Jonathan Coachman discusses homosexuality in WWE

i'm a cm punk girl

Pre-Show Stalwart
So Jonathan Coachman filled in on ESPNRadio's Colin Cowherd show last week. With him was Linda Cohn, a fairly well-known and respected female anchor.

And the topic was Did the NFL had the right to inquire about players possibly being homosexual as part of the NFL combine, it spun out of the Te'o story.

Coachman offered the following perspective. He said spent a decade in the WWE, where several of the wrestlers were openly homosexual and some of the hardcore/old timers were as well. And it was never an issue in his words. He talked about being naked and changing in front of the guys or guys changing in front of each other and it never coming up.

Cohn for her part, sounded very surprised as she said that Coachman had told these stories before (presumably off-air) about how wrestlers or wrestling involved a lot of skin on skin contact and that no one considered it a big deal.

Coachman continued saying they were on the road 5 nights a week and when you're on the road, a person's sexual orientation along with everything else comes out and people grow to accept it and move on. I believe Cohn further compared the situation to that of a family traveling together. They then went to break.

Personal Note: Cohn sounded very surprised when she chimed after Coachman spoke the first time although she had to know what he was going to say for the show's topic. I wonder if she just learned or heard those stories during the show prep.

The segment itself should be on ESPN Radio's Podcenter section for 'The Herd with Colin Cowherd' and it should be labeled as such if you want to go listen.
If the wrestler doesn't care, and most of the locker room doesn't care, there's no reason to make a huge deal out of it.

a round of 'Guess the Gays' anyone?
If the wrestler doesn't care, and most of the locker room doesn't care, there's no reason to make a huge deal out of it.

a round of 'Guess the Gays' anyone?
After telling us there's no reason to make a huge deal out of it? No. I don't care. Nor should anyone else.
Colin Cowherd is probably a closet homosexual. I used to listen to ESPN radio every day at a former job and we would turn it off whenever this guy's show would come on because it killed worker morale. I'm a pretty negative son of a bitch but this guy murks along in the darkest of negativity. The guy takes every story and makes it seem like the biggest tragedy, and his voice is fucking whiny and drawn out. I hate Colin Cowherd. I know that has nothing to do with the topic but I hate the bastard.

There's nothing even remotely shocking about homosexuality anymore. I mean there's homosexual innuendo laced commercials on television now. I don't care about the sexual orientation of a wrestler or wrestlers, so long as they respect the audience and don't start butt pumping in the middle of a match.
Also; Coach is an idiot. Wrestling is a theater based business; a business that thrives on the work of gay men and women. Sports are a completely different aspect.

Want an opinion that matters? Track down Ric Flair, who was around both at a time when wrestlers were still somewhat shooters and had credentials, and have been in today's locker room
It's none of our business, it really isn't, so I'm not induldging myself like that.
I don't know why anyone would care who is gay and who isn't gay. As long as its not thrown in my face I don't care if you fuck an electrical outlet after dark.
This, but I'll bite this one time.

Justin Gabriel: bisexual.

If it's not legit I will fucking cry.

Eh, it would explain some things and fit with a rumour I've heard. But on the other hand, this is who he's been with since November so you might want to cry anyway.

here is probably a giant shock to everyone but I am going to go out on a limb and say that this guy is gay

Pat Patterson
I've evolved enough as a human to limit my judgement of who may like to fuck who. But I'm not going to stand on some high horse and pretend that I am too good for speculation and gossip. But I'll remember all these noble statements next time Kelly Kelly's bedpost notches are being skewered.

That being said this topic probably belongs in the Bar and I'll throw Scotty 2 Hotty's name out there.
Doesn't matter to me. I just don't find it entertaining in gimmicks (cough, cough Orlando Jordan).

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