Johnny Curtis?


Savior of Unwashed IWC\\\\
Well u all know that Johnny Curtis won the nxt season 5 edition and him along with r truth are the #1 contenders to the tag team titles. Wtf is this?
Johnny Curtis wins nxt but DOES NOT appear on the following smackdown and raw. Any thoughts on this?
They're obviously going to take their time to develop him a little more. He was probably the best wrestler on that NXT season, but he wasn't very confident, clever, or effective on the mic at ALL. They can make Truth/Curtis work though. They shouldn't ignore the tag team stipulation but I understand if they're waiting for the right time. I think they should immediately start putting them in tag team/singles matches on Superstars to warm them up... Let them feud with those tag teams and eventually get a winning streak leading up to whenever they decide to put them in the tag title picture. They would make a good underdog/up n coming team to challenge the core as baby faces.
Either way, in my opinion, Curtis was the least hot of the obvious choices for last season's winner out of himself, Bateman, Del Rio's rookie and the other black guy... (forgive me I forgot their names :banghead:) I guess they figure they with Del Rio having a new sidekick they had enough rookie greenness in the big league for the Road to WrestleMania.
Please don't compare him with Clay or even (i think) the nearing debut of Bateman because those two were far more ready in an overall sense *just saying this in advance before anyone actually does*

I wouldn't be surprised if he debuts a few month from now because he really isn't charismatic or witty or anything on the mic.

On another note I think he'll get lost in the tag division and then try being a singles wrestler and fail completely... Bateman was the clear favourite but didnt win probably because he injured himself (and possibly because WWE want bigger things than him ending up in the far from good tag division...).
Well he won the 4th season of NXT...

And they are probably waiting until after WrestleMania. That's the best time to build up superstars. He's not going to get his shot AT Mania. And most likely not even before it, seeing as how R-Truth will probably be on the card somewhere.
What I don't understand is why out of the 6 people in season 4, 4 of them are already back on WWE TV, and the winner isn't one of them. I don't know why they gave him the win if he wasn't going to TV like everyone else. NXT is dying, surely there is another way to keep the paying networks happy then to drag all of your developmental talent through the mud.
The reason he, Awesome Kong and, I would assume, Sin Cara haven't shown up yet is because it's WrestleMania season. This is more about a time to build up the current programmes going into the big show rather than a time to be debuting wrestlers. Curtis also doesn't really have the same uses as Clay. Clay's a big guy and his mentor is a rich, elitist heel. It's only natural that Clay would be hired by Del Rio into a bodyguard like position. Curtis will show up, he'll get his shot with Truth, just after Mania.

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