John Morrison has gone nowhere?

straightedge martyr

The Chosen One
Now don't get me wrong, i'm a huge John Morrison fan, but i find some humour in the fact that; after his supposed push and being labelled the "next HBK", he is exactly where he was last wrestlemania.

Feuding for the unified Tag Team Championships!

I know Jerishow and Dx were meant to bring prestige to the titles, and both miz and morrison are definately getting more of a reaction from the fans, but 1 year has passed and they're both back in the same match. I don't get it.

He was meant to be getting a push, he beat rey rey for the IC title, he had a world title shot against Hardy and beat Punk twice while he was champ. but he lost that title in a feud with a guy who came from nowhere and didn't even beat him one on one at all. the feud was sad to watch as a JoMo fan as he couldn't even pull 1 victory.

Now, he is being thrown together with a random partner and he is back in the same match as last year. a match that (in my opinion) they are sure to lose. i personally doubt he will be champs with truth, not after this big build miz is having. Miz losing legit to edge and losing the titles he won only a month ago doesn't scream world champion.

I know people are going to respond with comments like, "he was IC champion for ages and the titles have more prestige now" and "this is all just part of his build" but i just wondered if anyone was thinking the same.

So let me know wht you think, has he done a circle or is he still steadily on his way to the fast lane.
WWE have faith in the guy, he wouldn't be in a match at Wrestlemania if they didn't, Jack Swagger wasn't at Wrestlemania last year and he was ECW champion.

I dunno where they're going with this maybe it's to keep Morrison busy while they try and find something for him to do, perhaps after the draft he may go back to singles competition.
John Morrison's push I guess was "MCINTYRED" meaning his push was use for another newcomer to make the newcomer in some way look good at the expense of a superstar who was supposed to be pushed to the moon. :D

Just give it time, eventually morrison is gonna win the big one because the 3 major main eventers are already at their 40's and the core of cena, orton, punk, edge, jericho need someone else to feud w/ to not make the ME stale. But I believe if he was not booked to win the IC title from rey mysterio he could have gone on w/ a feud against cm punk for the WHC.
John Morrison has made a lot of steady progress over the past year. It's only been within the past several months that he'd only started getting decent pops from the crowd. Now, whenever he comes out, the crowds pretty damn loud for him. Morrison helpd restore a lot of credibility to the IC championship, so putting him in line for the tag titles isn't a bad thing. The WWE has made some real progress post WM 25 in building up its mid-card and mid-card title scenes and Morrison played a big part in that. His involvement in the tag title scene can only serve to do the same thing.

I have a feeling Morrison's time will come. The WWE put out a DVD of the guy recently and they wouldn't do that if they weren't high on him.
Although they're both in the tag team title mix again this year, it doesn't mean they're going no where. I would say this years tag match is much more high profile because of how much these two have progressed in the past year. Hell, last year the match didn't even make it on television but instead ended up being a dark match.

I think the WWE is trying to push these guys right. They're not ready for the world title quite yet, so they don't want them making the MITB match and then not win it because that will make them lose momentum and credibility. Instead they want to give these guys a chance to showcase their abilities on the biggest stage of them all. I think this is gonna be one of the best matches of the night, and the only thing dragging it down at this point is the Big Show. Even with his slow ass in there, it's still probably gonna be a lot better than Cena/Batista and HHH/Sheamus.
You know, I have no problem with seeing a slow, gradual push. There's no reason to think or complain about John Morrison going nowhere. He's fine... even though he's in a Tag Title match at Wrestlemania. Remember, HE HAS A SPOT ON THE CARD, A HIGH-PROFILE ONE, A TITLE MATCH... AND HE IS A BIG STAPLE ON THE SMACKDOWN BRAND. He's fine.

While, it seems that John Morrison's push should have already happened... you have to be patient. You can't push someone to the top too fast, because more times than none... it will result in a failure.
Morrison is just waiting for that big angle that's going to get him over fully, and that will lead to his first world title. There haven't been very many guys that have worked up through the midcard and broke into the main event over the years, but Morrison seems to on of them. He's exciting in the ring, he can connect with the crowd, even his mic skills have improved since he debuted. He's just missing that one something, that one match or that one feud thats going to give him that last little push. I was giving him good odds to win money in the bank this year, but it seems things are going to happen differently. He'll get it by the end of the year, as a heel though. I've always liked when midcard faces finally break through only to turn heel right after, much like The Rock did at the end of '98. Just give it a little more time and it will happen, they're just keeping him busy until they decide what they want to do.
Morrison will eventually be in the main event some where in the near future. I have a feeling him and Miz will be fighting over the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship, and this will be a main event feud. As of now he's in a tag team with R-Truth, and they're are challenging Big Show, and Miz for the titles at Wrestlemania. If you ask me, that's a lot better than being in MITB because I think he's got a better chance at winning the titles than he does at winning the briefcase.

WWE just put out a DVD on him, so obviously they see something in the guy. His time will come. We just have to be patient because Morrison has a very bright future.
I also think that Morrison is doing fine right now. Sure many of us thought he would be in MITB but I'm not sure if he would've won that match as I'm pretty sure Christian is in line to win it. Teaming with R-Truth for the tag team titles at Wrestlemania isn't the worst thing in the world. At least they're both on the card (of course, assuming WWE doesn't make it a dark match like they did last year).

This actually would benefit not only Morrison but Truth as well in the long run, IMO. When you take a look at the SD roster, the only top faces are Undertaker and Edge (I'm assuming he's a face and not a tweener). I've heard rumors of both of them taking time off by summer so winning the tag team gold could do wonders for both Morrison and Truth as doing so will give them credibility and establish them as SD's top dogs by the time Edge and 'Taker leave (assuming the rumors are true).

SD is in severe need of babyface maineventers and this is probably the best way to build up Morrison until he is ready to become world champion. Just give it time. As the old saying goes, "Rome wasn't built overnight." In a few months, Morrision will be taken much more seriously as a world title contender than he is now and may even win the belt within the year.
He's not in the same place he was last year though. Last year it was Morrison & Miz (rather over team of two guys from ECW who for some reason were appearing on all 3 shows) VS The Colons, who only won the match so that Morrison & Miz could be promoted to bigger and better things. Miz went to Raw for a feud with Cena, a great US title run, and is now going to defend the belts he lost the chance at winning a year ago. Morrison went to Smackdown, turned face, had an endless list of great matches, the best IC title reign in years, and is on the way to main eventing in the future.

Morrison is a far bigger star today than he was in April of 2009. For one thing, he's teaming with R-Truth AGAINST Miz, rather than teaming WITH the Miz like he was a year ago. So, essentially, he's NOT exactly where he was a year ago. Both Miz and Morrison are on their way towards main eventing now, compared to last year when they were still an ECW team.

Morrison has not "done a circle" or gone nowhere, because he is a lot closer to the top now than he was last year. He just happens to be in a similar match, which hopefully will actually air this year for those who are watching at home on tv.
You guys are so impatient. The WWE are in a mode right now where they are creating new stars, not just new champions. HHH, Taker, HBK, etc. are getting old and the WWE needs new stars, which means, they need people who can create long term interest in themselves.

The best way for JoMo or Kofi to create long term interest is to gradually push them. If you rocket them to the top, the second they lose the top title, people lose interest. They see them as a short term star that has fizzled. If you continually, and gradually elevate them, they gain new fans with each push, and eventually, when it is time for them to win it all, the feeling of it being due makes the crowd explode and gives them their signature moment. Remember when Jeff finally won - The place exploded and it established him. He never lost his pop. Sheamus, on the other hand, was getting huge heat as champion, but it is starting to fade. They didn't spend enough time making people hate him, so he will need to be re-established.
He may be in the same match, but he's in a different situation. Instead of a tag team wrestler, he's a singles wrestler thrown into a random tag team match. Much different. It actually means that Morrison has risen on the card.

As for him not main eventing yet or any of that, I don't think he should be doing that at this point, or ever for that matter. Have you seen a Morrison promo recently? It's just terrible. It's difficult to watch. I suppose he'd be better off as a heel, but his moveset lends itself more to being a face. It's a sticky situation.
While he should be in the MitB match, at least he's on the card. And this one will be televised, and R-Truth will be the one pinned. It will elevate the Miz vs. Morrison feud, while making neither look weak. R Truth will look as if he's going to win, and Big Show will punch him, and Miz will pin him. Simple as that. But he's in a better place than last year. Last year he was in the Mania dark match jobbing to the Colons. Now he's in the final 3 in the WHC EC match, he competed for the WHC against Jeff and looked very good in the match, and he won the IC title. Last year he was on ECW, losing to Matt Hardy and Finlay. He'll be fine.
Well....what the fuck else would you have him doing? taking high spots in MITB? Shit, he and Truth may even fuck around and WIN the tag titles, and then be available for both shows. He is in the highest spot he really can be as of now. He had his first taste of the ME, and is now in a title match at WM, instead of, y'know, not being on the show. Like last year. Last time I checked "on the show in a high profile feud" is not the same as "not on the show"

He isn't ready to be anywere else. They put him in the ME, he got zero reaction, for anything WHILE being booked to look equal to Taker and Jericho. Shit, they probably put him with R-Truth so he could mooch off of Truth's crowd reaciton. Now it will seem like the crowd is cheering Morrison, as well.

He is probably in a higher spot than he should be on this WM card, and in general. The Fanboys need to calm down.
Morrison is still working his way up right now. For a while there, he was fairly over with the crowd, and now he gets little to no reaction. He had his first taste of the main event in a match with guys like Undertaker and Jericho, and he was made to look like he was giving them a run for their money and he still got nothing.

Sadly, R-Truth gets more of a reaction then Morrison, so the way I see it, they put the two together in hopes of getting Morrison back over with the crowd. I mean, what was the point of that whole ankle spot anyway a few weeks back? To give an excuse to not do as well?

Morrison's exactly where he should be right now, still working his way up the card. Personally I think his gimmick needs a little bit more refreshment or he needs to turn heel for a while to liven things up. Morrison's still a good in ring performer and someday he'll make it to the top. It's just not his time yet. And if he doesn't make it, then oh well, not everyone is destined to main event, no matter what look they have.
Now don't get me wrong, i'm a huge John Morrison fan, but i find some humour in the fact that; after his supposed push and being labelled the "next HBK", he is exactly where he was last wrestlemania.

Feuding for the unified Tag Team Championships!

I know Jerishow and Dx were meant to bring prestige to the titles, and both miz and morrison are definately getting more of a reaction from the fans, but 1 year has passed and they're both back in the same match. I don't get it.

He was meant to be getting a push, he beat rey rey for the IC title, he had a world title shot against Hardy and beat Punk twice while he was champ. but he lost that title in a feud with a guy who came from nowhere and didn't even beat him one on one at all. the feud was sad to watch as a JoMo fan as he couldn't even pull 1 victory.

Now, he is being thrown together with a random partner and he is back in the same match as last year. a match that (in my opinion) they are sure to lose. i personally doubt he will be champs with truth, not after this big build miz is having. Miz losing legit to edge and losing the titles he won only a month ago doesn't scream world champion.

I know people are going to respond with comments like, "he was IC champion for ages and the titles have more prestige now" and "this is all just part of his build" but i just wondered if anyone was thinking the same.

So let me know wht you think, has he done a circle or is he still steadily on his way to the fast lane.

I agree with the majority of posters in that I believe that the front office loves JoMo. He won the IC title against Rey in a ridiculously iconic match that should be looked upon as one of the greatest in the PG Era. My ma saw that match and she was instantly hooked on wrestling and JoMo. My ma! WTF?! a 50 year old woman who hates everything and everyone,fell in love with wrestling because of an electrifying and historic match featuring the face of the WWE for the next 20 years. He had his movie recently released and is now given the chance at the Unified Tag Team Championships. The feud with Drew McIntyre seems to be just John paying his dues to the company in the same way that MVP was put on that losing streak. Everyone has to lose and be able to bring up upcoming wrestlers. John is no different.

JoMo is getting a slow push that will catapult him to the Championship soon enough. I believe that Ron Killings and Jo Mo will win the championship at Wrestlemania. He'll probably feud with ShowMiz and some other tag teams but will eventually lose it, which will turn JoMo against Killings (Truth). I say this because there are rumors that he will turn heel soon and this scenario seems viable in my opinion. As a heel, JoMo will be put into the World Championship title scene where he'll stay and win multiple championships. Be patient my friend. JoMo is on the fast track to greatness.

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