Johnny Curtis


Of Ace Stevens fame.
Last night on SmackDown, we finally saw the winner of NXT Season 4: Johnny Curtis. In a backstage segment, he talked about R-Truth and the fact that he won't be able to challenge for the Tag Team Championships with him like he was promised. He then proceeded to do "what any WWE Superstar would do" (his words) and pretended to cry as he poured milk into a tray. He stopped crying and poured it on his head. Basically it's playing on the "crying over spilt milk" saying. Erm, I don't know why I wrote all that when I could just show you. Here it is...


When I saw this I laughed heartily. Perhaps more than I should have. Anyway, we've only see Johnny Curtis twice since he won NXT all the way back in March. He was one of the Superstars to come out and say goodbye to Edge on his farewell SmackDown and he was a lumberjack in the Tag Team Championship match at Extreme Rules. Now it appears that he's on the blue brand. He came off a bit heel-like in that segment as he criticised other WWE Superstars. I hope this isn't the case because from what I've seen, he works better as a babyface.

So what do you think will happen to him? And, what do you want to happen to him?

I hope that he gets a push, to be quite honest. He's been wrongfully called bland and hopefully, now that he's on SmackDown, he can change those perceptions. He seems to have a loose cannon, eccentric gimmick which is perfect as it suits down to the ground. His delivery of words lends itself to that kind of funny, strange guy. His in-ring style matches this too as he's a bigger guy who's more than happy to go to the top rope. I'd love to see him in a tag team with Derrick Bateman, his friend and former FCW Tag Team Championship partner. I can see them being like a DX for the PG era.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what Johnny Curtis will do. I just hope it's not Superstars like I feel it will be.
Dude, after the promo I saw with him, I honestly like him. He seems as if he could do both roles as a Heel/Face. He could do big things early on and I do want to see it. I would love to see him jump into the IC title hunt or team up with some like Daniel or Kane for the tag team titles. He's seems real. But I want to see more of him.
I didn't knew Johnny Curtis because I didn't ever watch NXT!!
However I knew that he and Truth won it, and they were promised a Tag Team Title Match so I was surprised with the WWE, because they dontt want to demote him to FCW!!

I dont really know what I am seeing, but I hope he gets a mega face push on SmackDown because they need it and i found this guy very charismatic... at least in that segment!!

We may be looking for the future face of the WWE!! Who knows? xD
Is this the same guy who won and the crowd still went "Who?"

I still don't see any real upside on Johnny Curtis. They tried to hard to make him sympathetic (which included him telling his entire fucking life story) and too likeable. I think that is a sign of the guy having no charisma.
I have no idea who this guy is, and I get the no crying over spilt milk thing, but he lost me when he poured it on himself. First, he looked like he didn't really want to do it. Second, once he did it, it looked like he didn't know what to do next and he just kind of froze and looked stupid. Third, that's how you want to make an impression to an audience, the majority of whom don't know who you are and didn't even know there were other seasons of NXT? You do some stupid segment where you poured milk on yourself? Not a way to make anyone take you seriously, you'll just be remembered as some goofy guy.

I suppose it is possible though that this milk on his head was not his idea, but instead he was told to do it by some smackdown writer for reasons no one can comprehend. But to me, it was probably the stupidest thing he could have done to end that pointless segment.
That whole promo segment he did just left me feeling uncomfortable for him. That was the dumbest thing I've seen in a while...and that's truly saying something. Maybe let the guy wrestle a match or two, say a few things that aren't completely ridiculous before you put him on the air as a psycopath with dairy fetish.
It was odd, that is for sure. But I liked it. I laughed, I thought it was good. I feel that he was pissed off, sort of like the NXT 1 rookies. He felt he wasn't getting the shot he deserved. He then went on to do what most WWE stars would do, which is ironically true in storyline terms. He pretended to cry over spilled milk. He then proceeded to pour the milk over his head, showing he really doesn't care about spilled milk, as evidenced by, you know, dumping the whole carton over his head. I liked what it symbolized in terms, especially how most superstars actually do cry over spilled milk.

I never watched NXT 4, so I wouldn't know whether he is good or not. But we're going to find out, and I thought it was a solid, albeit very different (and odd) opening statement to the WWE.
I wasn't aware of that saying about spilt milk. The promo just confused the hell out of me. Now that it's been explained I do like it. Looking forward to seeing him in action.
Considering I've never watched NXT I have no idea who this cat is, but I still thought that promo was alright. He looked comfortable infront of the camera and basically said "This isn't going to stop me from doing big things in the WWE" without actually saying it.
It was rather enjoyable. A quick short promo to get him in our face, in all honesty with Big Clay running with ADR I had really forgot about him. I really hope they do more with him than they did with Kaval. He was watchable on nxt, but he really wasn't the winner in my eyes. But Clay has a spot ready for him when either Mark or Show retires. Johnny needed that win, and I'm glad they gave it to him. Because it would have taken alot of work for him to make me believe that he was worth giving a shot.
That promo was rather uhh, bizarre. I'm on the fence about Curtis. At times I enjoyed him and other times I don't. This whole thing could work for awhile. It is definitely something different and will get him some sort of reaction, albeit confusing ones. I really have no idea where they are going to go with the whole Curtis thing. Honestly it wouldn't surprise me to see them do some more cliches until figuring out they have nothing for him and sending him back to FCW or releasing him altogether.
So what do you think will happen to him? And, what do you want to happen to him?

This is a really terrible idea. This is absolutely no way to get a superstar over. Johnny Curtis is actually very talented and can be charismatic when he's actually given the chance to be himself. I also don't understand why Curtis isn't getting his tag title match, because R-Truth is being a colossal dick Curtis gets no title match? Who's the say that Curtis doesn't get another partner to challenge for the titles? Personally I want to see Curtis get his title shot even if it is just some throwaway match on PPV that he will just lose. All in all this is a bad idea and a terrible excuse to get a superstar on TV.
It was bizarre, but... IT WORKED! Johnny Curtis entertained me with it. He left an impression, isn't that the most important part? If he can keep it up and sustain some kind of a push, I think he can be a success on Smackdown. He has a good look, an interesting gimmick, and I'm sure he's gaining fan support with his little promos and stuff. Good for him, I mean, he was forgotten for a while, but now that he's here he has every opportunity to make it in the WWE. Who knows, maybe some day he can be a major player. Everybody needs their start somewhere.
I thought he came off just as crazy as R-Truth's character is now. Pouring milk on was entertaining, but still puzzling. Can't say I got a feel to who he was with that. Seems like a loony gimmick he is running with, and that can either play to his advantage like Truth, or really really go south, which 90% of loony gimmicks do.

Hope he sticks around, and doesn't become a moniker of himself. We already have Santino.
I'm not sure what they are going to do with Curtis. He did win NXT so at some point he and Truth will get their tag title shot, which they will lose just like every other NXT winner did. (Did the NXT diva season winner ever cash in her title shot, while we're on that topic?) I think that Curtis will face random jobbers until Truth has lost to Cena, then they will begin their tag title push which they lose, Truth goes back to his insane heel act, and Curtis will job in the midcard until he gets future endeavoured because I didn't really see anything that special about him. He'll be around for a while, doing nothing, then gone.
That backstage promo was AWESOME!

My reaction was this: "Who the fuck is this guy..? Oh wait he's the guy who won that one season of NXT... I guess they are finally using him now. Wait, what the... WHAT? He's pouring... WHAT. HAHAHHA.. WHAT?!?! HAHAHAHHAHAHA"

It was bizarre, it was weird, but it was HILARIOUS. More Johnny Curtis! MORE.

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