Joseph Park and Bully Ray

Cena's #1 In My Heart

Getting Noticed By Management
So.. this feud has been one of the more bizarre ones in recent memories. Like, I just don't get it I guess.

First off, who the fuck is Joseph Park? The brother of Chris Park... you know... Abyss? lol... But yeah... WHO IS HE?!? Where did he come from? Why is he here?

I've heard people before saying that it was Abyss. So that just warped my pothead mind even more, even though I don't think it's Abyss. But all this would kind of make more sense if it was.

So assuming this guy is not Abyss.. why is he getting TV time and a main feud with Bully Ray? I mean... his facial expressions are the most entertaining thing about him.. their borderline, insane.

And if this is Abyss... is this a gimmick change?
Yeah, he's taking a page from Mick Foley's playbook and doing the whole new gimmick a try. At least it's not a clown.
It is Abyss; you can’t tell you tell from his voice alone? Well, clearly not it seems. It's ok though since it is probably a character change or just another way to make Abyss relevant again. It's a shame really, if they could work things out with Father James Mitchell then that would be awesome. I just hope that this doesn't lead to Abyss getting beat up by ninjas and thrown into a black van only for the end resolve to never be fulfilled.
LOL. Yeah, this is a weird one. In fact, where is Abyss? He returned at the end of Impact a few weeks ago, saying something about Joseph being too close to the fire. How come nobody seems to be mentioning that, they're still acting like Abyss is missing. Bully Ray has been great during all this though. I was never a huge Bubba fan, but i have grown to like him since becoming Bully. :)
Are you guys kidding me? Of course this is Abyss. What's going to happen @ Slammiversary in that match is he'll transform from Joe Park to Abyss sometime during the match to beat Bully Ray.

Maybe he'll crawl under the ring as Joe Park and come out the other side as Abyss, but mark my words, that's what this whole angle has been about all these months.

Kind of like a Faces of Foley type of thing. I think it's the best angle I've seen Abyss in since I started watching TNA about 4 or 5 years ago.
I kinda miss Judas Mesias. (sp?)

Anyone remember <i>that</i> guy?

I do. Judas Mesias was awesome. He was like a hardcore modern Undertaker. He could have been the next Undertaker, TNA's Undertaker. But alas it was not to be.

As for the storyline, I like it. They have gradually built it up, added intrigue, and I am interested to see what happens when Joseph Parks fights Bully Ray. How are they going to pull this one off? Not only do I not know but I also want to find out. The mark of a good story.
So.. this feud has been one of the more bizarre ones in recent memories. Like, I just don't get it I guess.

I doubt that takes much to be fair.

First off, who the fuck is Joseph Park?

The brother of Chris Park... you know... Abyss?

You just answered your own question, so you surely wouldn't pose it again, would you?


I spoke too soon. He is Joseph Park Esq, he is the brother of Abyss, who went missing after his match with Bully Ray.

Where did he come from?

Is mother's vagina but that is neither here nor there.

Why is he here?

Already been answered, so I'll reiterate. To find his "missing" brother Abyss and the culprit who is Bully Ray for taking him out.

I've heard people before saying that it was Abyss. So that just warped my pothead mind even more, even though I don't think it's Abyss.

You being a pothead is one of the most unsurprising comments I've read on the forum this year thus far. And if you don't think it is Abyss, then you've thought wrong, because it is.

But all this would kind of make more sense if it was.

Jeez, you don't say?

So assuming this guy is not Abyss.. why is he getting TV time and a main feud with Bully Ray?

We don't need to assume it isn't, when it very clearly is Abyss. His voice, his size, when he says his brothers name he raises his hand to the same level of height he himself (Joseph Park) obtains, not to mention the fact that when Abyss appeared four weeks ago his beard was gone, he has never been without it, it isn't just a coincidence. Plus there are images of Abyss minus mask on the net, slick his hair back and give him glasses and a suit and it is very clearly Abyss.

I mean... his facial expressions are the most entertaining thing about him.. their borderline, insane.

Would kind of make more sense him being Abyss then. You know, considering there has been a past angle where Abyss was detained in a mental asylum.

And if this is Abyss... is this a gimmick change?

I don't even need to answer the final question because the answer is very freakin' obvious.
I suppose that I'm not the only one who noticed it, but sometimes Joseph Park has an evil grin on his face when Bully Ray is leaving or has is back turned so I think it will end up being Abyss who played the role of his brother (I know it's him in real life) to get to Bully. The only problem I'm seeing with that is that if it was him all along, why would he come back with the mask and I'm not sure I want to lose the Abyss character for good.
It is Abyss, I like the storyline. It's fresh and I don't remember it being done before. I think now that the Bully Ray vs Joseph Park match is set, Park will come out looking scared on the mic before revealing he is actually Abyss and goes full fledged monster.
See the reasons I wasn't sure that it was Abyss are...

1.) He showed up on the stage that one time, telling his brother to go away... and I thought he was like in the crowd that night.. guess not...

2.) He looks fatter in a suit.

3.) His hair is shorter... and he just had long hair.. but it musta been a Kane mask aye?

4.) It's a fucking drastic character change.

5.) Bully Ray's character therefore is ******ed if he can't figure out it's Abyss.

6.) I don't know everyone in the world, for all I know there coulda been another fat guy who sweats a lot that kinda looks like Abyss. For all I know it could have been his real life brother.

But thanks to The Dragon Saga's amazing reply... I no longer need to do this...
See the reasons I wasn't sure that it was Abyss are...

1.) He showed up on the stage that one time, telling his brother to go away... and I thought he was like in the crowd that night.. guess not...

2.) He looks fatter in a suit.

3.) His hair is shorter... and he just had long hair.. but it musta been a Kane mask aye?

4.) It's a fucking drastic character change.

5.) Bully Ray's character therefore is ******ed if he can't figure out it's Abyss.

6.) I don't know everyone in the world, for all I know there coulda been another fat guy who sweats a lot that kinda looks like Abyss. For all I know it could have been his real life brother.

But thanks to The Dragon Saga's amazing reply... I no longer need to do this...

bully ray...but not you huh matlock?

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