the project that Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk and forthcoming films Thor and Captain America are geared towards. Whedon is also to rewrite the existing screenply by Zak Penn (Elektra, X-Men: The Last Stand).

As the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly, Whedon’s cult following is already mahoosive, and he has also been involved in superhero fare previously, working on he script for Bryan Singer’s X-Men, writing a run on the comic Astonishing X-Men and struggling to get the long-awaited Wonder Woman movie off of the ground.

The fact that Whedon is a fan of the characters ingratiates him to a large majority of the fanboy crowd and would seem like a very canny move on Marvel’s part. That and the fact that he works extremely well with ensemble casts is promising. What do you think of this development? Does it bode well for the future of the Avengers?

The Avengers will star Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Chris Evans as Captain America, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury and hopefully Edward Norton as the Hulk. It’s set to be released on May 4, 2012.

Dewey mark out in 3...2...1...
Eh...could be good. Better be a whole fuckin' lot better than Dollhouse though. Whedon seems to be losing his touch.
His work on Astonishing X-men was awesome though. A shame Marvel doesn't have the rights to make those movies. This could be good.
Firstly, X, I love you but Dollhouse was A-Fuckin'-Mazing!


OH MY MOTHER FUCKING GOD! I just creamed my jeans, and am hopeful to see the ever so gorgeous Amy Ackler and Eliza Dushku, one or the other...
Okay, everything since 2002 then, and even then, those were shows that for the most part, had their niche audiences and aired on the WB. I didn't know anyone that watched either of those shows.

The point still stands.
Firstly, X, I love you but Dollhouse was A-Fuckin'-Mazing!

Seriously man? Seriously? Dollhouse was pretty fuckin' awful, I watched the entire first season with an open mind and the show wasn't anything above mediocre at best. Which probably explains why it failed.
Seriously man? Seriously? Dollhouse was pretty fuckin' awful, I watched the entire first season with an open mind and the show wasn't anything above mediocre at best. Which probably explains why it failed.

It may be because I'm a desciple of Whedonism, but I loved the show. And, I only caught the second season, since I work on Friday nights, and didn't have DVR for the first season.

On a side note, I'm still geeking out over the fact that Papa Joss is directing this film...
The only Joss Whedon show I ever got into was Firefly, but that being said...

Firefly > anything on TV right now (except Lost, of course, let's not be silly...)
Can I ask what the big deal about this Whedon guy is?

Everything he touches fails miserably.

Me and the dozens of other people that watched Firefly would disagree with you

Chris Evans, wasnt he the fireman? You know, the flame dude? What happens if the fantastic four turn up in a sequel or something?
Me and the dozens of other people that watched Firefly would disagree with you

Chris Evans, wasnt he the fireman? You know, the flame dude? What happens if the fantastic four turn up in a sequel or something?

This is why Jensen Ackles should have got the part. I would have marked out for Dean Winchester.
Dollhouse is absolutely awful. Bottom of the barrel garbage. Anyone who likes that show can call up my girlfriend and have sex with her while she watches it. Im tired of the bullshit.
Dollhouse was pretty much shit.

As far as Whedon, his best work was his run on Astonishing X-Men from #1-25. Seriously, some of the best comic shit I've read in a long time.

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