john morrison vs shelton benjamin ?


Pre-Show Stalwart
when i watched superstars last night i remembered shelton distracted jomo for y2j to win so what im trying to say is that is the benjamin vs morrison the best mid card rivalry of the year ? i think so i think it will be a great feud and to see who deserves the push more
Actually thats what SD needs a make the mid cards have a feud this wont only make them look good and develop them but also it will hopefully bring back prestige to the IC belt .
Yes, this is the match I've been waiting for since MitB at WM24, when JoMo did that crazy spot with the ladder, taking everyone out. Hell, my current dream match is Morrison vs. Benjamin in a ladder match to become the # 1 contenders for the WHC, could you imagine all the the sick spots and great action these 2 young stars could produce!
Oh I hope so. In the thread a few back about My Summerslam Card, I had those two on it possibly battling it out for a #1 contendership for the IC belt. Maybe I was right? I also had Rey against Jericho for the belt as well and I just saw that Jericho has requested to work a feud with Rey. Maybe I am psychic.

I would love to see Morrison get a push. He is so gifted and talented that he needs to get more run. I think that the WWE is not using him to his full potential. I also know that they are being careful as well. If you recall, they pushed Shelton Benjamin a few years ago as well and that fizzled out. Benjamin went against HHH for a few Raw shows and held his own.
It was very clever booking by WWE by having John Morrison hold his own against Chris Jericho, a former world champion, only to be distracted by Shelton Benjamin and then lose. That way Jericho gets a heel victory and John Morrison still gets the rub. Placing him into a feud with Shelton Benjamin would be great for both of them, and with Rey Mysterio and Jericho both being former world champions that are hugely over as faces and heels respectively, I see a triple threat, fatal fourway or a heel vs face match in the horizon depending on who wins their respective feuds.
Wow, I just noticed I'm quoted in the above sig haha. Was a bit of a shock.

Right now WWE had been focusing madly on the main event, thats why we have so many main event talent and the same old matches for the titles. PPV's have been full of main eventers facing each other even if they're nowhere near the main event too!

You may have noticed, a PPV these days may kick off with an ECW Title match. Or two top guys feuding with each other who could easily be placed in main tier title matches.

Thus, the midcard has completely died. Thats why I'm so happy about this feud. Morrison and Benjamin are arguably the WWE's greatest two athletes. They may not have undisputed mic or entertainment skills, but on pure wrestling alone these two excel.

This really could be what the midcard needs, cause right now WWE have been offering a product which has been a clusterfuck of the biggest well known superstars alone but never the arguably harder working minority (unless you're a comedic jobber, thats an exception, you'll find your way on shows).
This could be a good feud if it is done right, but right now it seems kind of random. First of all I'm not entirely sure which one of these guys is the face and which is the heel. I was under the assumption that both were heels, so that is the first problem. The second problem I have is that there was really no reason for this feud to start. Nothing happened between the two that would make them want to feud with each other and there's no title involved so it just seems like they were thrown together with really no direction. These guys will put on some great matches but no one will care that much if there is no story involved.
This could be a good feud if it is done right, but right now it seems kind of random. First of all I'm not entirely sure which one of these guys is the face and which is the heel. I was under the assumption that both were heels, so that is the first problem. The second problem I have is that there was really no reason for this feud to start. Nothing happened between the two that would make them want to feud with each other and there's no title involved so it just seems like they were thrown together with really no direction. These guys will put on some great matches but no one will care that much if there is no story involved.

Totally agree with you about the great matches.

Dunno if you saw last Smackdown but that pretty much confirmed a Morrison face turn. He got in the face of Jericho and beat Benjamin one on one earlier in the night.

So it was revenge for Shelton Benjamin on Superstars when he distracted John in the Morrison/Jericho match.
This is exactly the type of feud that the mid card needs right now. I am a big fan of both of these men's atleticism and really think they could really do something with the horrible mid card. The only problem is that I have a feeling that if this fued goes on for a while, John Morrison will probably get the best out of it.
JoMo and ShelBeN? Sick match with alot of excitement. I love mid-card feuds. Kane/Matt Hardy, John Cena/Big show (of 04), ShelBen/MVP, RVD/Eddie Guerrero. All classic feuds.

Shelton's my current favorite wrestler, so I'd love to see him get that top spot, along with MVP and JoMo.
that will steal the show at Judgment Day and give a wake up call to the WWE to mix it up a little bit. WWE is starting to get their heads out of their rear end and starting those mid-tier guys a chance to prove they belong in the ME instead of the same old garbage month after month.
I've always wanted to see these two face off in a ladder match. I think they are the two most atheleticly gifted guys in WWE, both of whom have been held back from the spotlight for long enough. I thought having Morrison team with Miz was a waste of time honestly. But yeah if WWE does it right, this could be a great feud. Hopefully, they arent gonna burry Shelton...again. It should be like a MVP/Matt Hardy feud like a whose better type of thing. That woudl be better and it would set them up for not only a feud, but a rivarly that can last for some years
I would love to see one of these guys to pick up the I-C belt in the midst of their feud. Because neither Rey Mysterio or Chris Jericho need the I-C belt to get over.

Say if Jericho was to beat Rey at Judgement Day for the I-C belt. I'd have Morrison beat him for it the following Friday on Smackdown. Then he and Shelton can feud for the belt.

They same thing if Rey was to beat Jericho. Rey supposedly has an open contract with anybody if they wanna challenge for the belt. Have Shelton challenge him for it on Smackdown and win. He and Morrison pick up right where they left off.

You can also have a 3 or 4 way feud for the title. With Rey, Jericho, Morrison, and Shelton all vying for it would definitely give it more prestige.

Apparently, Stephanie McMahon is looking at the young guys to step up their games and get pushes. This is the perfect time for them to do it, with Cena, HHH, HBK, and Undertaker all on hiatus.
Did I miss something, how did this feud start? Shelton's music just randomly plays to distract Morrison for seemingly no reason, anyway these 2 should have great matches if given the chance and they're given more than 4-5 mins to work with unlike the MVP-Shelton series.

I think one of these guys should be IC Champion, this would be a perfect feud for that title, Rey & Jericho is a main event level programme without needing any title.
Did I miss something, how did this feud start? Shelton's music just randomly plays to distract Morrison for seemingly no reason, anyway these 2 should have great matches if given the chance and they're given more than 4-5 mins to work with unlike the MVP-Shelton series.

I think one of these guys should be IC Champion, this would be a perfect feud for that title, Rey & Jericho is a main event level programme without needing any title.

It started when Morrison beat Shelton last week on Smackdown.

I totally agree with you that one of these guys should be IC Champ.
Wow I must be the only one disappointed with this feud. Well, the timing of it anyway. I tuned into smackdown this week eager to see what would happen between John Morrison and Chris Jericho and I find out they had some match on superstars which I don't even watch and that's the end of that and the majority of the crowd are supposed to accept Morrison as a face. Not good enough I don't think, there was so much potential in that confrontation and Morrison could have faced Jericho at Judgement Day after a little build up and THEN Shelton Benjamin costs him the match or even have him BEAT jericho with a roll up or something. Now we have a pointless feud that no one will remember and Morrison unfortunately is gonna keep getting lukewarm reactions as beating Shelton Benjamin doesn't really do all that much for him right now. Shelton could have had a nice series with Mysterio as well and then we could've had our IC title feud and ladder matches between the friday night delight and the gold standard. At least Rey v Jericho will be good and erm Orton Batista....
if theses two can get their acts together and get can also get pushed, these two could be main eventers in the next year. i think i speak for a lot of people when i say we've been waiting quite a while to see these two come up and shelton would greatly help morrison just like morrison would do for shelton.

the various skills each one has. hell have it for the ic title for now or the near future then in a year or so have it for number one contender. i may be going out on a limb here, but if these two can pull this off and each reach main event status, we could have an epic rivalry in the making. god i hope wwe doesn't drop the ball here.
when i watched superstars last night i remembered shelton distracted jomo for y2j to win so what im trying to say is that is the benjamin vs morrison the best mid card rivalry of the year ? i think so i think it will be a great feud and to see who deserves the push more

Well, I can't say for certain if this is the mid card rivalry of the year yet as the rivalry had really just started. But the rivalry has the potential to be awesome as their styles in the ring are top notch and both van put on a heck of a match with each other and cut awesome promos.

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