Joseph Rios & Mohammad Hasheem v. Everest & D.C.

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OOC: Before you all read this, just know that I decided to write it a different way. Since this is my very first main event match, I wanted to do something special for it so I wrote it a little differently than how I would normally write it. I am considering doing this for all of my Hasheem RP’s while the Rajeem RP’s will be done like I normally do it.

Just know that everything that is bolded is someone saying something. The bold words in Red is what Hasheem is saying. All the other colors that are bolded are people asking him questions. And the black bolded words are what the manager is saying. Everything in green and italicized is no one talking just saying what’s happening. Happy Reading and Happy Holidays to one and all :)

The scene takes place with Mohammad Hasheem holding his very own press conference. His agent has stepped onto the podium after much anticipated wait. All the attention is on him now, and Hasheem is not on the stage yet.

Okay, this is how this thing is going to work, so you people better listen up.

The great Mohammad Hasheem will be making his entrance here shortly. He will then come out here and say some things that are on his mind. He will be asking 6 and 6 questions only!!

He has better things to do than waste his time dealing with you worthless and pathetic individuals. He will then ask who has questions. You people will raise your hands like nice little children in the 4th grade and he will call on you.

You will then rise up to your feet and ask your questions, crystal clear!!! Mohammad Hasheem will be respected and if one person messes up then Mohammad is leaving. Now ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you all, the Sultan of WZCW, Mohammad Hasheem!!!

“La Leily” plays and Hasheem comes out in a fancy black suit, with a nice silk white shirt and tie. He is wearing a grayish-blackish turban. He gets up to the podium and raises both hands to silence the interviewers and cameramen. With his hands raised in the air and his eyes bulging out, he begins to speak.

Allah Akbar, Mohammad Hasheem!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone boos him and a few people chant “You Suck!” But Hasheem pretends he doesn’t hear any negativity and laughs it off.

Thank you for the warm and well-hearted ovation. I am the great Mohammad Hasheem, the Sultan of WZCW!!!

I am Allah’s gift to the WZCW!!

Now before you begin your stupid and time-consuming questionnaire, I would just like to say something.

The cameras really start flashing a lot since the cameramen are taking lots of pictures of Hasheem, so Hasheem seems annoyed.

Holy shit!! Would you f*cken stop with the f*cken flash!! I know I’m the hottest thing any of you freaks have ever seen, but seriously. NOW, as of late, the demon inside of me has been long asleep.

The animal and fire within me has been put out and laid to rest. So I am going to say something to Sincade, I thought I would never say. Sincade, I thank you. That’s right, thank you. Thank you for awakening the beat inside of me!! Thank you for re-lighting the fire within me.

Haha, you know, come to think of it, when I punted you in the head, last week.

When I smacked a steel chair against your skull.

When I busted you wide open.

When I wiped your pathetic blood all over my sexy chest, the animal was unleashed!!!

I am no longer tied up and chained. I am loose. Finally I am loose!! I have a brand new look at life, like no other. I will do whatever the f*ck I want, whenever the f*ck I want, to whomever the f*ck I want!!

Sincade, I see for the first time since you have been the owner that you haven’t booked yourself in a match. I hope you are ok, actually, I hope you’re not!! I also realized that you have finally showed me the respect that I deserve. You finally booked me in the main event match, there place where I f*cken belong.

And you know what there is something I was to say to you and that isn’t thank you. The thing that I want to say to you is that it is f*cken about time!!! Don’t you ever make me wait ever again!! And if you do then I will cripple your ass, PERMANANTLY!!!

Maybe you are right for the job of being the boss of WZCW. This is the ONLY decision you have done that will give the WZCW a popularity boost and way more money, and that is having me main event!!!

Anyways, I am going to be taking 6 question, and 6 questions only so you f*ckers better make it quick, I’ve got better things to do than to be in a room full of pathetic losers. Now, first question!! Come on!!

The room is filled with raised hands and people are yelling, “Pick me!! Pick me!!” Hasheem then picks on a young woman wearing professional clothing.

Hello, Mohammad.

Hey ****!! What is your name?


Well listen, Rachel. It’s Mr. Sultan to you and to everybody else, for that matter. Now strudel, I mean Rachel, ask your question quickly before I lock you up.

Sorry. Well, umm, what are your thoughts on going back to your hometown and entertaining the troops? Do you have butterflies?

Butterflies? What are you a f*cken 12 year old whose acne hasn’t cleared up yet? Why am I even being asked a question from a worthless feminine? Whatever, I’ll answer it anyways.

I love the fact that I’m going back to my hometown. We’re finally in my home turf.

I’m the “home-town-boy” for example.

The troops? Who gives 2 shits about them? I know I don’t and seeing as how I speak for every single specimen alive, nobody gives 2 shits as well. The troops don’t deserve to get a tribute show!! F*ck them!!

They are the reason that thousands of innocent people are dieing. They are 2 faces sons of b*tches!! They say that they protect people? Pfft, they are only protecting, you, selfish f*ckers!! The people who deserve a tribute show are all of my people who are suffering thanks to the stupid American soldiers.

So the hell with off of the American soldiers. And the only people that should have butterflies should be Everest and DC because every second that I will be seeing the stupid soldiers, my blood will be enriched with rage, which I will unload it on them!!!

Thank you and one more thing.

NO!! No more questions from women!! Do what you do best and that is to serve your man!! You are so lucky you don’t live in my country. We stone women who are shown on the streets without a man, especially one that thinks she can speak in public. HA!! Now sit your fat ass down. Seriously, have you ever heard of Jenny Craig? Yeesh.

A lot of reporters raise their hands and Hasheem chooses a skinny man with glasses.

Yea, you!! Pencil dick, the one with the weird looking glasses. Stand and confront your Sultan!!

The guy stands up and has a hard tune asking questions because he is no nervous.

Come on, ask your damn question already!!

Well, Mr. Sultan, What is it like to have the champion as your partner?

See, skank, now that is a question!! Well, I don’t feel any different because in my mind I am the ultimate champion and it is just a matter of time before I get a match with him for the title, and then I will win!!

But as much as I would make the better champion, the both of us are on the same page. We both want all the attention on ourselves. We both have that “me me me me me me me” attitude, and we are damn proud of that!! We will take out everyone and anyone who stands in our way, even if that means that we have to take each other out. Now sit down, peasant.

Who’s next?!!?

They all put their hands up again and yell for them to be picked. Hasheem picks up a regular man. The guy gets up and asks his question straightforward.

My question is a question that everybody wants to know. So I'll ask it, can you trust your tag team partner? Can you trust the WZCW Heavyweight Champion, Joseph “The Main Event” Rios?

Hasheem seems a little bit annoyed at this question.

Okay, first of all, you don’t speak for the people. You are part of the people. I, and only I, speak for the people!! But that’s a solid question and I’ll answer it. I can do everything. I can do anything!! But I don’t trust Rios!! I wouldn’t turn my back for a split second. But the difference is, just like I can’t trust Rios, Rios cannot afford to trust me, if you know what I mean. Good question, NOT!! Now sit your ass down!!

4th question…who’s next? You…sir in the 2nd row, stand up.

The person stands up and it isn’t a man. It is another woman.

A woman?!? Well you can pass for a man, so ask your question before I have you taken away.

What are your thoughts on your opponents, DC and Everest?

Leave it to a woman to ask such a stupid question. What the f*ck do you think my thoughts are on them? You think I love them, that I want to sit down and have a little tea time with them and smoke some Hashish, with them?

F*cken blond, moron. I think they are dirt. They are beneath dirt. I feel very sorry for them because they have to step in the ring with Rios and me.

You know what, f*ck Rios. I feel sorry for them because they have to step in the ring with me!! Never again will they ever be the same again!! They will feel my wrath. My fury!! Unfortunately for them, they will be the first 2 victims of the new Mohammad Hasheem!!

Thank you.

Wait!! Do you smell that?

No what?

Hasheem is starting to sniff. His face turns into a disgusted look.

Holy shit!!! It stinks like fish!! Woman, f*cken close your legs. Holy shit!!!! Oh my Allah, leave, leave the room!!

The woman, overdramatically, runs out of the room.

Phew, now that’s a little better. Okay 5th question, hurry up.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, some guy wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans with a shaved head stands up. Hasheem looks confused as to who the hell this guy thinks he is. This guy speaks and he has a Brooklyn accent.

Yeah yo, Mista Hasheem. I don’t give a rats ass who the hell you are and what the hell you wanna be called, but hear ‘dis. Because I have something important to say. In fact the thing that I’m going to say right now is more important than anything you have said, up far. Now –

Whoa whoa whoa, who the f*ck are you??

My name is nonya fucken business. Now, listen to me Mr. Hashbrown because I have a question of my very own!! In fact I’ll answah my own question, just so you know what I and people like me think of ya!! What makes you so damn worthy of main eventing such a special event for the WZCW? Hell, what makes you so damn worthy of main eventing, period.

The answah to that is absolutely squat. Who the hell are ya? Absolutely nada!! In fact, what kind of f*cken impact have you even done? Again, nada. Zilch!! Face him Hashpipe, you are a big fat zero!!

Hasheem is fully enraged and he is entirely pissed off!!!


Hasheem is totally going bonkers as he flips the podium, almost landing on a few cameramen. He takes the chairs and throws them off the stage luckily not hitting anyone. The guy then turns around and starts leaving the place as he has the words: "Sincade and Co." in black letters on the back of his white t-shirt. Hasheem runs towards the guy, so his agent holds him back from striking anyone as he literally pushes Hasheem out of the stage and the press conference is officially over.
*The screen comes on and we see an American Flag in the background and an empty folding chair. After several seconds of emptiness Everest emerges into the scene and with water bottle in hand, sits down on the chair. His normal Everest t-shirt is replaced with a camo style shirt with “Support Our Troops” written across the front.*

EVEREST Hmmm. You sure this things on? It is, alright then let’s get this started. For years on end our country has been kept safe by the courageous men and women of the military. Being a military brat myself I’ve seen and felt everything that the military has to offer. I’ve seen friends defend our country, I’ve mourned family members killed in battle, I’ve even visited war torn countries and seen the first hand savagery that goes on. This Monday night WZCW’s Meltdown will emulate from Iraq, with a special “In Honor of Our Troops” Special edition and Everest is fittingly in the Main Event. Against our facist, dictator wannabe Mohammad Hashbrown or Hash Mark or, oh whatever he’s calling himself and the Champ, Joseph Rios.

The fact is I’d be happy to come over and just make an appearance but to have a shot to compete in front of the wonderful men and women who defend our country is an honor that I won’t overlook. Come Monday Night I’ll go to the ring, not just for myself, not just for DC, who by the way will be my tag team partner, not even for just the fans. No, this Monday I’m going to the ring for those men and women who put their lives on the line to keep our country safe. I’ll go to the ring to honor the memories of all the people who have perished and I’ll go to the ring and fight for all the people who defend us today.

Speaking of the ring, that squared circle, my ring. As I’ve stated this Monday, Everest and DC will team up once again this time to take on Mohammed and Joseph Rios.

DC I’ve told you before that it’s nothing personal and this Monday it’s still not personal. Even after the last Meltdown, after the beating I took from you and Rios, standing tall and taking everything everyone had it’s still not personal. Don’t get me wrong DC, I don’t trust you, don’t even like you all that much but on Meltdown one thing is far and away for sure, I’ll have your back. Mohammed and Rios, their not teammates, hell I dare say Rios may have as much hatred for that little bath towel wearing swamp donkey as the rest of the WZCW. Mohammed I know this is a homecoming for you, although I can’t image anyone in that crowd being very supportive. You said you speak for the people, well you don’t speak for my people, for my fans. You see Everest is the only one who speaks for Everest and his fans, and if I do say so myself I dare say that no one and I do mean no one gives a damn what you have to say. Hell most of them wouldn’t care if you trip on the way to the ring and hang yourself on the railing with your beach towel head dress. Personally I wouldn’t want to see that at all, I’d much rather see you make your way to the ring so DC and I can finish the job ourselves. Now that would be satisfying.

*Everest takes a quick drink of water before continuing*

EVEREST: Rios, my boy, don’t think I’ve forgotten about you. Trust me when I tell you that your still foremost on my mind. Well truth be told, that gold around your waist is foremost on my mind. Joseph, you’ve done everything in your power to avoid me, tag matches, sneak attacks, 3 on 1 muggings, or whatever else you can come up with. Fact is I’ve withstood it all. Sledgehammer blows, 3 man beatdowns from you and your cronies, even chair shot after chair shot but like an avalanche I just keep coming and Rios at some point I’ll get you, before you know it, it’s a punch here, a punch there, and then.


ROCKSLIDE! It will be out of nowhere, you’ll never see it coming and then, and only then your worst fear will be realized. You see three seconds after your back hits the mat, the one thing you can’t live without, the one thing that defends you, the one thing that you cherish……….will be gone. When you come around and look up I’ll be standing there, WZCW title held high. It’ll signal the end of the Rios era and the start of something totally different. I’ll be champ Rios, I promise you that! This Monday on Meltdown will be just a preview, just a small sliver of what’s to come. On Meltdown I’m going to give the troops a show, a wild show, one they will never forget.

And finally, to the troops, I’ll see you Monday night.

*Everest slowly gets up from the chair, grabs his water bottle and turns to leave before stopping suddenly and saluting the camera*

EVEREST: And, Thank You! For Everything.

*With that Everest finishes his salute and leaves the screen as the picture fades to black*
The scene opens with Joseph “The Main Event” Rios sitting on a Park bench. He is sitting there as the sun is coming up. He takes a deep breath before looking into the camera.

Take a look at this day. The air is fresh, the sun is coming up, there is a slight breeze, but you know what the best part is? This right here.

Rios lifts up his right arm and reveals the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

This makes everyday worth living. I live and breath this business like no other man has before. I have poured more sweat and tears into obtaining this title and repeatedly defending this title then any other man has in the World. I have put my career on the line and would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant I could hold onto this title.

Rios places the title over his lap.

Now a lot of people have been asking me, “Champ what are you going to do now that the title match will be a triple threat?” The answer is simple, I will do what I do best, go out to that ring and kick ass. I will assure people that I will not be losing my title any time soon so you may all as well get used to seeing me week in and week out coming out to that ring with this title over my shoulder.

But on to this week, this week is not a title match, rather it’s a tag team match. I have to team with a man who has made is known that he wants a shot at my title. I have to team with a man who would stab my in the back if it meant getting one step closer to my title. I have heard him say he doesn’t trust me but to be quiet honest I really don’t give a damn if he trusts me or not. He is given the privilege of teaming with me in the main event and he has the audacity to say he doesn’t trust me?! This man has literally gone from living in a toilet to stepping into the ring with possibly the greatest wrestler of all time and he still has a grudge. Fact is he better get over it before our match this week because if he gets in my way he will be dealt with, plain and simple.

A lot of you may not be comfortable with that statement seeing as how he is my tag team partner. Fact is that I don’t care who you are, if you are not me or anyone in Dynasty I don’t give a damn about what happens to you. Dynasty is blood and its blood in and blood out. Dynasty is for life and we will not be taken lightly and we will show why this week.

Now moving on to DC. Well what can I say about a man who doesn’t deserve to be in the same arena let alone the same ring as me. This man has proven time and time again that he doesn’t have what it takes to seal the deal. He can get to the Promised Land but can close the deal. He is a waste of talent and needs to be taken out. Which may happen this week.

And finally on to the man who thinks he is the chosen one. One to the man who thinks he is the “Next World Champ”. On to the man who feels he is the Pinnacle of Perfection. He is a complete joke. A complete waste of talent. I am so sick of him finding a way to get at my title. Face it Everest you will never hold this gold as long as I am still breathing. I will literally die defending this title. I will never allow you to hold this title and you need to come to the realization that you will never be more then an alright mid carder. You are not Main Event Caliber. How you repeatedly find your way into the main event surprises me. You must be blowing someone in the talent relations for you to keep getting a chance at my title. I think the guys name is Chuck isn’t it?

You know there is a quote that reminds me a lot of you and it is as follows:

"I think there is something, more important than believing: Action! The world is full of dreamers, there aren't enough who will move ahead and begin to take concrete steps to actualize their vision."

You are nothing more then a dreamer. You are all talk and no action. You have been given chances to get this title and you have failed. Where as I am a man of action, when I say something I do it. When I say that I will still be champion, well dammit I am still champion, aren’t I? You bet your ass I am, because what I say is law, and this week make sure you are ready for the ass whipping of a life time because its time once and for all to put an end to all of this foolishness.

The scene ends as Rios gets off the bench and places the title over his shoulder and walks off.
*The scene opens up to show D.C. at the steering wheel of his car (Nissan Skyline GTR). He is wearing a black hoodie with a blood splatter design and a white bandana folded with his hair over top. The scene is being filmed from a hand held camera as Lindsey's middle finger sprouts up in front of the lens to show that she is holding the camera. D.C. has one hand on the wheel and turns, glancing back and forth from the road to the camera.*

D.C.: On the way... on the way to the airport, because once again, I'm f***ing late... so now... I gotta get a little something out before the match, so people understand, that I still give a rats a** about where I stand in this company. You see, I can't say that I'm honestly happy, about having to team up with Everlast. I mean... whoever won that last match gets a title shot... and we both pin him... which in my eyes... means that he is now in MY way...

*D.C. rubs his chin for a second and again glances back and forth.*

D.C.: But I guess its not all that bad. If me and the Energizer Bunny work over Joseph Rios, then that just makes it a bit easier for one of us to beat him for the title. But at the same time... we gotta contend with the local liquor store clerk, Mr. Habu Dabbi, and his ghetto camel jockey.

*A slight chuckle is heard off camera as the camera shakes a little bit. D.C. cracks a smile.*

D.C.: I don't know if I should really be afraid of the dude or not. I guess, on a technicality he has the "home field advantage" but when you think about WHERE we will ACTUALLY be... I'd say our boys that represent the red, white, and blue... wouldn't mind one bit, if I said, that I don't give a DAMN about where Mohammad Hashbrown is from...

*D.C. reaches down and clicks the turn signal on as a plane can be heard taking off.*

D.C.: But, enough about him... lets shift a little focus over to our OH SO GREAT WANNA-BE LIKE D.C. Champion. Mr. Attitude... Mr. Charisma... Mr. Why-does-everyone-think-I-don't-deserve-to-hold-the-title. I don't think Rios can grasp the fact that people, REALLY, hate him. I mean come on think about it... how can you take someone seriously, when they're being backed up by the Satanic Mickey Mouse Club. On top of that, how can you take someone seriously, when all they really care about is not breaking a nail when they climb into a ring.

*D.C. rolls down his window as he approaches a toll booth. He leans out and tosses some change into the machine as the gate lifts up and he goes on through.*

D.C.: Now, I know that people may have expected to hear more from me. But truth be told, I can't help but feel a little bit of nostalgia. I teamed up with Everest once before, to take out the DevilSpawns. So, what makes anyone think, that just because Rios is teaming up with a dude that isn't even a blip on my radar, he has a chance in hell?

*D.C. stops the car and puts it in park as he goes to open the door. He stops and turns towards the camera.*

D.C.: Face it Rios, your title reign is drawing nearer and nearer. Everest, we can go ahead and get this job done this week. But once its over, I won't think twice about laying your a** out if you get in my way. And if you don't like that... F*** YOU!

*D.C. grabs the camera from Lindsey and shows her flipping off the camera as he turns it back around to spit on the lens. The scene then fades to black.*
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