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John Morrison to SmackDown!

Joker ' Ferreira

Next Cristiano Ronaldo (w/ brains)
woow, this one surprised me.

I didn't expect a wrestler with the caliber of John Morrison to be drafted on a suplementar draft but I guess I was wrong.

Good pick for SmackDown! and for him it's a great move, hope he gets the push he deserves.

Best chance for him to break out into the main event scene. We could have some spectacular feuds come from this. Morrison/Hardy? Morrison/Jericho? Morrison/Shelton? I'm game for another Morrison/Punk even.
Finally one I care about! I hope Morrison will be pushed to the moon. The best wrestler in the WWE.
Nice, hopefully he'll get some decent exposure now ;) Well, one turn provided... Jericho/Morrison anyone?!

Considering the star power on SD in terms of absolute A-list Main Eventers has been drastically reduced anyway, this may finally be the time for him to break into the ME... I guess with Rey, Edge and Jericho around, this could make for some pretty interesting feuds... depends on who stays heel/face and who turns (or not, heh)...
No, no, no, no, NO!

I fail to understand why they'd do this to Morrison, Smackdown is the one place I didn't want him to go. I don't think he'll see gold on this show. On Raw, he could have had the feud with HBK we've all been talking about. SD he could have Jericho, except I'm sure he'll be busy with Edge so it won't work.
While its unfortunate that we won't get Cena/Morrison or HBK to pass the torch to Morrison in a true feud, we still get Morrison/Undertaker and many other good options.

Morrison would be lost on Raw after all they're doing. You know HHH will want to be the focus, and then if you're trying to share that spotlight with Cena, Batista, HBK, MVP, and Kennedy, there's no real room for Morrison, especially when you've got Kofi, Miz, Matt Hardy, Carlito, and Primo there. They'd end up just tagging him back up with Miz and not letting them be singles stars. At least on Smackdown, Morrison gets to be the top guy in the midcard at the very least, and has the potential to be their #3 main event heel (behind Jericho and Edge). Shares that position with Shelton and Umaga as potentials. I like Smackdown's lineup much more than what Raw's giving us, especially for Morrison's chances to have good feuds. HHH/Morrison and Batista/Morrison would be terrible.
Man, Smackdown really did win with this draft. They literally have all my favorites. And no HHH. The problem is... I don't get the fucking channel it comes on, unless I want to watch it in unbearable static. That's why coming into this ******ed draft I was hoping for all my favorites to end up on Raw and/or ECW, and everything went the exact opposite. LAME.

Anyway, let me say something about Morrison. Dude's awesome. Fuck what Jake has to say on the matter. I would love for him to get pushed into a program with 'Taker sometime in the near future. I think those two could work really well together and that 'Taker could elevate Morrison to the next level. Also, Morrison vs. Rey would be absolutely fantastic as well. He should do some very nice things on the show if given the chance.
Very Nice! Great Success!

Morrison deserves to be on a better brand than ECW, and Im glad he made it to SD as opposed to Raw. I really think he'll shine more in the thinner roster, and this is really his chance to rise to the top. He can take over RAW later, but for now, I'm glad to see him on Friday nights. Maybe feud with Mysterio or Kane (is Kane face? They turn him too much for me to remember.) He's got plenty of options and should be one of the best parts of Friday nights from now on.

It makes sense they would move at least one or two big names in the supplemental draft so that fans wouldn't write it off absolutely and completely. Traffic to the website is always a good thing.
Good move for Morrison. Smackdown is devoid of A level faces on the show, aside from teh Undertaker, and this gives him a great chance to develop. There are only two dominant heels on Smackdown, in Jericho and Edge, and one major face. Smackdown is simply perfect for someone to begin a push to the main event. If Morrison can't go over with feuding wtih guys like Jericho, Edge, CM Punk again, or the Undertaker, hell even Jeff Hardy, then the guy isn't going to do it anywhere.
It's about time!!!!

Morrison is awesome and he shouldn't have been stuck on ecw as long as he was. I was upset when Miz got drafted on raw and Morrison didn't, but now it looks like Morrison definately got a better deal than his former partner did. Look at how stacked Raw is now compared to smackdown.

I look forward to some good title reigns for this guy.

There is a god afterall...

I've been praying for this for weeks, and was seriously worried that he may be stuck on ECW for yet another year. This is, by far, my favorite move (of the supplemental draft) and I marked when I saw it.

This is probably going to be the best chance at the main event that Morrison is ever going to get. With HHH, Cena, Batista, and the rest of the titans on Raw, there isn't much to hold him down. This could be the start of the Morrison push we've been waiting for.
There is a god afterall...

I've been praying for this for weeks, and was seriously worried that he may be stuck on ECW for yet another year. This is, by far, my favorite move (of the supplemental draft) and I marked when I saw it.

This is probably going to be the best chance at the main event that Morrison is ever going to get. With HHH, Cena, Batista, and the rest of the titans on Raw, there isn't much to hold him down. This could be the start of the Morrison push we've been waiting for.

Morrison has been decerated with Gold, he is a former tag team, intercontinental and ECW champion, I think the move to smackdown will give him a way to step up to the plate and move to main event just like the sucess story of CM Punk i see Morrison becoming a main stay on smackdown as long as he stays clean and injury free the guy will be pushed to the moon and i for one will be happy for him, he is one of the best heels the company has at the moment as long as Michael Hayes gives the guy enough tv time i see him increasing his resume
I might even make a thread on this, but is it just me or is Smackdown looking a LOT more interesting than what Raw is?

Easily the best move of the entire draft. I predicted it last year, and it didn't happen. I predicted it again this year, and it finally happened. Edge will take some time off this year, because the guy has worked his ass off. Either him or Jericho will take a few months off. But this is Morrison's chance to breakout as a main eventer. It's now or never. The Undertaker vs John Morrison is a feud I really want to see. But, I think Morrison should turn face this year. Last night on ECW, he didn't even get much heat against Evan Bourne. Evan fucking Bourne!

Make it happen WWE. Push Jo Mo to the moon this year, as a babyface. Edge and Jericho would be more than willing to put him over, plus there's still that option of a face vs face match against the Undertaker. John Morrison vs Edge, Jericho, CM Punk (again because I loved it so much), Jeff Hardy, Undertaker are like dream matches to me. And no, I'm not one of those guys that thinks the Miz sucks, because I like him too. But Morrison is very talented and while I think Miz got the raw end of the deal, literally, I think Morrison has a brilliant chance here. Himself and CM Punk can both become World Heavyweight Champions this year. This is fucking brilliant. Smackdown > Raw. Not because of name power, but because of the better upper mid-carders that are hopefully going to be pushed to the moon this year.

And as I've said before, watching Morrison and Punk in the main event is far more interesting than anything Raw is going to give us this year. Randy Orton vs Triple H - Round 102, oh... awesome.

Very good move from the WWE here.
I believe this will be the beginning of Morrison's face turn. Smackdown has Edge and Jericho as their two heels and Morrison is awful in that aspect. He still has a lot of work to do before going to the main-event and that's where I believe the Undertaker comes in. If Umaga isn't healthy, I can see a short Morrison/Taker feud where Undertaker tries to do for Morrison as he tried to do for Mr. Kennedy.
This was only done, because John Morrison as a singles wrestler, is too big for ECW. On Smackdown, he'll be good as a face, which we all see coming, especially after Miz took him out. He'll have a good set of feuds awaiting him also. He can have it out with Jericho or Edge, and it will all be new. If they give him a mid-card title, then him and Melina can take their relationship on-screen, and be the new "power" couple on Friday nights.

This is one of the most predictable moves of the draft, but it's one of the best.
John Morrison WILL be the breakout star of 2009. He is going to absolutely FLOURISH on Smackdown. The roster on the show compliments his style. He is LONG overdue for a singles push, and I believe we are right at the start of it. Just this week, he has beaten Evan Bourne and R-Truth. I think the WWE is behind him, because he has paid his dues, gotten over multiple times, and has on of the most unique styles the WWE has seen in years.

I'm only bitter Smackdown isn't shown in my city. I'll follow his career as close as I can, as he is a Superstar I'm really behind.
Good for Morrison. I'm not a big fan or anything. But he's got a good look, can somewhat wrestle when he's not being spotty and has charisma. He was always the brighter star between him and Miz. The HBK comparisons are ridiculous at this point in time, he hasn't proved shit to be considered the "next HBK". The ball is in his hands now, it's time to run with it. SD! doesn't have alot of top heels, so there's an opening for him to breakthrough. If he's as good as many say he is, hopefully he'll prove it too me and WWE.
I believe this will be the beginning of Morrison's face turn. Smackdown has Edge and Jericho as their two heels and Morrison is awful in that aspect. He still has a lot of work to do before going to the main-event and that's where I believe the Undertaker comes in. If Umaga isn't healthy, I can see a short Morrison/Taker feud where Undertaker tries to do for Morrison as he tried to do for Mr. Kennedy.

What a great move a Taker/Morrison feud would be? It would push Morrison so incredibly and would really help to cement him as a top heel on SD. They could really play on the contrasts of the two characters. Its a good move all around and gives Taker a real potential star to help put over on his way out. I'm not saying it should be his retiring feud, but it would definitely be an entertaining one on the back end of his career. It would bring a fresh feud to the forefront right after the draft, which would succeed in what the draft's purpose is, and these two are both good wrestlers and good matches would come. You could even have their blowoff match feature whichever heel you plan on putting Taker against at Summerslam or Survivor Series. It could be the lead in to his retirement feud.

This would be great success. Let's hope we're not the only ones who think so.
Tremendous stuff. With Smackdown being a little bit heavy on the heels, Morrison has a good chance to turn face or at least tweener and get in feuds with Edge, Jericho, and Punk (who I can only assume has to turn heel this time). Or possibly, as others have said, a feud as a heel with Taker, although in my humble opinion that slot should go to Umaga.

The Morrison main event push starts NOW, people. Can you wait?
The Morrison main event push starts NOW, people. Can you wait?

I'm on the edge of my seat with anticipation, honestly. He's so unique in the ring, that I can't wait to see what he can do when he's given storylines and angles. I think the crowd will be behind him, either way. I remember at a PPV a few years back, he was facing Jeff Hardy for the IC title. The crowd actually started to turn on Jeff, and was chanting for Nitro. And Jeff is a face of the company now.
If Morrison doesn't turn face, a heel stable can be like a heel manager. With Curt Hawkins and Jesse both losing their tag team partners, they will probably be realeased. Jesse is the real son of Terry Gordy so why doesn't he reaveal himself as Jesse Gordy. They could then team up with Layla (or Alicia Fox) as The New Fabulous Freebirds. Morrison is like hayes who called himself Purely Sexy and Morrison calls himself the Shaman of Sexy. This could push Morrison and the others in the group but will mostly get Morrison over. Layla is already heel so I would use her. I decided the group as they are 'Freebirds' meaning they've all lost their partners in the draft. If Morrison wants too get over as a heel, this could be a good idea
while miz is getting exposure this year on raw, whether he's getting beat down or some surprise wins, morrison will get his push and hopefully make a run for the title there, and perhaps next year, they switch up brands and build miz up that way as well.

morrison has a ton of potential and even though i wanted him on raw, i understand now why hes on smackdown. hope he really can be built up and be like the new hbk and maybe he can feud with michaels before he retires.

morrison vs rey, then taker, jericho, and finally edge, hell even punk it should be a good year for the shaman of sexy

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