John Morrison-2012 Return,When & Where?


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I've recently seen the Youtube video posted by John Morrison about his "interests" at the moment & it appears he's going to regroup & become 100% better than he ever was,for a return sometime in 2012,I mean,Jim Ross even thinks he'll be back with WWE in '12. The question is,when & where?

I honestly see him coming back the Raw after Elimination Chamber or a couple weeks after so he can feud with The Miz for taking him "out" & face Miz for a #1 Contenders Match for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 28,Morrison will be fully healed & re-fueled by then,he let his contract run out in November,without injury,three months should be just enough time for him to be ready.

I don't think WWE is done with him & will misuse a great talent like Morrison again,when he returns. Morrison was just in the wrong place at the wrong time,during the pushes of young great talent like Dolph Ziggler,Zack Ryder,Cody Rhodes,Wade Barrett,Daniel Bryan,Mason Ryan,& Ted Dibiase,he'll most likely be back in time for that huge Wrestlemania payday.

When he does WWE will give him a full push into a feud with Miz going into Wrestlemania.Hell,they can even make the #1 Contenders Match for WWE Title a triple threat match:John Morrison Vs The Miz Vs Dolph Ziggler,that would be a great match & a great way to push young talent into the main event picture
I can see Morrison coming back yeah , but not before maina. Yeah I see him getting in to a fued with Miz which makes sense as Miz ( took him out ) but I see him coming back if not just after maina maybe around time for summer slam. It would work better for Morrison to come back when Miz hs been built back up maybe have Miz compete for the WWE Title and Morrison interferes. Have here fued go on for about a month and have Morrison come of on top. Giving him a spring board to upper mid- card then to the mainevent where he belongs.
It will be late 2012, somewhere around HiaC, or Survivor Series.
That way, his leave wasn't a complete waste.
i wouldnt be surprised if it was the royal rumble next year that would give him loads of time to heal and regroup and to get better on the mic leading towards a miz fued at wrestlemania 29
I hope he comes back. I'm a big JoMo fan. He isn't great on the mic but his skills and athleticism are amazing. I would guess that over the summer, guess a surprise appearance at Summer Slam as a run in to set up his next potential feud. Maybe they continue the R-Truth/Miz feud and throw him in there as well
i really cant see him coming back anytime soon, not with some of the blogs and articles that have been on this and various other sites but i hope im wrong :)
I think I know when and where he's coming back. Raw, tonight. 1/2/12. The cryptic messages will be his. He's coming back to end it all
leave it until after mania debut on smackdown as a heel. not leaving it too late as i think hes 'firing' should be kept in his return angle and not forgotten
I could see him in a match at Mania 28 against Miz. It would make sense story line wise. I hope if he does come back they use him properly and push him to the high mid card/main event level, like Miz and Ziggler. Maybe turn heel and be really cocky, but that is kinda what Dolph is now doing, so maybe we could see a real cocky tag team in the future. Maybe call them the # HEELS ? They could kick ass in the tag division and run rough shot all over the WWE. I think this angle could be done with Ziggler and Rhodes, as well.
i think Jomo will be back around summerslam time!! To bring him back before EC is a little soon IMO!! I thought he was taking time off to regroup heal from injuries and to charge his batteries!! Summerslam time be the perfect time IMO!! He sucks on the mic but his skills are amazing indeed. He needs a tag team parnter though when he returns the tag division is non existant has been a long time!! Have him breathe life into it make it exciting again!
I am not a fan of morrison as an all around competitor, his mic work bores me to death actually. I however cannot deny his athleticism, but I have a feeling he would go the way of shelton benjamin where they keep trying to give him chances yet he still cant rise to the next level. Benjamin was a pure athlete to say the least and they just never found anything meaningful for him to do. He fits in nicely in ROH and maybe morrison would fare better there for a while. If he were to come back I say give it a full year. Let him do his thing and bring him back at next years rumble for a fresh start.
I think he'll be back before WrestleMania to feud with The Miz who'll be done with R Truth by then. He could even be a surprise entrant in the Rumble but I hope they hold off a little longer than that, I suspect he's already back under contract though.
I personally wouldn't be surprised if he made a return in the Royal Rumble to eliminate the Miz. If not then it will be around Summerslam when he returns. Obviously him and Miz are gonna have a big feud when he returns and hopefully lifting him into the main event scene. He has great charisma and has the ability to be one of the best on the mic. He also has potential to be phenominal in the ring if WWE didn't make him such a high flyer.

I really hope he returns because he was one of my favourite wrestles and someone that was actually talented!
This will never happen but here goes....
i liked it when morrrison was heel so id have a WM28 match between two of his former partners R-Truth vs The Miz and then run down for a post match beatdown on miz but then ally himself with miz and beat truth down or....

Have him come back the raw before wrestlemania and get him interjected into Truth and miz's WM match making it R-Truth vs The Miz vs JoMo #1 contenders match!
I could see Morrison coming back in late summer early fall to take on Miz. Punk has only so much of a run left in him. I assume Jericho will take the strap off of him briefly before winning it back. I think Miz will then take it off of Punk before losing it back to John Cena. After the feud in say September Miz will be left with nothing to do and Morrison makes a comeback.

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