JoMo:Better Face or Heel


Can opener of ass whip
Hey guys,

So the other day I was reading a great thread discussing whether John Morrison is the Next Shelton Benjamin. So I was reading it and came across a reply by RatedRSuperstar84. He said that John Morrison was a Natural born heel. This got me thinking whether JoMo was a better Heel or a better Face. He did get over quite well as a heel, but he was stuck in Tag teams with The Miz and Joey Murcury.

After Turning Face, he got a well deserved push as Intercontinental Champion and being drafted to RAW, which is now clearly the more important show. Now I'd like to see a feud with The Miz, and maybe a US title Run.

So anyway I sat down with a couple of my friends and we started debating whether Morrison was a better face or a better heel. I was pretty surprised to see how different our opinions were.

I think as a face Morrison is better, once he turned face he really started to "blossem" imo. So now I want your opinions, is Morrison a better heel or face.
I do think he is a decent heel and as a face against talent like Mysterio or Miz, he gets a decent reaction. However he fails to garner the great reaction that is expected of him in his position.

Maybe he needs a turn to reinvent himself. He worked well against Hardy and with the Miz and although he would need to tone his moveset down a few notches to suit a heel persona.

But like a lot of "newer" superstars, I just don't care about him.
He'd work better as a heel. I don't think he needs to tweak his moveset, just needs a different finisher. He needs to change his gimmick. Change it up to a more modern day Ravishing Rick Rude persona.
Morrison is a good wrestler in my opinion. He was pretty good as heel.
And he is also good as face, but he is a kinda of show-off persona, which will mean his character is a heel guy.

Turning the picture around, as a face he has held the IC title, and he has fought for the WHC, and I really like him as a face.

So I actually don't care, by the way he should have stayed on Smackdown, he could have won the WHC, the direction he is on Raw is pulling him down. Seriously have him fighting with Santino?
WHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?????? This guy is so boring and uninteresting there are so many other wrestlers who I'd rather see then this guy. Let me start off by saying that he is a ok wrestler but he has a week finisher that looks good, but simply is a move every cruiser weight does.How could you see that move defeating any one. HHH, undertaker, orton, cena, many others not kick out from that. Anyways as a heel he is fine, and honestly as a tag team guy to me he is rly good and thats where he belongs. Heels are almost always better then faces as you get older( unless the face is funny). Mo only works as a heel when he has someone who can talk beside with. Melina.. MIz... He should never be a champion let alone a face
JoMo is only a face because his moveset makes him a face, but besides that I don't see any other redeeming quality that makes him a face. He tries to make promos, but as a face they typically come off as lame, as someone who is trying to push the envelop but just can't. As a heel, I think he would much better come off as that cocky, arrogant individual, someone who honestly believes that they are better than everyone because of what they can do.

JoMo needs to be a face a bit more, I think a good feud with the Miz would be excellent, but I hope by years end he is a heel once again.
When Jomo was a heel in MNM great team JoMo looked as the better star as a heel. Johnny Nitro was having good matches in 2007 with John Cena and being a two time Intercontinental Champion until having to drop it to Junky Hardy. Theen when he was ECW Champion I started watching ECW on a weekly basis. I watched like almost half of all the Dirt Sheets greatest segment's on earth. JoMO being over the top arrogant while Mix being human arrogant.

Then it all went down hill when Miz attacked him at the draft. JoMo went face had a great match with Mysterio and two crappy fueds with Dolph and Mcyntire.

As a heel Morrison plays a character who belives he's better than god him self to a point he does act like God. As a face he plays this Rockstar chracter a born in heel character. Overall I seriously seen every single promo he has ever givena dn when I see him tag with R-Truth after loosing the match I'm expecting Morrison to go crazy on Truth plain and simple.
John Morrison is probably more suited to being a heel, but his character ran it's course when he was heel, he turned face and since then he's had some quality matches, that said, people keep saying when will he get a World title run? I agree the guy is more over then Swagger, he's a better "wrestler" then Swagger, but comparing them, the fans hate Swagger like Vicki/Xpac kind of heat, Morrison as a fan favorite will always be a mid-higher card kind of guy and a world title run MIGHT flirt with him but I don't see WWE giving him the title belt for a long time, I could easily see him being a like an Edge or Rock, by the end of his career having a few title runs but the time line being very short.

This is why a Light-Heavyweight title would be handy instead of the World Heavyweight title, call it the World Light-Heavyweight title, and allow guys like Christian, Swagger, Punk, Rey, Morrison, Miz, Bourne, etc etc for that "World title" we all know they'll never get the WWE title as WWE look at that belt as thee "World" title, but having a Lighter world title would really allow guys like Morrison to showcase his talent against guys his own size rather then guys like Cena, HHH, Undertaker, Batista, Sheamus musclebound guys who look dominating for lighter guys.
I like JoMo as a face. He has the atleticism to be great. But as a face, his mic skills seem to not be up to standard. Sure he won the IC Title as a face, but thats it. As a heel on the other hand he was WWE Tag Team Champion with MNM, IC Champion x2, ECW Champion and World Tag Team Champion with The Miz.

I prefer his work just after he became John Morrison, feuding with CM Punk and he had the whole rockstar look with the hair and music, his mic work was better too. If JoMo wants to not get lost in the shuffle on RAW, he needs to turn heel, some how get the US Title (from the Miz or not) and get a similar push to Jeff Hardy when he was IC Champion, he was feuding with WWE Champion Randy Orton.
He'd work better as a heel. I don't think he needs to tweak his moveset, just needs a different finisher. He needs to change his gimmick. Change it up to a more modern day Ravishing Rick Rude persona.

I couldn't agree with you more, he has the looks and he could sure as hell pull it off..Think of it as paying tribute to the late man...It would obviously work best as heel..

As for the question, I think his heel work stands out more, however that being said, I do enjoy him as a face...
I'm going to quote a post I wrote that sums up my feelings:

Good... I hope it leads to transitioning into a heel. He sucks as a face, crowd reactions regardless (I'm not going to factor in the same masses who cheered for the likes of fucking Cryme Tyme or something).

He went from going to Cena's house and kicking his father's ass to "Spear, spear spear"? What a joke. Stop tarnishing perfectly good gimmicks.

They ruined John Morrison in a similar way. He went from "Hi. I'm John Morrison, and People Magazine offered me $15 million for pictures of myself as a baby. I passed." to "Mr. Ziggles! Mr. Ziggles!"

What a fucking joke.

If you're going to break a tag team up, it's not like one of them MUST turn face. They just choose to keep with the worn out -- and quite frankly, stupid -- tradition. And it should stop.

Also, he smiles too much.

You know what really bothers me, though? He could've kept EVERYTHING the same as the time when he was a heel, and he would be an awesome face. All that had to be done was throw heel opponents his way. He could've kept the cockiness, the gimmick, the moveset... everything! Some gimmicks are fit for both heels and faces.

All that needed to change was his opponents, not his whole character, which has gone to the shits. Sorry, Morrison.
He works better as a heel, when he transformed himself on ECW he really put himself on the map, that was a great segment. But he does garner a respectable reaction for his face work and I like him as a face. I wouldn't mind seeing a heel turn on Truth at some point, he could do during this DiBiase feud or they could do a DX kinda thing, when HBK superkicked HHH at Survivor Series last year in a triple threat and at the Rumble with HBK eliminating HHH, they could have a triple threat or battle royale where the winner gets a Title shot, following week the two appear backstage Truth goes off at Morrison and ends up getting a slap and/or harsh words. DiBiase could even plant a seed of sorts which breaks the two up so he has no one standing in his stables way.
I liked him in the Dirt sheet with the Miz, and the tag team was great, the cockiness, the "best Tag team in the 21st century". He performs well as a heel or face, but i think he gets more reaction when hes a face. His finisher is way too much of a face thing, if he turns heel he would most likely need to change it.
I have always been a huge fan of jomo.ithink he is the best wwe has had in a long time but whoever thinks he is better face is crazy.when jomo is heel he is great on the mic but when face he is boring if he turns heel again he could be wwes next big thing
I think he works best as a heel. If Morrison worked on his mic skills, he could really do a great arrogant, self-absorbed heel character. John Morrison is a handsome guy, he's athletic and has abs you can grate cheese with. Add a snotty attitude and good mic skills to the package and you've got someone that can generate some pretty good heat.

If Morrison is able to improve his mic skills and does the right kind of promo in the right kind of feud, then he'd be the next CM Punk.
I have been thinking about this all the time! he is better as a heel! I hate him as a face. As a face he got a push though. He should have gotten that push as a heel! I really liked him as a heel with Melina. They were great together! Also who says just because of his moves he has to be a face. He can have those awesome moves and still be a heel. I hope him and Melina reunite and him and Melina turn heel again.


I personally like morrison as a face cuz the fans actually like him now. Dont get me wrong tho, when he was a heel b4, he still was an amazing wrestler, but now as a face he's so much better.

I just wish they'd stop dicking around wit him, and put him in2 serious storylines and feuds...
YES!JoMo is better as a heel we all know it but what you should also all know is that if he does turn heel he would be completely overshadowed by much better heels that are currently on Raw like Jericho, Edge, Batista and even Miz there are too many heels in the main event right now and not enough faces, want proof, mark henry came out to make the save for Cena on Raw, JoMo could of easily done that instead but it looks like WWE might want to give mark henry a microscopic push :p
He is a natural heel, but his moveset is designed for a face. Morrison is much better on the mic as a heel, but Starship Pain is designed to be a crowd-pleaser. A high flyer can be heel though, because Carlito did it, and so did others, but Carlito is the most recent other than Morrison. But Carlito had the Backstabber as his finisher. That move is vicious. Starship pain is weak looking. If Morrison brought back Moonlight Drive, then maybe he could work as a heel, but I think he performs better as a face. So I honestly don't know, based on the fact that he is a good on the mic as a heel, and he's horrendous as a face, but he puts on fantastic matches as a face, and he didn't do that as much as a heel. I pick heel though, because no matter how good someone is in the ring, if they can't talk good they won't make it. If it was up to wrestling ability, then Cena would job and Shelton would still be in the WWE and he would be a main eventer, but that isn't the case.
Why is the Internet Wrestling Community obsessed with turning everyone heel? I'm constantly reading threads about how Wrestler X needs to turn heel and how Wrestler Y sucks as a face. I can understand the cartoonish atmosphere of the PG Era but sometimes it feels that if the IWC had its way, everyone would be a heel.

And that wouldn't make a whole dick of a lot of sense would it?

Morrison's moveset and persona are a natural fit for a babyface role. Look how easily he fit into it after his draft to SmackDown! and mini-feud with Jericho and then Shelton Benjamin that solidified him as a babyface.

He needs improvement on the mic and the only way to do that is to get more mic time. And if WWE is too busy focusing on its stupid Hollywood storylines on RAW to pay attention to its young stars, then they'll all ultimately drown. Look how talented a guy like Sheamus is and yet he's almost universally despised by the IWC because of how fast they threw the title on him.

Morrison is a great baby face who just needs to stand out more and stop drowning in the mid card clusterfuck that is Monday Night Raw. Maybe if they let The Doors guest host the stupid show, Morrison can have a prominent role, eh? :rolleyes:
yeah I too also commented on that and brought up the point that he was better as a heel...he has been a face for how long, about a year or two now right? and what has he done? Won an IC title...thats it, he has shot after shot and nothing, he is a better heel he held gold, he would probably be world champ right now if he were still heel, he took Batista to the limit, more than once, he has the qualifications, but cant reach that goal because he is a face...WWE has way too many good guys right now, and most of them are being over looked because of so...I would love to see JoMo vs John Cena for the WWE title....but as long as he is a face, he wont win it, and it wont happen, they need to turn him heel, maybe even taking him off of programming for a while to regroup his character, then bring him back and make him heel give him a World title run, and just let it go from there...
I think John Morrison is a good wrestler, and he can work well as a heel and face and gets good reactions from the fans, he doesn't need to tweak his move set, but i can see once he is nearing the main event he will may re invent himself. He had quality matches as a heel in his tag teams, and the quality of his matches a face have been very good, and he getst he reaction he gets because of that. So either way JoMo as a heel or face i will cheer and so will the IWC and fans.
John Morrison in my opinion works better as a face. Purely based on his devilishly good looks, and his move set. Some dude in this thread said that they should have had Morrison keep his cockiness. I agree. Instead they have him teaming with R-Truth. JoMo just needs a little more seasoning. Remember. Edge had about 7-8 years before he hit his stride to the main event. Morrison will get there as well, and he will do it as a face. People love to cheer the guy. Just not loud enough yet.
I have said it in another thread and i will say it again,as a face he is a disaster.HE has potential to be on the top as a heel.He just need to turn heel.I enjoyed his work during his tag team days.
I had a hard time buying into JoMo as a face when he made his turn after Miz turned on him. IMO, his gimmick just screams "heel" and that JoMo as a face is forced as opposed to coming off naturally. As a heel, he was able to cut great promos whether he was with Miz or going solo. As a face, his mic skills are horrendous. See his promo the week after he beat Mysterio for the IC championshiop. Just terrible.

However, his moveset with all its flips and high flying truly fits the typical moveset of a face. However, he made it work as a heel. I feel he got more of a reaction out of the live audience as a heel than he ever did as a face. I mean, WWE had to partner up with R-Truth just so he could feed off of Truth's crowd reaction. Personally, I want to like JoMo as a face but it's not working for me. I like him better as a heel and I'm guessing we may see a heel turn from him sometime in the near future.

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