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John Morrison, The Blind Master


Getting Noticed By Management
Last night they played up the damage to Jomo's eyes. This Sunday he is in the hellacious Elimination Chamber in which you have people thrown through the (plexi)glass chambers. So what if they decide to blind him
Ok now I know most people see a blinding storyline and groan as they inevitably end up in a horrible match between the blindee and the blinder that is a sad game of Marco Polo and whats worse its on a PPV 9 out of 10 times

But how about this for a situation. Jomo comes out on Raw the next night and says he is blind and he does not know if he will ever see again. He has a ninja like bandana around his eyes.
Then Nexus music hits and out comes Outunga who proceeds to mock him and say he will put John out of his misery and take him out for good. Then out of nowhere Morrison hits a leg sweep, followed by a flying chuck
Morrison says "I may have lst my eyes but I can "see" just fine"

Next week JoMo explains that the guru of Greatness is not just about his good looks but also his skills. While one sense may be gone his other sense are honly tuned enough that he can still fight

What do you think
A Storyline who might be interesting for a month or two
The ramblings of a deranged madman
Or something else
Its a unique idea, I kinda like it, but honestly I just see it as JoMo being injured, and then in the chamber jomo finds a way to eliminate punk overcoming the odds (hence his "I hope your watching Punk" line, this will make the fans love JoMo even more, plus it allows him to solidify himself as a main event face that can overcome the odds even more so, and then it can provide a mini feud with the nexus and allow them to interfere in each others matches, and other things, which will help JoMo a lot heading into mania, obviously itll be rko vs punk but it will set up JoMo more for the biggest ppv of the year, which allows his match to be a major feature on the card...this was a good way for WWE to push him and get him over with the fans
That sounds like it would make for a great action movie from the 80's a la Bloodsport, but if you attempt to maintain kayfabe, does that mean that John Morrison has to pretend to be legally blind in public? Bear in mind, Serena was fired for drinking in public because it didn't mesh with her straight-edge character. On second thought, it could work. I love b-movies.
Last night they played up the damage to Jomo's eyes. This Sunday he is in the hellacious Elimination Chamber in which you have people thrown through the (plexi)glass chambers. So what if they decide to blind him
Ok now I know most people see a blinding storyline and groan as they inevitably end up in a horrible match between the blindee and the blinder that is a sad game of Marco Polo and whats worse its on a PPV 9 out of 10 times

But how about this for a situation. Jomo comes out on Raw the next night and says he is blind and he does not know if he will ever see again. He has a ninja like bandana around his eyes.
Then Nexus music hits and out comes Outunga who proceeds to mock him and say he will put John out of his misery and take him out for good. Then out of nowhere Morrison hits a leg sweep, followed by a flying chuck
Morrison says "I may have lst my eyes but I can "see" just fine"

Next week JoMo explains that the guru of Greatness is not just about his good looks but also his skills. While one sense may be gone his other sense are honly tuned enough that he can still fight

What do you think
A Storyline who might be interesting for a month or two
The ramblings of a deranged madman
Or something else

UMMMMM...ok, I totally don't "see" this happening(pun intended). Obviously, a blind man is not gonna beat up a group of tough, strong men...nice reach, but just asking us to believe a bit too much!!! And that would start a Morrison/Punk fued heading into Mania, and we already have a Punk/Orton fued going.
:lmao: And People say TNA copies WWE? :banghead: Look as much as it would be an "unique idea" for a storyline for John Morrison, i think creative will fuck this one up and you will end up in a blindfolded match à la James Storms/ Chris "Branden Walker" Harris in 2007. So i say no.
Last night they played up the damage to Jomo's eyes. This Sunday he is in the hellacious Elimination Chamber in which you have people thrown through the (plexi)glass chambers. So what if they decide to blind him
Ok now I know most people see a blinding storyline and groan as they inevitably end up in a horrible match between the blindee and the blinder that is a sad game of Marco Polo and whats worse its on a PPV 9 out of 10 times

But how about this for a situation. Jomo comes out on Raw the next night and says he is blind and he does not know if he will ever see again. He has a ninja like bandana around his eyes.
Then Nexus music hits and out comes Outunga who proceeds to mock him and say he will put John out of his misery and take him out for good. Then out of nowhere Morrison hits a leg sweep, followed by a flying chuck
Morrison says "I may have lst my eyes but I can "see" just fine"

Next week JoMo explains that the guru of Greatness is not just about his good looks but also his skills. While one sense may be gone his other sense are honly tuned enough that he can still fight

What do you think
A Storyline who might be interesting for a month or two
The ramblings of a deranged madman
Or something else

Lol. This ain't the Karate kid, nobody is gonna buy Morrison 'using the force' to sense his opponents. Plus there's the blindfold which will cause him to botch, ruining the angle and potentially hurting someone. Simply put, it's not gonna work.

But anyway, I gotta praise your idea on one thing: It made me laugh :lmao:
The eye make up had nothing to do with a blind angle. They are just trying to give JoMo bad ass attitude or ruff look, have him get away from the pretty boy look. JoMo don't need a cartoon or superhero gimmick, he has talent in the ring, he just need a attitude.
Put it this way: if there were anybody on the roster that actually could take this gimmick idea and make it work, it would be John Morrison. His current persona would actually fit this very nicely. Really, I wouldn't see anything wrong with them playing with this idea temporarily. He'd "fight blind" for a while (more than likely having to adjust his fighting style to account for this) and have a miraculous recovery of his sight later on.

That being said, I doubt if the WWE wants to go through the time and effort to arrange this, particularly with the extra effort that would be needed to make it work in matches. Not a bad idea, though.
well youre wrong plain and simple. the wwe (well wwf) did the blindfold match first with jake the snake roberts vs rick martel at wrestlemania 7

Oups Sorry, i didn't know that. But except for that mistake, i hope you know what i meant. It looks like a good idea on paper to give that angle to Morrison ,but i feel the creative team will make it similar to what happened with The America's Most Wanted split in Tna in 2007:disappointed: and a blindfold match between Morrison and whoever is his opponent will be just as bad.
Lol. This ain't the Karate kid, nobody is gonna buy Morrison 'using the force' to sense his opponents. Plus there's the blindfold which will cause him to botch, ruining the angle and potentially hurting someone. Simply put, it's not gonna work.

But anyway, I gotta praise your idea on one thing: It made me laugh :lmao:

They have things you can see out of but people can't see into. Have you never seen those halloween mask?

I wouldn't mind seeing this happen. Maybe just have him say he will only be blind for a few months so we know he will get better. As long as he kinda slows down some. He can't be going full speed. I think him and cm punk could put together a few matches and have this work. The only problem I see is just when would they have time to play everything out. Maybe only have him blind for a few weeks. CM Punk beats him down one week, the next week they set up a match, then on the third week the match takes place with Orton costing CM Punk the match. That way it still build Punk/Orton and we can still have time to build something for jomo at wm. Even if it is MITB.
I too thought that the idea was quite funny yet clever. The problem is as cool as it would look it wouldn't work for the reasons that have already been outlined.

As far as the blind angle is going I think they've done a good job writing JoMo's elimination in the chamber match very well - to the point where he wont lose any steam. I think somewhere in the match they'll play on his eyes issue - perhaps salt or something and have him eliminated the cheap/cheat way. This way he loses no steam.

He'll clearly be in the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania and he'll probably win it. Though if the WWE were smart they'd book him throughout 2011 as getting closer and closer to the title yet keep him from it. Then come Royal Rumble next year he has everyone wanting him to get to the title - he wins the Rumble and then goes on to win the title at Wrestlemania.

When was the last time we got a really well done, long slow run to the championship? Jeff Hardy?
Look gang.....all the big boys like The Rock, Sting, Taker, Hogan, Flair.....found themselves in the early stages of their careers in a rut. And they all found that one storyline that shot them into stardom and added to the character. The thing they all do is captivate the audience. And was odd as this 'blind' storyline could be.....if they do it right, it could be really awesome. They've been setting this up for a while now. And if this gets done right, we could have ourselves the new front runner for the business. The has the looks, abilities, and charisma......all thats left is 'mystique' factor.
Maybe the way to go with an idea of this nature isn't to have him completely blind. Have his vision highly damaged to the point that he can only see clearly within a foot or two of his face making it very hard to track his opponents movements. That might work. Then you can still work the matches in the creative fashion outlined by the OP. This insures that he still looks like a fearless contender with the heart of a lion without having to take it too far outside the suspension of disbelief.

I would love to see any angle or storyline where he is pushed further and made to look even better. He is my favorite guy on Raw atm, and I am really really hoping to see a John Morrison title win at some point in the not too distant future.
The risk factor for a storyline/gimmick like this is too high for the WWE to pull this off (especially with jomo) So I can't see it happen.

I prefer the idea of the aggressive revengefull JoMo. Having him take on Nexus could be the storyline that puts him over, and there would be less risk involved. He wouldn't have to be a full blown heel, just not take anybody's shit.

Hell, at least you have an imagination. I don't really "see", pardon the pun, that happening. But, it is a unique idea to say the least. Something big is coming for JoMo. I think he is on the cusp of the Main Event.

I think he is one more feud or crazy match away from the big time. But, I still would argue that no matter what he does, no matter what gimmick he uses, or who he feuds with, he needs to change his finisher. I think if he finally grabs that believable, high impact finisher that grabs the crowd, he will move right into Main Event position.
To be taken seriously get rid of the pants. I think they are just to off from his supposed gimmick. Rockstar? I don't see rockstar anywear in him unless he was a couple decades ago. Ok with that out of the way why does he have to be completely blind? How about just partial blindness in one eye? It would hinder him yet allow him to defend himself. As for 'Mania plans put the man in the Money In the Bank match and he will DOMINATE everyone. He is like a gymnist spliced with a spider monkey's dna.

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